Look what i found

Sorry, but this product has been de-listed from our system.
Sorry, but this product has been de-listed from our system.

This usually happens when a product is no longer being supplied from manufacturers.
I can't see a countdown but I do see:

Sorry, but this product has been de-listed from our system.
This usually happens when a product is no longer being supplied from manufacturers.

edit: argh 3 posts xD
edit2: nvm, 4 =p
Sorry, but this product has been de-listed from our system.

This usually happens when a product is no longer being supplied from manufacturers.
yay, I think we need yet another one to repeat the same message AGAIN, and then....AGAIN!
Ok sorry

well it was like that bout 3 mins befor i posted.

here iv got a screenie


  • countdown.jpg
    81.2 KB · Views: 295
No one else notice "Please note that this release date is when we at Gameplay expect the game to be released and still subject to change."?
What I dont anderstand is the if the game is supposed to be going gold soon why is it taking so long to duplicate it. I mean they could have this game duplicated and shipped to stores in 1 week or so not until Sept 30. This sucks monkey ass!
f0rked said:
No one else notice "Please note that this release date is when we at Gameplay expect the game to be released and still subject to change."?
Tis a retailer date, and nothing to go on really.
I wouldn't put too much faith into any third party sites, not until HL2 goes Gold at least.