Looney Toons is now officially raped :(

hmmm, ok EIWWWW, but.. just think of them as the loonytoons doing something different, like Daffy Duck as Duck Dodgers.

Try tell yourself that and it doesn't hurt so much. Think of it as batman of the future, flash in the pan that went away quietly to some obsolete cable station nobody watches.
dear god, they changed Taz's name to Spaz. Sorry, TDE, I still won't be able to sleep tonight. ;(
Why do you all have such a problem with Disney, the owners of the characters, wanting to change them? You still have all the old cartoons, you still have Space Jam, even had Michael Jordon in it as well, but as soon as Disney want to change their own intellectual property, you all have such a big problem with it, even before you've seen the bloody cartoons...
A) Disney don't own the Looney Tunes
B) Because the concept itself is silly. They're changing a concept 50+ years old to a concept that's a fad and will flop out within 5 years.
C) Arguably, the people that grew up with the characters own them. The memories of their childhood should not be tampered with like that.
Jangle said:
dear god, they changed Taz's name to Spaz. Sorry, TDE, I still won't be able to sleep tonight. ;(

Spazmanian Devil?

Razor said:
Why do you all have such a problem with Disney, the owners of the characters, wanting to change them? You still have all the old cartoons, you still have Space Jam, even had Michael Jordon in it as well, but as soon as Disney want to change their own intellectual property, you all have such a big problem with it, even before you've seen the bloody cartoons...

warner brothers

its not that, its just the fact that it looks so cheesy. Just look at the ad, you wouldnt watch that, and i personally would hate to see warner brothers doing that to themselves.
Jangle said:
dear god, they changed Taz's name to Spaz. Sorry, TDE, I still won't be able to sleep tonight. ;(

Just keep saying it over and over again. Look on the bright side, the attention span of an average viewer of this version is gonna be small, and like power rangers and all the others they'll get bored of it eventually.. The original however the older generations grew up with and now its not likely to just vanish overnight, its worth too much to WB anyway. So its not all bad :) chin up :)
Spaz though, that's quite funny :smoking:

Enemies roll around in fits of laughter at his name, then he just... eats them.. or something.

EDIT: Actually, since it's in the future, he'd have to zap them with a lazer or something.
It's worse than I thought...

Why they would take a formula that has entertained children for 50 years or so and throw it out the window to make room for some generic, cookie-cutter bullshit with nothing more than stereotypical Saturday morning superheros is beyond me.
qckbeam said:
It's worse than I thought...

Why they would take a formula that has entertained children for 50 years or so and throw it out the window to make room for some generic, cookie-cutter bullshit with nothing more than stereotypical Saturday morning superheros is beyond me.

ay caramba indeed.
qckbeam said:
It's worse than I thought...

Why they would take a formula that has entertained children for 50 years or so and throw it out the window to make room for some generic, cookie-cutter bullshit with nothing more than stereotypical Saturday morning superheros is beyond me.
the almighty dollar, and merchandising. Think of all those 2 dimensional console games they can churn out under the licence, the lunchboxes, the duvet covers, the badges, the coloring books, the plastic toys.

It wont last, it hasn't a chance against the originals, absolutely nothing they do with them could compare to the originals now. But it'll last long enough to squeeze money out of the impressionable kids who are just at the right age to be taken in by it.

But the important thing is it wont last hehe. I keep having to tell myself that lol! :p
Jangle said:
dear god, they changed Taz's name to Spaz. Sorry, TDE, I still won't be able to sleep tonight. ;(
I suppose, but at least they're finally head-on confronting the fact that Taz is special needs. And he really is.
OK, who's with me? We've got some kneecaps to bust.
PvtRyan said:
OK, who's with me? We've got some kneecaps to bust.
If you do that, Buzz Bunny and Spaz will get you..

(yeah, doesn't quite instil the same fear in criminals other superhero's do does it)
Well, it's slightly more frightening than Bugs Bunny. But that's saying f*ck all.
This is the end of the world....honestly. First the star wars, then the matrix, now the LOONY TOONS?!?! What is the world coming to!?!
my brother see the trailer and he say that is crap and laughted of it

and cosidering he love that cartoon kids next door so I dont think the kids will like this loonatics
If it fails, then it fails, but i will watch the cartoons to judge for myself. But i do agree, that concept does look crap, but WARNER BROS are probably just testing the waters, if it doesn't sell, they change it back.
As horrid as it may be, lets be optomistic:

The ad-agency creates X-amount of toys for loonatics.

The Cartoon flops.

Within 40-50 years, those who left the toys in its packaging will have a collectable that may be worth something...
CREMATOR666 said:
Those "Loonatics" guys looks ridiculous :dozey:

As long as they don't do a cartoon where the Loonatics meet their past selfs, i'll be happy. Can you just imagine Bugs Bunny and Buzz Bunny talking to each other?
Razor said:
As long as they don't do a cartoon where the Loonatics meet their past selfs, i'll be happy. Can you just imagine Bugs Bunny and Buzz Bunny talking to each other?

How much do you wanna bet that Bugs would completely cream Buzz with an explosive cigar.
Absinthe said:
How much do you wanna bet that Bugs would completely cream Buzz with an explosive cigar.

i'd like to see that :E
just watched the trailer and...argh... :hmph: :|
Bah...I don't watch cartoons anymore.

To old for that. :|
how can you be too old for cartoons? Everybody loves cartoons!
Jangle said:
how can you be too old for cartoons? Everybody loves cartoons!
It's called maturity. ;)

The kid part of me died a long time ago unfortunately.