Loony Easter Egg Idea

Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score

Okay, feel free to type very loudly at me, but I have a New Idea About The Easter Egg! Yaaaayyy!:dork:

Alright, seriously, what if the easter egg isn't visual? What if, and this is just an idea, understand, but what if the easter egg is auditory? F'rinstance, what if there's something in that wierd gabbling noise the combine seem to make to each other? What if someone played it backward? I have no idea how to do this...:cheese:

After all, the beatles could do it back in the 60's.:afro:

Anyway, that's just my one-and-a-half cents.

maybe the person made out of water is a digital re-creation of one of the staff.
Well, hey, it's what I'm best at. Ideas, I mean.:cheese:

Anyone know how to check it out? I'm not that good with movie files.:dork:

maybe its realted to the flatline sounds (beeeeep) that you hear when a combine soldier dies

(no im not making this up, just listen carefully)
I always thought that those Combine "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" sounds sounded strangely reminiscent of the "Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep." sound that you'd always hear when you accidentally got Gordon killed. I got used to that sound. I had a penchant for trying to see what was at the botton of elevator shafts and cliffs and things. The quick, gravity-assisted way.:cheese:

Maybe the Combine armor vests use health-monitoring technology ripped-off from the HEV suit. Morphine, anybody?:rolling:

Originally posted by InsaneFool
maybe the person made out of water is a digital re-creation of one of the staff.

Anyone say Digital ? :cheese:
Originally posted by DeltaBlast
maybe its realted to the flatline sounds (beeeeep) that you hear when a combine soldier dies

(no im not making this up, just listen carefully)

I heard the sound your talking about
My theory is maby the combine grunts are conected by some sort
of HIVE MIND kind of like a colective conscience or something
and the beep noise is like some sort of signal to their main frame to let it know that they died or something.

Just my theory:cool:
I really hope they take that out of the game, it completely removes any of the question as to whether you killed someone. Tossing a grenade around a corner and cautiously inching up to see if they died, peeking around the corner and behind you every two seconds like a paranoid schizophrenic. Now, instead, that great beep will let you know if you killed a combine, and how roughly how many.
Why? If you're not interested in finding the easter egg, don't go into threads about it. Problem solved!
argghh, HL2.net forum is getting attacked by bluehats

My thread got flamed!

Er...that is what it's called, right?

Does this mean I ain't a newbie no more?:dork:


I don't know if a thread can be flamed, but there was some low-level flaming going on inside the thread.
You don't say?:eek:

What's the percieved difference?:rolling:

Thanks for responding, Insert.:E

The beeping is, as far as I know, part of the background music playing through the demos.
The beeping is, as far as I know, part of the background music playing through the demos.

no, no its not. It does it everytime a combine is killed
Nah. The loud "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" sound is linked to the deaths of the combines. Def'nately.:)

Originally posted by FoB_Ed
no, no its not. It does it everytime a combine is killed

I am inclined to agree now.. I checked it out and it is atually linked to the combine's death..

Wonder if it does the same with Barney, seeing as they seem to have the same suites.
What if they get you all hyped up about an easter egg then DELAY it? Huh? huh? Good idea right?
Not sure what you're trying to get across, StickFigs, but I think it's time you switched to decaf.:cheese:

the beeping probably means their suits flatline, as the HEV suit worked with gordons body to sort of maintain it, when a combine is killed the suit realizes their is no longer a heartbeat and flatlines.

i could almost gaurente this, but i have no proof
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Nah. The loud "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" sound is linked to the deaths of the combines. Def'nately.:)


This isn't a flame but the flatline sound is old news. We think that the Combine have something similar to the HEV suit health and armor monitoring in their suits.
Yeah, prob'ly.

Anyone tried playing the sounds in the movies backwards yet?:)

Dunno, Spoofy. Prob'ly extract the sound track from the movie somehow, and run it through a sound editor with a reverse-playback thingie.

I think.:dork:

windows sound recorder can play sounds backwards

For some additional sound recorder fun, record yourself saying your name or something, then play it back backwards. listen to it a few times and then rerecord yourself saying it how it sounds backwards. then reverse that sound and listen to it. Die of boredom. Repeat as necessary.
Try saying:

"Ohh-Dee-Ahm E-Missy"

You'll hear a catchphrase of your gaming past.
Originally posted by StickFigs
Try saying:

"Ohh-Dee-Ahm E-Missy"

You'll hear a catchphrase of your gaming past.

er.... it came out as "Yssim-E Mha-eed-Ho". Am I missing something?
Originally posted by InsaneFool
I just noticed something, Alyx has a BMRF logo on her zip-up hoodie.

Think somebody already spotted that. Try searching the forums. I noticed it too. Her mother worked at BMRF, and none of her clothes look new, so maybe it's a hand-me-down.;)

So... does this mean *I* have to record all 23 minutes into a *.wav file and play it backwards? *sigh*... I'll get right to it. (lol, I should be more :bounce: :bounce: I know).