Longest Search

  • Thread starter Thread starter ArmyAirborne82n
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Hey Guys/ladies , ive been searchin all over the net trying soo hard to find the stupid people who is causeing you all this world of SH!T.... ive been workin on it since 3:50 PM and its 3:30 AM and this is soo far i got... When i was in a Clan Server i interceppted a clan called [my-g0t]t0y and a [my-g0t]outkast... around well it was after 9/11 but few days after they all decided they wanted to get a "pirated version of half-life 2" and a member on there team said "it hasnt even realased a demo, your not going to get the game"... and they said "Well see". And as you look on the pictures of the desktop where it shows them with the code, theres a MIRC icon...... THATS [my-g0t]t0y.. .. you can visit these sites i have search for over 13 hrs.... i wasnt gonna let them win...



http://**.**.**.**/~dcoats/hl2_src.rar ( he shut his down i think b4 he got caught.)

Well Gabe and the rest of valve... i tried my hardest i could do..... 13hrs and feel like im going to throwup.. just dont feel good.. reading page after page of google and msn searches... i hope you get this and get rid of those guys... gosh they make me soo damn mad (please excuse my language sir/mam)

I was wondering if you all could contact me either on AOL or my home phone to tell me how things are goin.... just wannna help in anyway i can... 13 stright hrs.. i can do more if you would like... but i need sleep... heheehhe 16 yr olds need sleep.! lol im gonna take a little nap and start back up on this search...

Zachary Clark - i Have Already sent this to Valve! this morning at
4:30 AM

[LH-EDIT] - Erased the IP if he actually decides to put it up again.
im not going to stop looking for these a$$es i totally respect valve... i will not stop and these guys will get caught! Gabe.. i got your back on this search.. im startin back on my search right now! Take Care Man.. talk to ya soon!
Login_Here's removed the IP for good measure, but the first site is filtered out by our forum, and for a reason. Just a reminder, please no-one try to circumvent the filter.
good work with that. ***** doesn't like me i dont think. that's okay though. check out my website for more information: gtwy.hl2arena.com it has a play by play of all of the rumors from when they started till what the current buzz is. things change fast :-p. i hope valve can recover from this.
Good to see everyone tries to help. when they're caught i'd say death by crowbar would be an appropriete punnishment.
Valve Deserves the Respect of the community, they deserve the money that they get on this game.. They Deserve our thanks.. and The Deserve our HELP! and We Will Help.. even if i have to go for 13 hrs agian! I WILL.. I CANT STAND PEOPLE WHO DO THIS!!!! Gabe and the rest of valve... you all just work with us.. but take time to relax.. cause if not.. you all are gonna get sick! We the community will help all we CAN! ,
By the way thanks for that link man... ill try to go there
OMG! I got on "my g0ts" Intranet by playing with that filter workaround...

What should I do now? Snoop around? I copied this segment from one of the folders:

| worldcraft.rc
| worldcraftbar.cpp
| worldcraftbar.h
| worldcraft_mathlib.cpp
| worldcraft_mathlib.h

Should I do something or close it out? I think I'm closing this...

Where should I send the link for the site?
SHIT I closed it and can't get back. I have the link to the site - should I send it to valve, or has someone else already done that?

I was looking at a text file with a long list of that code stuff. My browser had a little Intranet icon in the lower bottom right box.

Weird. Did I find something? Or is this just me overreacting?
Well, Gabe should put on a blue suit with a big S on the front and call it quits..

Originally posted by ArmyAirborne82n
Hey Contact me on AIM : TheUSArmy82ndAir

It was your last link you listed up top - just cut off the /hl2 src.rar. And fill in the missing you-know-what in the **.**.** I can't get back on now though. I think that dude was chekcing to see if anyone would connect to it and I got lucky.

Forward that to valve!

EDIT -I Forwarded to HelpValve.

DAMM IT! I should have taken a screenshot!
I'm such a moron.
Explain what you saw and send the link to Valve. Do the same here, but dont post the link in public.
I Have alrdy sent Valve my message uptop... And Awaiting a Reply.. Vavle Deserves the respect.. dont you also think so? I Am a true valve fan.. No one will change that!
I entered that 3rd link up at the top of this thread into my address menu and when I hit enter, the little Internet Icon at the bottom right of my Browser turned into a IntrAnet Icon. It was just a blank web page with the hl2 src.rar file. So I clicked to open it (waited about 50 seconds) and then a LONG list of weird code stuff like I posted started filling up the browser.

Then I panicked and closed it - was slowing down my PC. I am at work right now - don't want the boss catching me goofing off! :D

EDIT - boss is gone. I'm searching through bit torrent sites now looking for more stuff. It's Friday, I need a break from this place anyway :)

That *****/TOY dude has GOT to be the guy. He posted tons of stuff yesterday on the Steampowered forums that only he would know.
http://ENTER HACKER CREEP NAME HERE.com/~dcoats/

That's where I was on, but it's down again


That's the file I was looking at. I guess that is the original source code? I'm glad I got this WinRar plug-in! Otherwise I would not have seen it.
Hi guys, Polish HL site www.halflife.pl has some interesting info - including some distrurbing screenshots. They state that several wrz groups are suspected (incl Rzr 1911 and FLC) but most likley it's *****
why is the one and only name covered up in ***** everywhere on the forum? would like to know what's it supposed to mean..
From halflife.pl:

"http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,4149,1307532,00.asp - this article from eWeek puts blame on MS IE for recent attack on Valve Software.

There is information that Hammer editor and model viever have been compiled and are available on the net. Below are several screenshots coming supposedley from beta, however there is strong suspicion that they may have been faked using some gfx program.

As for attack on Valve, several groups are suspected - Fairlight, Razor1911, JagISO, GAME and Immersion. However the most likley attacker is ******"

(HL2.net forums censor the name of the group - a good thing !)
it's a cheating clan, their name does not belong on this board.
so you can't say ***** ? ah i know what j00 mean.
Originally posted by Gud
Hi guys, Polish HL site www.halflife.pl has some interesting info - including some distrurbing screenshots. They state that several wrz groups are suspected (incl Rzr 1911 and FLC) but most likley it's *****

I really doubt its Razor 1911
wow lol it's worse to say M -------- Y --------- G ---------- 0 -------- T than to say f ------- u ---- c ---------- k ? (please don't kick me mods, i'll delete this post if you want)
Razor1911 is pwned by the government , don't you guys know that? they catched one of the leaders and the whole group disbanded.
So do I. Razors have some honor (as long as honor goes in crck community). Besides, from a wrz group's POV a beta is far more "tasty" than source code. Anybody remember leaked Q1 beta all these years ago ??
non of the links on page 2 of this thread are working


  • isit_031004_3db.jpg
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ugh that worldoverclockers page that had hosted the source code......did aanyone notice how many downloads it had before it was removed...17,000

: ( : (
Wob where did you get thoses from?? i havent seen that in any video
Originally posted by G0rgon
is this HL2?

and is it playable?

so sad
The first one is a fake, and the second one is a scan.
Top left is Devastation with Gordon's arm, lower left is an old mag scan, and the buggy fake.