Losing our weapons?


Feb 10, 2005
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You know, ever since I finished Episode Two, I've always wondered how we'll lose our weapons in Episode Three...in every previous Half-Life sequel, you could tell how you lost your weapons by looking at the ending of the preceding game. You lost all your weapons in HL2 because the G-man confiscated them at the end of HL1. You lost all your weapons except the GG in Ep. 1 because the confiscation field vaporised them near the end of HL2. You lost all your weapons in Ep. 2 because of the trainwreck at the end of Ep. 1.

However, at the end of HL2 Ep. 2, there was no obvious method at the end by which our weapons would be lost. The Advisor attack merely restrained Gordon rather than disarm him, and if they destroyed his weapons in any way, then it definitely wasn't obvious. So most likely we'll be starting Episode Three with a full arsenal of weapons.

I think we'll either lose them in some even between the beginning of the game and the first combat sequence, maybe a helicopter crash(although that would be too predictable). Or we'll keep all the weapons and Valve will compensate by ramping up the difficulty, which can only be a good thing.
I'd hate starting the game with weapons. This was a shame in LostCoast.
Your flying over the vast snowy arctic when your shot down by the Combine. Your in a daze, you stand up to find Alyx next to you, you've dropped all your weapons.
i rather have a shit load of weapons and and easy targets. im not looking to be on the same level twice NAMEANN???
Valve tend not to give us all our weapons at the beginning for a reason, helps newbies to the game and retrains those who have already played, so i don't see why they would now. What will happen is it turns out all your weapons were destroyed by the Advisor attack, except the almighty Gravity Gun of course.
"The weight is too much Gordon, we are going to have to dump your HEV weapon cache, including your HEV!"

Either that or your confronted by an Advisor in the first few minutes, watching as it squashes your weapons in front of you into tiny cubes, like squashing cans underfoot.
that would actually be interesting if something happened to the HEV and the cold was actually a factor in the game.
"The weight is too much Gordon, we are going to have to dump your HEV weapon cache, including your HEV!"

Either that or your confronted by an Advisor in the first few minutes, watching as it squashes your weapons in front of you into tiny cubes, like squashing cans underfoot.

That's a really good idea.
I can definetly see valve doing a heli-crash in someway. I trust valve will make something happen that is extrodinary, and top the train crash.
Maybe we'll just start with the basics, crowbar, pistol. yeah. maybe the GG
I hope we don't lose our weapons. Seriously this is Ep3, a big, climatic, 5 hour longish finale and Valve shouldn't spend parts of the first hour or so teaching us how to use our weapons again. They did it in Ep2 because they didn't want to assume that the player had played Ep1 first. Anyone who plays Ep3 and gets confused about how to use the weapons deserves it for jumping in at the end.
My theory: Gordon goes to the toilet, after seemingly many years of not doing so, sits down and his weapons fall off his back and *flush*. He leaves and forgets he put his HEV suit in the cloakroom.

Then, lolz, look at that new weapon I found, it's a crowbar! Ah, it's Dr Kleiner, who happens to have a spare HEV suit!

Yes, Valve, here's your new story writer!
Heli-crash, one with all the cinematic physics 'n' that. And maybe when we awake from the crash, there will be a shake and an avalanche will happen. That will be cinematic physics too.

All we find inside the helicopter is the grav gun, slightly poking out of some snow, forcing us to get it or we can't get out.
Dr Kliener: "oh, and Gordon... we've upgraded you're suit and the Gravity Gun:eek:
Half-Life is bigger
It's bigger than Quake
And Sin and Unreal
Award shows we will go to
All time review highs
Oh no we've sold too much
Sequel to set up

That's me in the Train Crash
That's me in explo-sions
Losing all my Weapons
But how to start post - ep two?
I just don't know how they can do it
They've used that trick too much
(G-Man never says enough)

I thought that I had my Crowbar
I thought that I had my Glock
I think I saw them change my HUD

Every sequel
To every damn cliffhanger, I'm
Recovering all my weapons
Maybe I'll get, something NEW
Like that Sniper with the laser thats blue, BLUE
Oh no I've asked too much
I'm giving up

Consider this, Consider this:
Will we play it this century?
Consider this:
The Cake...
the lie that took Biozeminades
What if all these Mecha-Breens
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much

I thought that I saw a Trailer
I thought they said 'Portal Two'
I think I thought I saw E-li

But just a flashback scene... But just a flashback scene

That's me in the Train Crash
That's me in explo-sions
Losing all my Weapons
But how to start post - ep two?
I just don't know how they can do it
They've used that trick too much
(G-Man never says enough)

I thought that I saw the Hydra
I thought that I saw Odell
I think I thought I saw E-Li
But just a flashback scene...
Try, cry, why try?
Just a flashback scene
Like with Breen, like with Breen
Gordon gives his ammo to the resistance fighters at White Forest; in case they get attacked again.

He forgets to pack some for himself.

Theres no ammo in the artic.

He'll rely solely on Five Weapons

-Grav Gun
-His Feet
-His Fists
-A Stake (We've had the swarm of zombies, now for the vampires)
Half-Life is bigger
It's bigger than Quake
And Sin and Unreal
Award shows we will go to
All time review highs
Oh no we've sold too much
Sequel to set up

That's me in the Train Crash
That's me in explo-sions
Losing all my Weapons
But how to start post - ep two?....[the rest]

sigged please? (ill use spoiler tags) maybe this time I'll remembeer to use it.
Gordon blacked out at the end of Episode 2, I could see him being transported somewhere better to rest, and it's safe to assume that they wouldn't throw the guns into the 'bed' with him. After waking up, something would happen that would force Gordon and Alyx to go without ample time to prepare.

While the Helicopter was mentioned, we're not sure if that's even how we'll be getting to the Artic, The Advisor attack could have easily damaged it.
I think we lost all of it except the gravity gun to the advisor. They all just scattered, and magically you won't be able to find them.
Kupo's on the Awesome Table.

Anyway, there's absolutely no reason to not start the game with all our weapons. In fact the chopper should be fully stocked with weapons and ammo, as much as it can hold. Even IF the thing crashed, the ammo would survive intact.

Unless of course the chopper's going down and you bail out, having to make a long trek to it just to get back to said weaponry and ammo.

I feel like I've cursed it now.
That would be funny! you "wake up" and follow the debris trial picking up you weapons scattered around the map as you go. imagine; your walking along and you find a few headcrab zombies splattered all over the place by a chunk of the helicopter and one of your weapons (with ammo) lying around on the ground somewhere. or even better the crowbar lodged: in a zombie torso pinning it to the floor, through a combine soldier's head, logged in what used to be an expensive combine machine. that would lighten the mood of the first level a bit.
Or you don't wake up and you play through the game as John Freeman.

Also a citrus cannon.
If episode 3 does not have a citrus cannon I will PERSONALLY go to valves office and punch doug in the face.

I demand a citrus cannon!
If episode 3 does not have a citrus cannon I will PERSONALLY go to valves office and punch doug in the face.

I demand a citrus cannon!

Quit yo' jibber-jabber! Thou shalt not lay hands on thy holy Valve staff, the penalty for which is not getting Portal 2 (ye truly, a fate worse than death).

I would find much amusement in the crowbar impaling a combine soldier (or hell, anything smelling like the Combine) after being dislodged from the chopper.
Gordon decides not to go to the artic.
Yeah. Perhaps everyone decides that actually, Gordon has pretty much been doing this 5 days straight and someone else should go whilst he settles into his new room in White Forest and furthers Kleiner's research by pushing all kinds of carts around.
We'll definitely be losing all our weapons. It really raises the tension in the game when you have very little ammo.
You can still have all your weapons while having very little ammo.
Alyx in her angsty rage knocks the weapons out of your hands, and pisses all over them.

Gordon hates pee. ****ING HATES IT.