Look at my Brand new KITTEN!!


Jul 24, 2009
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This is a pic of my older kitten:

When he was younger.
And this is my new baby kitten:

Another PIC:
you're one kitten away from having a pair of furry slippers
I want to cuddle and hug it, then let it lick mah bawlz.
My sisters kitten I wrote about once, had kittens. The first cat, is obviously not a kitten anymore. I do however like to put them in my mouth.
The Black cat is called Chewy & the other one is Gizmo.They are really Cheeky!!!:P
I went all like this...

nor are you likely too. so why not try speaking from experience for a change?

Taking offense at every joke at your expense really is your trademark. Just laugh and move on, old man.


Anyway, back to the kittens.

You didn't have them declawed, did you GMAN?
Cats just hang around for food, they don't really love you...

ain't it cutez.

In all seriousness, it is.
My kitten went missing, I found it under the shed
it was dead :(
I have 2 cats and I hate them, it breaks my heart every time one gets driven over by a car;(
Those cats are cute.

I am more of a dog person. Dogs are awesome. I have had five pet rats also.
I have 2 cats and I hate them, it breaks my heart every time one gets driven over by a car;(

You have two cats and you hate them, but it breaks your heart when they get hit by cars, but they still ain't dead yet, seemingly.


I'm not a great cat lover, but those are both pretty awesome things. :)

My rabbit died the other week though, stupid myxomatosis :(
God damn it Gemma, now you gone and made me sad.
Oh. Thought you said Kitchen. :|

I'm sorry, but you've been conned sir. That is not a brand new kitten, it looks used.
I'm sorry, but you've been conned sir. That is not a brand new kitten, it looks used.
Guess you really are the same
Tell your new boy where I came
Take that broken pussy elsewhere
Oh save it baby I don't care
lol at proud cat ownership. HL2.net has such terrible pet taste.
I dislike the mercenary little psychos.
It is a Brand new kitten... but is it a Brand Name kitten?
Awww.. Kittens are cute.

Glad to see i'm not the only cat-liker here.

Dear god, I don't want to see another cat or kitten for as long as I live. My mother ended up being stuck with 30+ cats all because of my irresponsible uncle next door who didn't bother to have his cat spayed.

She's too compassionate to just have most of them put down and the count is growing. Now my poor dad who can't have anything nice without it being destroyed by cats, such as a decent gas grill, is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Thank god I'll hopefully be out of that mad house one day soon. I don't want to be around when he does what has to be done.
