Longest Time Playing Video Games

Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
What is the longest time you have ever played video games in one sitting. I know some people that go crazy. Can you beat their records??????
17 hours straight, I had to pee soooooooo bad, but I had to beat Deus Ex, Deus Ex 2, and Commandos 1 and 3... my bladder hurt after it..
That is crazy. I wouldn't be able to sot playing Deus Ex.

My brother beat that game in 2 hours.
2 hours?!?!?!

The game is like 3 games in one! DAMN!
I beat HL2 on hard in one sitting once. It actually wasn't that tough- I got sucked right in :D

Length-wise, I don't know about marathons, but I do know that when I got Oblivion, I racked up well over 60 hours in a week. That's over eight hours a day.

Had to be about 14 Hours playing World of Warcraft for me. I drank 5 Red Bulls as part of a Chemistry experiment beforehand though, so I had an excuse.
had a guild wars binge one time, that was about 14 hours i think.

after i stopped playing, i tried to get up and just fell out of my seat.. wasn't my most glorious moment.
Maybe five hours? I may have taken a snack or restroom break though. I used to play Age of Empires a lot during summers. There was one time that I stayed up until 5 AM playing Fallout and my dad came out (probably getting ready to go to work) and told me to go to sleep, and I was just like "Uhhhhhh. Okay."

And to destrukt:
I've fallen out of my seat and after sitting for less than 14 hours, so don't feel so bad about it. Sometimes I get kind of dizzy getting up after 20-minute bus rides and I just hope that other people don't think I'm drunk or something.
3 hours without any break. But that gaming session lasted about 7 hours.
Longest time playing a game without interuption? 6 hours maybe.
Although at LANs I've sat at my PC for much longer without sleep and such of course.
By the way, NightBlade, your name is FAR too close to mine. I demand you change it :p
three days straight at Million Man Lan. I took short naps and had breaks for food, but otherwise... nonstop gaming and leeching... then I went crazy on the fourth day and started laughing for no reason until I finally crashed on my keyboard and got duct taped to my chair.
Longest? 22 hours and 13 minutes. It was a CSS/BF2 LAN game with 13 of my friends
14 hours for the first day of owning oblivion, didn't even advance through the story at all either, just explored.
About 17 hours.

I think that was for Thief 3 or Morrowind or something like that.
4 hours. Hadn't played starcraft in 3 months.
6 hours.
Perfct dark multiplayer with a friend and my brother. We completely lost track of time.
12 hours of cs 1.6 i got bored in an afternoon and just palyed....

lost track of time, really need apoo


Someimtes when i get up to quick i actually pass out. but every thime thats happened ive been near something soft to fall on, like bed!

its trippy and fun, i used to make myself pass out for fun when i was about 14 :P
17 Hours of WoW, was a bet to see who would last longest. I lost.
Hmm...When I first got HL2 I probably played for two hours. I would have played longer but my brother wanted to play. I played Counter Strike for probably 8 hours too once.
EDIT: 999 posts!
On lanparties I sometimes go for 36 hours straight lol
But then my eye-hand coordination has degraded so badly, I just fall onto the floor and fall asleep rofl (and miss the entire other half of the lanparty so I don't do it anymore :p)

EDIT: Oh and yes my eyes were indeed burning with horrible, horrible pain
After thinking, 8 hours Red Faction on the PS2. I looked at my watch when I was done and almost had a heart attack. I thought I'd only been on 1/2 hours :laugh:
18 hours on Baldurs Gate.

bought it Friday, was ment to be going out, fired it up to have a quick looksee at 6pm after nosh, had to tear myself away 12pm Sat cause I was ment to go out that night as well, didn't make it... :)
I've played for about 6 hours before, but I always take a break from any game every 2-3 hours, to go to the toilet / snack / get some fresh air outside.
The longest I've ever played in one sitting was when I beat Q2 on hard. It took me about 14 hrs:P . From 9 am to 11 pm.
I played Tekken Tag Tournament on the PS2 for 7 hours straight (with bathroom breaks of course ;)), I completed the game with all characters unlocked... I had no memory card though so I needed to restart again. :)
I don't know about video games, but I watched the SG-Atlantis Season 1 straight through at a LAN. That's 19 hours.