Looks Like Crap

I think you got it mixed up Silent. Doom 3's screens look good but the game was crap :p.
Pressure said:
I think you got it mixed up Silent. Doom 3's screens look good but the game was crap :p.

Roofles x200
Blad3 said:
Foxtrot the bloodboil spell which makes the enemies blood...er boil causing them to explode is easily the best spell in game history, or at least best spell effect.
*Varg watches the trailer with the blood boil spell again.
*Varg drools.

So..beautiful...so beautifuly gory.. :)

*Varg sobs.
looks very amazing and with halfl ife 2 comeing out in 28 days this game will come shortly after

i cant wait :bounce:
This game i would have to agree looks like complete shite, has yet to interest me at all.
the game looks pretty decent imo, not my type of game but still decent, worth playing for something who likes vampires/undead stuff :)