Lookin for some good music


Apr 18, 2004
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I don't have enough, and I'm brain dead atm thanks to school, so just lookin for some ideas

I listen to pretty much anything, except rap/hip hop/pop

Soad, metallica, godsmack, cake, halo, tool

So rock/metal is what I'm aiming for.

Any suggestions?
Shameless plug for:

Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack
Leftover Crack

Seriously though, right now im listening to the very first Iron Maiden album, and it shits all over their new stuff, you should check it out if you havent already.
Cream - Wheels of Fire
Cream - Disreali gears
Led Zeppelin - Anything
The Clash - The Clash [US version]
Derelic7 - Anything
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland (OMG AMAZING ALBUM)
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Crosby Stills Nash Young - 4 Way Street (another amasing one)

Yus, some of these are not "metal", but they are pwnage albums that nobody should be without.

(And they are rock)
Try some progressive metal. The 20 albums listed here are a good start.
Since you said 'metal' you've automatically cancelled out your request for 'good' music.

Cream, The Clash & Led Zep YUS.
Since you said 'metal' you've automatically cancelled out your request for 'good' music.

Cream, The Clash & Led Zep YUS.

I didn't realize that there were any other Cream fans in this world.

Check out pandora. Just tell it a few songs you like, and it will play others it thinks you will like. You then tell it which ones you like, and which ones your don't, and it will get more and more accurate at guessing what to play you. Then just make a note of what you like (Its even got a "song bookmark" feature) to go out and buy later.
Cream - Wheels of Fire
Cream - Disreali gears
Led Zeppelin - Anything
The Clash - The Clash [US version]
Derelic7 - Anything
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland (OMG AMAZING ALBUM)
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Crosby Stills Nash Young - 4 Way Street (another amasing one)

Yus, some of these are not "metal", but they are pwnage albums that nobody should be without.

(And they are rock)
Good recommendations there, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix and Cream will please anyone, regardless of their favourite genres.

If you're looking for some metal that's a little heavier try some Pantera, Down, Machine Head, Slayer, Stone Sour, Mastodon, Lamb of God or some progressive stuff such as Dream Theater.

Rock wise check out Queens Of The Stoneage, Porcupine Tree (quite progressive, influenced heavily by Pink Floyd), R.A.T.M, Incubus or check out some of the more stoner/groove rock stuff such as Kyuss, Orange Goblin, Black Sabbath (essential), Fu Manchu, Alabama Thunderpussy, Clutch etc.
Hot Water Music.

Just... listen to Hot Water Music.
Alice In Chains - Junkhead/Man in the Box/Bleed the Freak/Got Me Wrong/Down in a Hole/Would

^ Godsmack are named after the AIC song "God Smack" so you should like those songs I listed. PS... Godsmack suck.

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun/Somewhere/Pretty Noose/Outshined

Mother Love Bone - Crown of Thorns

Type O Negative - Black No.1
if you have Itunes try this Band called Earshot,their Album "Two" is cool
Also this band called Acceptance is rock but not metal.
Government Mule is some heavier stuff that I really like.

Actually Godsmack are quite good. They're tight as hell, and are all actually exquisite musicians. Which, of course, you wouldn't be able to tell from many of their songs. Barring a single chord and drop d isn't what I'd call showing off your musicianship, but it gets the job done. When you're in the mood for it, it's quite fun to listen to, :D.

I was actually going to suggest Cake, so you kind of burst my bubble there. Do you listen to any Incubus? They're amazing (especially Mike Einziger), and their new album is pure genius.

You could also pick up some Queen. John Frusciante's solo work is quite good, as is the Red Hot Chili Pepper's. Queens of the Stone Age are great, you could check them out. And you can't forget Primus. Primus is mind blowing.
most people just flame me and call me emo when i say this but i kinda like Trivium. Don't listen to their album, The Crusade cos thats bollocks

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