Look what I found.

There's one in every level. For whatever reason Source draws 3D skyboxes by scaling up a model already in the map.
The way 3D skyboxes work is there is a very minature landscape made below the map. This can be a set of skyscrapers, an aztec city, desert hills and distant buildings etc.

It's then scaled upwards and appears realistically as highly detailed objects in the distance :)

Clever eh?
Just like the way Unreal engines have been doing for years... ;)
It's rather fun exploring the various extra bits though, don't you think?
I saw the same thing on Cbble & wondered what it was.. thanks for clearing that up :)
They just use those objects to copy, paste, enlarge, and paste them where they need to go.
there is something very funny you can do if you have several players and someone with admin turns noclip on for himself... and flies into that 3d sky box. I'm sure alot of admins will do it one day to scare teh noobies ;)

If you know what I am talking about :P
It's not clever at all. The intelligent thing to do would to just draw the original skybox around the map, unless there is some arcane technical detail that prevents this.
I still don't understand the 3d skybox. Like Peepers said, why don't they just make the 3d objects around the map itself? Also, how are the skybox buildings scaled up so much without being extremely blurry? Lastly, when you are playing in the map, does the game send a virtual camera into the skybox arena and turn it according to the direction you are facing? Obviously, I need some clarification!
Kirkburn said:
It's rather fun exploring the various extra bits though, don't you think?

Theres FA to explore in these maps. :( I do like noclipping to the 3dskybox though and spraying all over it. Go back to the map and theres giant sprays all over the place. Or drop my guns and see giant weapons. Im pretty sure in HL2 you could spawn a buggy in it and see a giant buggy sitting on top of a mountain!

And i'm pretty sure theyve done it this way to save resources.