Look at al the ways we'll die

*walks into the thread and simply says...*

Check out the oil crash:


WE ARE ****ED.

But on the plus side, the collapse of all civilisation will allow us to rebuild society from the ground up. Agrarian Anarcho-syndicalist utopia FTW!
i belevie God is the way out :D and that we will be raptured before the world ends
I advise you to run and never come back to OT.
/me stands in front of Kalki (evil head cutting off sword dude) witha long spear
/me puts back of spear underfoot and sticks it in Kalki chest as he charges
/me watches Kalki summersault backward with "pwned" flag stuck in his ear
/me takes "holy" sword and mounts it over fireplace
/me gets impressed pussy

Now the rest of you must defeat the rest of the evil attackers of that site, getting pussy at the end. Except for the girls. Obviously. Because you already have pussy.
Yea peak oil is definitely scary. I suggest reading that article, its very interesting.
Yea peak oil is definitely scary. I suggest reading that article, its very interesting.

I think the scariest part of it is that its the most realistic one on the site. It will happen, and its probably too late to do anything about it. Same for global warming.
Ehh global warming isn't proven yet. There were tons of co2 fluctuations in the history of earth, which were far worse than this one. And we can't say yet if the rising is caused by us or not.
Ehh global warming isn't proven yet. There were tons of co2 fluctuations in the history of earth, which were far worse than this one. And we can't say yet if the rising is caused by us or not.

It only hasn't been proven if you've got your head buried in the sand.
Although that site is funny and quite depressing at the same time, I'd like to think pigeon holeing us as all doomed sooner or later in some form or another is underestimating our creativity and ingenuity when it comes to apocalyptic problem solving.
it's quite obvious that brick doesn't know what the hell is he talking about.
you're not a big fan of facts and data, now aren't you?!

read trough all of the reports posted by scientists all over the world before talking from where the light never shines...

and besides there is an abundance of things that will kill you before g. warming even comes to you.

if you want you can join a debate in the politics section. you can bring your arguments along, i'm sure they will be most welcome.