look what happened when...


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
i showed my comic to our buddies at PHL... heehee... so predictable..


oh, it originally said "long live free speech" at the end, not free monkeys... they're infamous for their censorship there.

no sense of humor whatsoever.
While I don't really like to see site bashing.... oh dear.. they even edited out your cartoon ;(

But still... theres a bit of halflife2.net bashing going on there :flame:
If i wasnt such a nice person, then i'd probably just of registared on there just to make a very witty comment using very long words like Discombobulation, Antidisistablishmentariunism, and forthwhich, would causes there minds to explode.....but fortunatly i am a nice person, so i wont.....
Originally posted by Stone
If i wasnt such a nice person, then i'd probably just of registared on there just to make a very witty comment using very long words like Discombobulation, Antidisistablishmentariunism, and forthwhich, would causes there minds to explode.....but fortunatly i am a nice person, so i wont.....

Thanks for the idea> :cheers:
Well the mods aren't dumb, they're just incredibly snotty and on a mod-power trip. They like to completely ignore the original topic of a given post and pick out every little part that is wrong and write a paragraph for each thing they find that is wrong, explain why it is wrong. And then they lock it so nobody can point out what assholes they are without starting a new post, which they would probably either delete or change the text of anyways. <inhale> yeah. so that's it in a nutshell.
heheh, "Antidisistablishmentariunism"

Someone in AS level english in my sixth form here looked that up a while ago. It was a competition to find the longest word...

Not sure if he won though........
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Not sure if he won though........

he should of it being the longest word in the english dictionary...
lol maybe so........

I don't do English. You can probably tell by my spelling and gramar in my posts. I try to keep it legible though. :)
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)

I don't do English. You can probably tell by my spelling and gramar in my posts. I try to keep it legible though. :)

Unfortunatly, I try to keep my spellling, punctuation and my grammer away from each other, because they get into nasty fights other wise...
...Well no not really, it's because I used to want to be a writer, and i studied english etc...Now i use drawings to express all my writtern word, i haven't writern in such a long time now and i've kind of come out of the habbit of it all, as in drawing you enphosise what you want, not some random things that someone's told you too highlight as it is in writing...
interesting, well you have tallent for art. I have seen your modelling work in the art section. Its very impresive.

I always wanted to get more adept at modeling and general art but I have never had the time. Especially now unfortunatly.

I dunno, I can use basic modeling programs no bother. But whenever I look at max or one of the other beter packages I get overwhelmed :(
And if I am honest even if I like normal 2d drawing I am not very good at it at all. I just enjoy it. :)
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
I just enjoy it. :)

good and so art should be, i may sound like a teacher, but you should enjoy it.....it is expression even if you don't realise it...
but would you class goatse as art? i bet he enjoyed taking that photo. he was expressing himself.
I don't have time to express myself using art very much unfortunatly :P. But physics keeps me expresing frustration allll the time.......
Originally posted by ray_MAN
LOL, the Beagle avatar is copywritten material!

yeah that made me laugh my ass off... hahah

he probably would try and sue me just to be a dick, and he seems like the kind of guy that would do something as lame as copyrighting an avatar, just so he could say so.
This may make an odd first post but I feel it needs to be said.


Strange how hypocrisy strikes. You accuse the PHL staff and regs of being stuck up while you yourself are guilty of the same behaviour.

Nice forums you have here, just dont form opinions of people and places you dont know personally by others accounts.

Oh, and Thrall, although you may have the right to free speech in public, their FAQ does say:

I can say and do whatever I want here without fear of punishment, right?

Ha! Good one. No, you can't. As stated in our terms of agreement when you create an account, you can and will be banned for inappropriate conduct. To reiterate:

The overriding philosophy here on the boards can best be described as "Don't be a jerk". Use of these boards is a privilege reserved for those who know how to treat others with respect and abide by our rules of conduct.

You may NOT make posts that contain or link to the following:

- Pornography or sexual material
- Illegal files (music, warez, CD cracks/codes, or otherwise)
- Hate speech (including racism, sexism, etc.)
- Excessive profanity (especially in subject lines)
- Spam, scams, or commercial messages

If you break these rules, you run a high risk of being banned. Posters can also be banned if they are deemed a detriment to the peace keeping of the forums.

Who decides what's pornographic, illegal, hateful, profane, or annoying? The Supreme Court is a little busy, so we do.

But that's censorship! Censorship, I say!

No, it's not. This is our forum and we have the right to make the rules. Feel free to say whatever you like on your own boards or on your own Web site.

Thus that topic you linked to was edited. Maybe they thought the topic was a detriment to the peacekeeping of their forums. Whatever. Though you have the right to form an opinion you dont exactly have the right to slander others because they do their jobs.

In the words of my brother....

"To some people, the horrible terrible things that happen in this world are fine. They dont care and couldnt give a stuff. Then it happens to them and they are the first ones to cry foul and scream of unfairness"

Or, in simpler terms "It's okay until it happens to me. Then it's not okay."

Thank you for reading. And once again, nice forums you have here...
Good mornin'.

Well I see we've got the master race over here. How ya'll doin boys n girls?:dozey:
I'm stuck up? Hm. Okay, I'll buy that. By the way, Beagle REALLY got pissed at me! Banned my IP and everything!:

Registered: Oct 2003

Every once in a while when I'm bored I head over to the PHL forums to amuse myself. I often forget not only how stupid the general populace is there, but how arrogant the mods are. I guess I would probably start getting pretty pissed at some of the people that do things that are just plain stupid, but it seems to me that they sometimes just take things a little out of perspective. Just wanted to say thank to everyone here for being ... well .. much more levelheaded, and more intelligent. Thanks!

Registered: Oct 2003

this is what i would do...

Attachment: comic.jpg
This has been downloaded 45 time(s).

I consider your post to be detrimental to the peacekeeping on these forums as you linked to Halflife2.net. If you don't understand what that means, please read the http://www.forumplanet.com/planethalflife/faq.asp
Your comic strip is mildly amusing, as you don't seem to realise that you are one of those many idiots we moderators have to deal with every day.

You also used my avatar without the copyright owner's permission. Please remove it.

Beagle - PHL Moderator.
I used to like gamespy websites but then they made you sighn up to use fileplanet and made you look at adverts. They seem to be more interested in money than the games they set up comunity websites for, HL2.net on the other hand only has one banner add and a much better comunity, well when it's quite anyway.
The PHL forums are privately owned, the owners make the rules, you broke them, therefore you were banned.

I think you'll find the same thing will happen on most forums.

If you feel that this rubbish gives you some kind of power trip, then you have my sympathy. I just do a job, pure and simple.
Thats Beags alright - you can tell by the fact that he speaks the truth and, by now, is probably really aggrivating yer nerves.

So, Master Race, you don't like the PHL forums? Fine. Don't post. What I'm really curious about is your dislike of, what you refer to as, the "General Populace".

Did they wedgie you or somethin?:dozey:
Hello Haggis ...

They think I don't have a sense of humour?

I've been a moderator at PHL for around 2 years..

I've seen more amusing posts than your average mutt ...

Then deleted them and banned the poster because they broke the rules .. ..

To everyone else ...

Nice forums you have here, I hope they will survive until somebody finally decides to release Half-Life 2 ....

I hope we all live long enough to see it ...
Originally posted by Beagle
The PHL forums are privately owned, the owners make the rules, you broke them, therefore you were banned.

I think you'll find the same thing will happen on most forums.

If you feel that this rubbish gives you some kind of power trip, then you have my sympathy. I just do a job, pure and simple.

No, BEAGLE, it wasn't a power trip, if i wanted a power trip, I'd become a mod on PHL.

It was A JOKE. I know that may be hard for you to comprehend, since you have repeatedly shown that you have absolutely no sense of humor, but that comic was made as a spoof. Not a political statement, not for furthering any agenda, A JOKE. Get over it.
Originally posted by Klip
Thats Beags alright - you can tell by the fact that he speaks the truth and, by now, is probably really aggrivating yer nerves.

Wow, even the beagle has fanboys...
It's not me that's got his panties in a bunch boyo, I have nothing to prove.

have a nice life ...
Then why'd you come here? You could've fooled me by the way you treat nearly every guest to post on your forums.
Because you deliberately got yourself banned from the PHL forums, then try to make out that I'm in the wrong.

By the way, it wasn't me that banned you, it was Tantalus. Maybe you'd like to get on his case too? Or complain about your banning through the proper channels at Planethalflife?

I won't reply to you again, because you are obviously not capable of understanding that some of us are adults with jobs to do.

Maybe when you grow up, you can try it for yourself...
Is it just my connection or do PHL forums take ages to load up?

Nevermind, there was a leprechaun downloading porn using up all my bandwidth. He's dead now :|
THe whole Gamespy forum network is running like they're hosting on a Commodore 64 and a 330 Baud modem at the moment...

Some days it's better, some days nobody can get to the PHL forums for hours on end...
deez forUmz sUKz ManZ
n iz fuL7 oV pr1Ckz
long live halflife2.net (n0 pr1Kz n00bz) I r l337
I know I shouldn't, because it's not worth it, but what the hell:

I made a few posts in the past on the PHL forums. It was the first time I participated in any forum. I must say they are really harsh. I was temporaly banned 3 times from there, and every time, the reason got more stupid. I posted a link to HL2.net when it was stated that the leak was real here, and got banned because they thougt I had linked to illegal material. I tried to PM the mods about it, and they all responded by saying it was another mod that had banned me and they couldn't do anything about it.
Beagle was the only one that I found friendly(Savannah L was randomly friendly or frustrated), the others are in my eyes indeed spellmaniacs and as self centered as people can get. They think everyone is trying to annoy them, while people are just trying to get their points across. And they have this little elitarian group of people that always suck up to eachother, and this group bashes everyone else, under protection of the mods(impellios, klip, quotl, tantalus, dopehatman, i forgot a few). It's horrible. Every time I see their forums, I just feel compelled to click on the little 'X' on the top right corner of the window.
I'm SURE there was more democracy under Stalin than in their forum.
And they hide a lot behind their FAQ, don't they? But it only shows that even the power of "having a website and having the responsibilties that come along with it" is just to much for some people to handle. I'd rather "build my own website and forum" than participate in their continuous rants.

On a more positive note, I really like this forum here at HL2.net. I feel people get along really wel, and there is no elitarian group that keeps knocking other people down. The mods are all very friendly, and the general thone of the posts is pleasant in general. No bashing at people's spelling/grammar mistakes. Much better in my opinion. Repression can only lead to some kind of revolt in my opinion, but there's not much revolt possible when you're banned(unless you go through the hassle of proxy).

I think both HL.net and PHL can coexist peacefully, since both site are aimed at a different audience. The mature tone of HL2.net is very different to the 'coolkid' appearance of the PHL forums.
But if you like bashing other people and try to find the line between getting banned and sucking up to the "forum powerfulls", you just have to experience PHL for yourself.


Originally posted by Beagle
Because you deliberately got yourself banned from the PHL forums, then try to make out that I'm in the wrong.

By the way, it wasn't me that banned you, it was Tantalus. Maybe you'd like to get on his case too? Or complain about your banning through the proper channels at Planethalflife?

I won't reply to you again, because you are obviously not capable of understanding that some of us are adults with jobs to do.

Maybe when you grow up, you can try it for yourself...

I never complained about getting banned. When I mentioned here, I was just pointing out that it happened, and it amused me. I figured it was going to happen one way or another, and I figured that since you said in the PHL post that you weren't going to, then it wasn't you that did it. Either way, I don't really care.

You are so incredibly predictable, I had a bet going with myself as to when you were going to pull the "I'm older and wiser than you are" card. Contrary to popular... no YOUR belief, I do have a full-time job that I get paid a salary - not by the hour - for.
Originally posted by DreamThrall
Wow, even the beagle has fanboys...

Not a fanboy, just a friend - I'll even testify to his fantastic sense of humour ranging from Monty Python-esque spoofs to mundane two second catchphrases.

Now c'mon Master Race, the boys over at PHL didn't come here to rag ya'll. I did but thats just for shits n giggles >:) Hey I'll even let ya keep the 1337 5p34k3r coz I aint seen one in ages...especially on PHL ya daft badgers. :dozey:
Originally posted by Beagle
Because you deliberately got yourself banned from the PHL forums, then try to make out that I'm in the wrong.

By the way, it wasn't me that banned you, it was Tantalus. Maybe you'd like to get on his case too? Or complain about your banning through the proper channels at Planethalflife?

I won't reply to you again, because you are obviously not capable of understanding that some of us are adults with jobs to do.

Maybe when you grow up, you can try it for yourself...

I never complained about getting banned. When I mentioned here, I was just pointing out that it happened, and it amused me. I figured it was going to happen one way or another, and I figured that since you said in the PHL post that you weren't going to, then it wasn't you that did it. Either way, I don't really care.

You are so incredibly predictable, I had a bet going with myself as to when you were going to pull the "I'm older and wiser than you are" card. Contrary to popular... no YOUR belief, I do have a full-time job that I get paid a salary - not by the hour - for. However, I'm not going to get into a pissing contest over who is the more functional citizen. I am enjoying this conversation though, please do come back.
Originally posted by Klip
Not a fanboy, just a friend - I'll even testify to his fantastic sense of humour ranging from Monty Python-esque spoofs to mundane two second catchphrases.

Now c'mon Master Race, the boys over at PHL didn't come here to rag ya'll. I did but thats just for shits n giggles >:) Hey I'll even let ya keep the 1337 5p34k3r coz I aint seen one in ages...especially on PHL ya daft badgers. :dozey:

Yes you definately are a lower race than us, so low that you would follow your bumchum mod to our corner of the internet just so he can prove what a shit mod he is. You two are proving EA right, it's obvous that Beagle is on a power trip that has just been abruptly ended by HL2.net and dreamthrall. He just can't take it that there is a website with more influence over the HL community that he isn't a part of. The fact that people are taking the piss out of him and his little community without any fear of being banned or even resisted is just too much

The fact is the mods (most of em) here don't take this website's popularity for granted and know that they can't expect new comers to put up with elietist members and mods who think there the communitys greatest gift, or atleast if they do don't show it. People have found a better alternative than your bitter group of self-righteous elietists.

Now **** off and don't come back and that includes any other scum your thinking of dragging up here.