Looking back at your old posts...

baykuns is about as funny as **** yeah seaking

that is, not really at all. forced meme ftl
you didnt answer my question ..google comes up with nada ..even urbandictionary is stumped

Googled it and guess what the first result is..... halflife2.net of course:laugh: :laugh:
Well, I just checked just the first page of your total posts, and it doesn't seem to me that your posts haveany higher level of maturity hollywood's posts do.
Anyway, I think I saw that CS movie, and the voice acting was pretty good, If I remember. I would suggest you DO join the mod, as it would help me not have to do voice acting, too.

BTW, hollywood, I could've sworn you said I was your concept artist.

...And it looks like you're banned. I don't know how this forum works, whether they give you custon titles or not, and whether that is one, but if it isn't, well...a pity, I'm afraid I won't be carrying on our conversation.

I think this is my earliest post. I was getting all up on this one dude for bashing the "Opposing Shephard mod", which I was a part of... yep, early posts are embarrassing.
No real embarassing ones here, learned that lesson quite a while ago. On a forum I used to go to a few years ago (starting in 2001 I think) my first post was something I would only post as satire nowadays (shitloads of smilies, dumbass language).

One of my first posts that was kinda funny looking back:
But not really fair because they're in different state's of developement, it won't be untill 2004 before SOL sees the daylight.

SOL = Stalker: Oblivion Lost.

Hey, I was only off by 3 years.

EDIT: O, and I hadn't learned yet that the plural of a word in English isn't made by apostrophe + s.
How times changed.

I once read some old posts on the first forums I ever posted on. My god, how embarrasing. Now I'm one of the assholes who would tell me to shut the hell up, and I would be right

Ah, same. I had to be ten times worse than I am now. Incredibly foul-mouthed and offensive in such a blatant and stupid way. Had a very anarchistic mindset. But, I always made a point to use good spelling and grammar!

Any way, my first few posts here are pretty drab. Defending Valve, arguing against the idea of mirrors in HL2... Everything's about ****ing HL2. Everything's boring. Can't say I've gotten more polite though. I'm... I'm really disappointed with myself. :(
A polite Absinthe would be kinda boring.
Mein gotts, all my old posts were in the Halflife2 forums, none in offtopic, gaming or even politics... arrrrgh...

HELP!!!! today i was playing hl and all of the sudden ny computer colors and stuff gets all screwed up and wierd so i pressed reboot button then when it booted up i got an error saying theres an critical system error something to do with my gefore 4 ti 4400 and it says please report this to microsoft bla bla bla then i do it and bla bla bla then all of the sudden it started messing up again.... and i got another critical error saying theres an critical error on your computer please save your items are reboot your harddrive and i tried it about 2 or 3 times and it still does it........ i can hardly even read what im typing... does anyone know the problem??? should i get a new graphics card??? should i get an driver update? is it my computer? monitor? the whole computer ????

I typed like a freakin' moron :|
My first post was in a topic about whether or not we would read the manual to hl2 before we played it.

Depends on how bad i have to go to the bathroom after i buy it. If its bad, then it will be my reading material lol. Other than that i will just skim it during install and then read it some other time.

And also, Its seems I was a better person before I met hl2.net

I think most people wont put up with the hassle of getting cracked versions. Sure they will be able to play the SP for as long as they want for free, but the real lure is the mp, and its mods. With steam I think that it will be an utter pain in the a$$ to have to deal with mp. Valve will learn what the crackers are doing, and they will fix it. With such a large fanbase, people are loyal to valve and likely wont hesitate to help em out with pirating.

I dont download games simply because thats the person I am. I downloaded the first hitman, and felt like a jacka$$. I uninstalled it and bought it. Didnt like it that much, but I felt better that the developers got my money for their work. And doom3, I personally wont buy it anyways, but im not going to get a warez version.

EDIT: haha, another good one. Not from too long ago either lol

Not really. For one... I dont really care about people so thus their lives are uninteresting to me. With strangers I dont really give a damn. Plus most people are far to drunk to make any god damned sense when they speak.

Last time I was at a party a lesser friend of mine tried to have a deep discussion with me about life and he couldnt even make a coherent sentence. It was LAME.

So yeah... parties suck unless your drunk out of your mind. But when your drunk your standards drop to where even pissing in the toilet is fun. No thanks... I'd rather get stuff done.
Not this website (still new) but on www.modtheater.com I signed up in nov 03 I think, my first post was recruiting for some little clan for medal of honor allied assault I made. So long ago... 2003. Lots of good memories on the internet. I'm a mapper so I love when you find some old maps hidden somewhere or on a cd and pop them in and be like, damn I sucked. lol
in the mission or whatever where you first meet mossman, she gets the elevator to come up, but when i go in, nothing hapens!!!!!!! HELP ME plz

How do you turn blood off?

My god..... Do we all sound like this when we first started out?
Yay, mapping goodness :laugh:

1) Currently the weapon switch is pretty fast. While the holster
animation is nice, it slows down the changing of weapons and once you've
seen the animation, the reduced speed of weapon switching becomes a

2) There are text files that describe all of the materials available in
the game and Hammer. You, as a mod author, can use the default
materials or add new materials. The files are edited with a text editor
not Hammer. All objects that can be picked up and simulated physically
are objects in Hammer, specified to be of type "prop_physics".


-----Original Message-----
From: MD [mailto:baykuns]
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 9:04 PM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: 2 Questions

Hello Rick,

I tried Gabe, but methinks he's busy. Just 2 quick questions about HL2
and I'll get out of your hair:

1. I noticed in the E3 vids that the weapon switching is the same as in
HL1; the weapon instantly switches to the next one, without a "holster"
animation, (maybe Gordon has lightning-quick fingers?). I was wondering
if you guys are keeping this in the final build, or if you're going to
make it something else, like the uber-quick draw/holster animations in
Call of Duty?

2. I am somewhat confused about the way the objects work in Hammer. Are
the physical properties of each material hard-coded, or will we be able
to change them in Hammer (It would be cool to be able to pick up
buildings with the Manipulator)? And will objects be entities or
something else?

Thanks for your time. And btw kudos for answering emails.
It seems I use used a smiley in every freaking post.

That was 3 years, 6 days ago. I had lurked for about a year prior. D:
if that is a spolier i would righteously kick your behind right now,

if any is gunan say something along those lines spoilerify it.

professional word maker upper <-


righteous joims pwnage!
Zomg, Chris_D. I remember him!
Hello everyone
My Nick is Stingey as some of the more intelligent lifeforms here have noticed already
I'm from holland, i'm 14 and consider myself Super-intelligent :cheese:
I've gamed sicne i was 8 i think before that jsut some simcity 2000
I play cs,dod NS and some more mods for hl
I'm somehow frightened by hl and i like it even more
i finished blue shift in 3 hours and was really scared taht it was so short, even more scared then the evil photo if you noclip trough a certain vent
You migth think i'm a spammer and i must say: I am
My total count on all forums is: 4 bans, 12 official warnings and numerous Pm's from admins
I wont survive long here and probably be banned next week somewhere
That was my story dont flame me away :D

I'm sure there's even worse in my post history but this one was the very first and it already strikes me as utterly retarded.
Oh wow. Screw you guys, I created the best thread ever.


Read all my posts in the thread though. The second one made me worry a bit, I don't remember checking up on the leak at all (or downloading it). The third one is just LOL.

Edit -

[After posting some stupidly small detail about a HL2 demo video]

That's why god made obssesive geeks like me :cheese:
Bleh. I'm not sure if I'm more worried about the god part or the geek part.
Ok, In HL1 we hear the G-man say in the end "Reagan is my leader". That means many things.

#1- The 2nd shooter was obviously Gordon Freeman

#2- The consistancy in chocolate pudding has constantly reduced over the years, this would explain why Nihilath is carbon based.

#3-Gordon Freeman and G-man are the same person (haha, yeah right!)

#4- The movie "Aliens" was a direct re-tell of Half-life so that would make it a true story. And one of few survivors (Jack O'Reilly) dissapeared shortly after its release..that seems a little odd eh?

#5- Jimmi Page and Roger Plant actually destroyed Xen with the help of the power of ROCK!

#6- Tom Cruise sucks at acting

#7- FDR's wheelchair was Xen powered.

Ok, In HL1 we hear the G-man say in the end "Reagan is my leader". That means many things.

#1- The 2nd shooter was obviously Gordon Freeman

#2- The consistancy in chocolate pudding has constantly reduced over the years, this would explain why Nihilath is carbon based.
This is where you are wrong, that was not pudding but a non carbon based matter called blork, you can read about it here www.yahoo.com/blork
#3-Gordon Freeman and G-man are the same person (haha, yeah right!)
This is very possible.....

#4- The movie "Aliens" was a direct re-tell of Half-life so that would make it a true story. And one of few survivors (Jack O'Reilly) dissapeared shortly after its release..that seems a little odd eh?
Yes it does....
#5- Jimmi Page and Roger Plant actually destroyed Xen with the help of the power of ROCK!
Links? You have to give links if you want people to believe you, although Page does kick ass....
#6- Tom Cruise sucks at acting

#7- FDR's wheelchair was Xen powered.

Me and Foxtrot making a spam thread

Also, my first thread

Post some expansions you would like to see spawn from HL2

I would love a follow up with OpFor and see what they did with Shepard besides leave him on a Osprey
I haven't changed much since I was first started posting. My first post was the same kind of long-winded Half-Life speculation that I'm known for. Although in that post I said that there was no way the 15th was Gordon's first day on the job, and last year I said it was, only to be proven wrong. Does that mean I was smarter back then? Anyway, onto the funny stuff.

Asians are cheaters:
Darkside55 said:
ArabAristocrat said:
Most CS players are Asian
Is that really true? I never heard anything like that...interesting. So, by this we can infer that since most CS players cheat, and since most CS players are indeed Asian, it's logical that most Asian CS players cheat. I guess that's why they're "the best CS players," eh? :laugh:

I seriously forgot all about this. We had a team and everything: a coder, a mapper, two modelers. Why the hell did we stop? I gotta contact those guys again...
Darkside55 said:
There's a XXX mod for HL2 already in production, guys. It's been in the design stages for about 2-3 weeks now. Should be a site coming up soon, maybe a recruitment post for team members in the General Editing forum.

The working title for the mod is HL: Sex in the C17Y. I'm the head administrator of the mod, which means basically I oversee all areas of the project (mapping, modeling, coding, sound, etc.).

Darkside55 is HARDCORE. (This was in a thread where people were bitching about HL2's graphics 'cause the G-man's teeth didn't shine)
Darkside55 said:
And I am hardcore, kiddo. What, because someone doesn't care about the graphics they aren't a "real gamer?" What kind of load is that you're trying to spoon-feed people here? Hardcore isn't a measure of whether or not you can dissect the graphics and nitpick. That doesn't make you hardcore; that just makes you a complainer. Hardcore gamers are those that spend their time gaming, actually playing the damn things, instead of bitching about minor things.

Darkside55 said:
I had a dream about flying headcrabs.


This was an awesome idea for a thread, OP. Now I have a reason to go back and look at all of my old theories and see how right I turned out to be. ;) I seem to have predicted the ability to cook grenades in HL2DM as well, before we even knew HL2DM was coming out.

Ho-ho-ho, what a surprise
You're screwed now Samon, I've got proof you liked Xen at one point, and not just from a story perspective. You said Xen was greaaaaaaaaat. :p
Started off with a politics thread then a newbies thread

Burn was there :(
looking back at my old posts it seems I have actually become stupid with age.
Somebody ban me now.

I've read the forums for a while, so now I registered. I also hang out alot at the Natural Selection mod forums too, they're pretty cool people.
I've been banned from Gamespy forums for mentioning "p2p technology" (Yes, that's what I called it). Can you believe it? Some guy even called me a "thief". Oh well, way too conservative for me. (Heck, I'm going to UC Berkeley, you know how THAT goes). This place is cooler.