lost coast being a pain


Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
my specs:

AMD Athlon XP 3200+
2.21 GHz, 1GB RAM

this is a half-life 2 lost coast problem as well as a general computer problem that i'm wondering if anyone can help me with.

when i built my computer a few years ago, it ran all kinds of games on the highest settings and it did for a very long time. lately, games have been slower and i keep having to lower the quality to play them which really makes me mad. when i play lost coast, it crashes when i get into the church with HDR off, and with it on, it crashes even sooner.

on top of it, after just checking my specs to post them here for you, i see that my computer is running at 2.21 GHz, which is for some reason lower now than i remember it being. it used to be closer to 3 GHz. is that even possible for my computer to all of a sudden change it's specs like that? am i going insane?

but anyway, i've read on other people's posts that they can run lost coast on 2 GHz, so it shouldn't be a problem for me anyway. but it keeps crashing and i don't know why! someone, anyone, help me please.
oh and my graphics card is a RADEON 9600 if that helps any
gabriel said:
my specs:

AMD Athlon XP 3200+
2.21 GHz, 1GB RAM

this is a half-life 2 lost coast problem as well as a general computer problem that i'm wondering if anyone can help me with.

when i built my computer a few years ago, it ran all kinds of games on the highest settings and it did for a very long time. lately, games have been slower and i keep having to lower the quality to play them which really makes me mad. when i play lost coast, it crashes when i get into the church with HDR off, and with it on, it crashes even sooner.

on top of it, after just checking my specs to post them here for you, i see that my computer is running at 2.21 GHz, which is for some reason lower now than i remember it being. it used to be closer to 3 GHz. is that even possible for my computer to all of a sudden change it's specs like that? am i going insane?

but anyway, i've read on other people's posts that they can run lost coast on 2 GHz, so it shouldn't be a problem for me anyway. but it keeps crashing and i don't know why! someone, anyone, help me please.

Not our problem. You're the one with the horrid rig.

The only way I can think of anybody running LC with a 2Ghz cpu is if it's an AMD, and don't come out saying that your rig IS an amd, because regardless, your cpu still sucks.

I have no frigging clue where you got the idea that your CPU was running at 3Ghz. Not even Thomshardware.com can get the best AMD cpu money can buy to run at 2.9Ghz.

And you double posted.

So really, is this a rant thread, or do you actually have a question?

Really thinking about this though, the only reason I can see it crashing like this is the stutter bug, which plays out similiar to this.
I ran this thing, full settings, 800x600 Screen Res, no HDR. And it ran great! :D No crashing whatsoever. :)
This game's system requirements where soooooo overrated. :p

If my system can run this, it can run Aftermath. :)
sinkoman said:
Not our problem. You're the one with the horrid rig.

The only way I can think of anybody running LC with a 2Ghz cpu is if it's an AMD, and don't come out saying that your rig IS an amd, because regardless, your cpu still sucks.

I have no frigging clue where you got the idea that your CPU was running at 3Ghz. Not even Thomshardware.com can get the best AMD cpu money can buy to run at 2.9Ghz.

And you double posted.

So really, is this a rant thread, or do you actually have a question?

Really thinking about this though, the only reason I can see it crashing like this is the stutter bug, which plays out similiar to this.

wow, why is everyone on this forum so uptight? you are way too ridiculously critical of other people's posts. seriously, why do you even reply if you're going to be an ass? you could at least try to be helpful in some form or another. not everyone is a super genius like you..

if anyone would like to actually help, let me put it simply for you:

lost coast is crashing. is there anything i can do to stop that from happening besides buying new computer parts? any kind of system properties i can change or something? do others have this problem? etc etc.

and btw - i didnt say i had it running at 3GHz, i said close to 3GHz, by overclocking.

BeaverMon said:
I ran this thing, full settings, 800x600 Screen Res, no HDR. And it ran great! :D No crashing whatsoever. :)
This game's system requirements where soooooo overrated. :p

If my system can run this, it can run Aftermath. :)

what are your specs beavermon? whats different about yours that lets you run it fine?
My specs are in my sig. :)
AMD 64 Athlon 3000+ | nVidia GeForce FX5700LE | Intergraded, High-End, Gaming Soundcard | 768MB of RAM
oh, haha, ok. i guess i'm just not very observant. thanks.
gabriel said:
wow, why is everyone on this forum so uptight? you are way too ridiculously critical of other people's posts. seriously, why do you even reply if you're going to be an ass? you could at least try to be helpful in some form or another. not everyone is a super genius like you..

if anyone would like to actually help, let me put it simply for you:

lost coast is crashing. is there anything i can do to stop that from happening besides buying new computer parts? any kind of system properties i can change or something? do others have this problem? etc etc.

and btw - i didnt say i had it running at 3GHz, i said close to 3GHz, by overclocking.

what are your specs beavermon? whats different about yours that lets you run it fine?

God damnt, I hate twats like you who are so narcisistic, immature, and close minded to think that the second somebody says something that "huwts theiw feewings" that the person is verbally attacking them.

I tried to help you, I don't see any reason to try again.

Although I will say that i'm flattered you'd say i'm a super genius, even though it is in rather distasteful use.

If there's anything helpful I have to say though, it's that there's nothing you can do, because the stutterbug is uncureable. Reformat is the best thing you can do atm.

EDIT: Ok, I was flamed earlier because as I said, you were so closed minded to defend against no clear attack.

If my [first] post seemed at all upset (which I do not see), it's because you're complaining about how as your computer ages, games run slower, and it's pissing you off. "Why the hell do you think they're running slower Sherlock?" was the first thing that popped into my head.

Anyway, your CPU is probably the culprit, as it's (by todays standards) a piece of shit, no personal insult intended. Beaver can run it because he's got an A64 3000+, a VERY good cpu atm.
Try Defraging your computer or maybe you have to much on your hard drive. I hope that helps you out.
My p4 2.6ghz, 1.5gb ram, 9600xt runs the Lost Coast at a steady 30fps with 800x600, high details, HDR, no aa or af.
when i built my computer a few years ago, it ran all kinds of games on the highest settings and it did for a very long time. lately, games have been slower and i keep having to lower the quality to play them which really makes me mad.
you do realise that the lost coast is the pinnacle of graphical intensity today - the best computers today have trouble playing it perfectly
so why would you be suprised that your old computer would be able to breeze through it? 0.o
P4 or athlon 64, Ati x700+ or Nvidia 6800+ 128mb, 1gb ram is where its at
I ran LC with full HDR, 6x AA 16x AF (the filteringthing) VSync, everything on max, in 1024x768. I guess fps was around 15 because the movement was unsmooth:p


(specs in sig)

AMD 64-bit 3000+ Socket 754
1 GB Geil PC3200
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 128MB

Lost Coast: All Detail on High, No Antialiasing - 30+ fps constant - no stutter

So why is there such hatred towards the thread starter? Is it because he is having trouble?

I really don't see why it became necessary to call his pc rancid and shitty in order to get your point across. I know you were saying that you were just talking to everyone and not making fun of him in particular, but I have a feeling that to about 99% of people, you just came across as being a jerk.

And don't even start on how this is my first post. Spending lots of time posting on forums is not a prerequisite to critical thinking and intelligence.
sinkoman said:
Not our problem. You're the one with the horrid rig.

The only way I can think of anybody running LC with a 2Ghz cpu is if it's an AMD, and don't come out saying that your rig IS an amd, because regardless, your cpu still sucks.

I have no frigging clue where you got the idea that your CPU was running at 3Ghz. Not even Thomshardware.com can get the best AMD cpu money can buy to run at 2.9Ghz.

And you double posted.

So really, is this a rant thread, or do you actually have a question?

Really thinking about this though, the only reason I can see it crashing like this is the stutter bug, which plays out similiar to this.

I've got an XP 3200 and it runs LC just fine, so stop being a git. The PR means the XP3200 is essentially a ~3.2GHz processor by software system specs standards; the fact that it's running at a true 2.2GHz is irrelevant from the point of LC, or any other software for that matter.

I'm running an XP3200 with 1GB crucial DC, and a 9800pro@XT, and with all settings on high, I get 30+ fps at all stages on the map, and even with AA and AF it never becomes less than playable.
An Athlon XP 3200 runs at a default clock of 2.2 ghz. In 32-bit applications, an Athlon 64 3000 would not be much, if any, better (this is why AMD uses their naming convention, hence "3000," "3200," etc).

If it's crashing, you have other software or driver related issues.
Good point ydoucare, all I can personally recommend is lower some of the settings, like texture to medium, try inputting some stuff into the console, like perhaps cl_smooth 1 and such. I hope you get it fixed :). Btw, a 6600GT is very inexpensive right now, about 140USD, so maybe you can look into that, other than that goodluck.
I found in the past that putting the sound quality to medium improved FPS a fair bit. Reducing textures from High to Medium certainly improves performance by a big margin. There are also many console tweaks that might help, have a look over at tweak guides - http://www.tweakguides.com/HL2_1.html

The heapsize option can help a lot, and reducing the DirectX level is likely to give you a big boost.
his CPU isnt the culprit, I run it fine (albeit everything on low) on a Athlon XP 1800+ with 512MB ram and a radeon 9550.
sinkoman said:
God damnt, I hate twats like you who are so narcisistic, immature, and close minded to think that the second somebody says something that "huwts theiw feewings" that the person is verbally attacking them.

I tried to help you, I don't see any reason to try again.

Although I will say that i'm flattered you'd say i'm a super genius, even though it is in rather distasteful use.

If there's anything helpful I have to say though, it's that there's nothing you can do, because the stutterbug is uncureable. Reformat is the best thing you can do atm.

EDIT: Ok, I was flamed earlier because as I said, you were so closed minded to defend against no clear attack.

If my [first] post seemed at all upset (which I do not see), it's because you're complaining about how as your computer ages, games run slower, and it's pissing you off. "Why the hell do you think they're running slower Sherlock?" was the first thing that popped into my head.

Anyway, your CPU is probably the culprit, as it's (by todays standards) a piece of shit, no personal insult intended. Beaver can run it because he's got an A64 3000+, a VERY good cpu atm.

ok i don't see how you can go about calling me close minded, but whatever. i was only commenting on the fact that several people on this forum are really tight-assed, pointing out small insignificant details and errors on other people's posts, acting like they are some superior god of the forum. i mean seriously, who really cares? it's not like your going to get a medal for it. going around stating obvious garbage like 'dont double post' is just redundant and completely unnecessary. your post didn't "huwt my feewings," it just was a prime example of the main problem with this forum which i was hoping not to encounter on my first time posting in several weeks. but i'm going to just drop it now because now i am the one bitching. thank you for the input at the end though. sorry my post caused such aggrivation.

and thank you everyone else as well.

p.s. - i finally got through the lost coast without crashing by lowering the settings, unfortunately. i'll have to try some of your other tips later.
i wasn't expecting it to be so short.. i was kind of dissapointed after all that hype.
gabriel said:
ok i don't see how you can go about calling me close minded, but whatever. i was only commenting on the fact that several people on this forum are really tight-assed, pointing out small insignificant details and errors on other people's posts, acting like they are some superior god of the forum. i mean seriously, who really cares? it's not like your going to get a medal for it. going around stating obvious garbage like 'dont double post' is just redundant and completely unnecessary. your post didn't "huwt my feewings," it just was a prime example of the main problem with this forum which i was hoping not to encounter on my first time posting in several weeks. but i'm going to just drop it now because now i am the one bitching. thank you for the input at the end though. sorry my post caused such aggrivation.

and thank you everyone else as well.

p.s. - i finally got through the lost coast without crashing by lowering the settings, unfortunately. i'll have to try some of your other tips later.
i wasn't expecting it to be so short.. i was kind of dissapointed after all that hype.

God damnt, now not only you, but all the other noobs here are being complete asses.

Did I not say that I was just flamed at your first post, and that's why I probably sounded a tad upset? You're obviously close minded enough to no relook over posts and try to see, maybe this guy isn't upset, and it's just me. Or are we just a tad touchy when it comes to our personal stuff? Immature bastards.

Man, as I said, I tried to help, but if you guys are just going to be ****wads, i'm out of here.

And by the way mr world revolves around me, not double posting is a [general] rule. You wanna defy the admins like that, then by all means, go get banned.
The Radeon 9600 cards are bad about having a problem with the fastwrites. Make sure you have them set to off.

Also, the Radeon 9600 does not have HDR capability. Turn HDR off, and turn your other settings down also. That fixed my brothers problem.
sinkoman said:
Man, as I said, I tried to help, but if you guys are just going to be ****wads, i'm out of here.

No, you didn't - you were excessively short with someone who just wanted to know why his perfectly capable machine couldn't run Lost Coast at a reasonable level of performance, then you effectively insulted him, all the while giving him little-to-no assistance.

You're an idiot, so stop 'helping' where it isn't needed. And the number of posts we have is irrelevant - the question is quality, not quantity, and if all your posts are like this then I for one would much rather take advice/opinions/information from a 'noob' with 5 posts than an esteemed senior member such as yourself.

Go away and change your nappy.
I'd have to suggest quick formatting your HD, and reinstalling windows. A bit of a pain I know, but chances are that your system has become clogged up with all kinds of tat, and that tat is whats slowing things down.

I have an XP 3000 with Nvidea 6800GT, and it runs lost coast fine, on high settings as well.
sinkoman said:
God damnt, now not only you, but all the other noobs here are being complete asses.

Did I not say that I was just flamed at your first post, and that's why I probably sounded a tad upset? You're obviously close minded enough to no relook over posts and try to see, maybe this guy isn't upset, and it's just me. Or are we just a tad touchy when it comes to our personal stuff? Immature bastards.

Man, as I said, I tried to help, but if you guys are just going to be ****wads, i'm out of here.

And by the way mr world revolves around me, not double posting is a [general] rule. You wanna defy the admins like that, then by all means, go get banned.

Dunno what your problem is mate, but you live in Hawaii and instead of going out and getting laid by a surfer chick - you take pictures of your computer and post marks on how great your 3d card is.

Pent up agression?

Leave the guy alone! All he wants is an answer to a question - not some rant from a twat like you!
johnstone said:
Dunno what your problem is mate, but you live in Hawaii and instead of going out and getting laid by a surfer chick - you take pictures of your computer and post marks on how great your 3d card is.

Pent up agression?

Leave the guy alone! All he wants is an answer to a question - not some rant from a twat like you!

Dunno what you're problem is mate, but if you want to be an immature ass, and stereotype our culture, then I really hope they get you banned some time soon.

You assume that there are hot surfer chicks parading all around the islands. You assume that people in Hawaii spend all day outside. You assume that just because I enjoy electronics and computers, and live on Oahu, i'm some sort of nerd with "pent up aggression".

Don't stereotype the islands or their culture. It's one thing to rebuttle an argument i've made, but to take it personal and start insulting my lifestyle and my place of birth, is just another ****ing thing.

I surf, I dirtbike, I wrestle, I bike, I drum, I fish, and I enjoy electronics and gaming. I'm sure that at my age, i've lived more of a life than you can, or ever will live with your immature, stereotypical attitude.

I didn't insult this man at all. In fact, I tried to help. I was tired, up late working on something I didn't really want to work on, and maybe my post seemed a bit irritated and unhappy. I admit I wasn't as helpful as I could have been. But I in NO WAY insulted or attacked this man at all.

You guys wanna be immature "twats" about it, fine.

The only person I see with pent up aggression is you. Stuck any where else than the islands, i'd be upset too. Guess some people just can't take envy with pride.
um, back to the main point...

9600xt does support HDR. i played it with it on. purdy and everything. my system stuttered once and while w/ the commentary on, and for awhile is was crashing, so it took about 4 reboots to get through the level. the first time i played it, i think the hdr was off (but, oddly, shows up w/ an asterix next to it, as the default for my system), and i played through the whole level, no problem.

anyways, i have an aged system as well. amd xp 2800+, 768 meg ram, and the 9600xt. i'm thinking most of the crashing was simply having memory issues (being under the recommended limit). oddly, my cpu speed that pops up when going to load LC and the window saying "your system does not meet recommended blah blah blah" fluctuates from being ~2.1 - 2.4 ghz.


as other have said, check some of the tweek guides, i myself have fastwrites disabled along w/ a few other bios tweaks and adustments to the settings file for the game.

good luck!

*edit* all the settings for the ingame video options are set to high, no AA, no v-sync, and running at 800x600, i believe. audio set to high.
sinkoman said:
I surf, I dirtbike, I wrestle, I bike, I drum, I fish, and I enjoy electronics and gaming. I'm sure that at my age, i've lived more of a life than you can, or ever will live with your immature, stereotypical attitude.

lol, you don't want to be typecast yet you're readily willing to make huge assumptions about other people's lives. I bet your age is, hmmm, 14.
gainax2k1 said:
um, back to the main point...

9600xt does support HDR. i played it with it on. purdy and everything. my system stuttered once and while w/ the commentary on, and for awhile is was crashing, so it took about 4 reboots to get through the level. the first time i played it, i think the hdr was off (but, oddly, shows up w/ an asterix next to it, as the default for my system), and i played through the whole level, no problem.

anyways, i have an aged system as well. amd xp 2800+, 768 meg ram, and the 9600xt. i'm thinking most of the crashing was simply having memory issues (being under the recommended limit). oddly, my cpu speed that pops up when going to load LC and the window saying "your system does not meet recommended blah blah blah" fluctuates from being ~2.1 - 2.4 ghz.


as other have said, check some of the tweek guides, i myself have fastwrites disabled along w/ a few other bios tweaks and adustments to the settings file for the game.

good luck!

*edit* all the settings for the ingame video options are set to high, no AA, no v-sync, and running at 800x600, i believe. audio set to high.

I've had one crash in LC, and it was because I had 4x AA on - got to the courtyard and it was going incredibly slowly, then the screen just blanked and my machine restarted. Oh well! Apart from that it's been perfectly stable on my 9800xt.
sinkoman said:
Dunno what you're problem is mate, but if you want to be an immature ass, and stereotype our culture, then I really hope they get you banned some time soon.

You assume that there are hot surfer chicks parading all around the islands. You assume that people in Hawaii spend all day outside. You assume that just because I enjoy electronics and computers, and live on Oahu, i'm some sort of nerd with "pent up aggression".

Don't stereotype the islands or their culture. It's one thing to rebuttle an argument i've made, but to take it personal and start insulting my lifestyle and my place of birth, is just another ****ing thing.

I surf, I dirtbike, I wrestle, I bike, I drum, I fish, and I enjoy electronics and gaming. I'm sure that at my age, i've lived more of a life than you can, or ever will live with your immature, stereotypical attitude.

I didn't insult this man at all. In fact, I tried to help. I was tired, up late working on something I didn't really want to work on, and maybe my post seemed a bit irritated and unhappy. I admit I wasn't as helpful as I could have been. But I in NO WAY insulted or attacked this man at all.

You guys wanna be immature "twats" about it, fine.

The only person I see with pent up aggression is you. Stuck any where else than the islands, i'd be upset too. Guess some people just can't take envy with pride.

You can shout and moan till the cows come home, but the basic fact is that you have 'day' and 'night' pictures of your PC posted for the world too see.

Oh and you called him a twat - just like I did too you so you can insult that chap but you can't take it back.....awww poor wee soul.

Oh and I'm from Scotland so yes I would rather be in Hawaii now and again, but If I had to meet you then I might show you a night and day picture I took of my toaster to see what you think.
melat0nin said:
I've had one crash in LC, and it was because I had 4x AA on - got to the courtyard and it was going incredibly slowly, then the screen just blanked and my machine restarted. Oh well! Apart from that it's been perfectly stable on my 9800xt.

Stop double posting.
sinkoman said:
God damnt, now not only you, but all the other noobs here are being complete asses.

i'm not a noob.

sinkoman said:
Did I not say that I was just flamed at your first post, and that's why I probably sounded a tad upset? You're obviously close minded enough to no relook over posts and try to see, maybe this guy isn't upset, and it's just me. Or are we just a tad touchy when it comes to our personal stuff? Immature bastards.

why are you carrying this on? i said i was going to drop it..

sinkoman said:
Man, as I said, I tried to help, but if you guys are just going to be ****wads, i'm out of here.

i thanked you for your help in my last post.

sinkoman said:
And by the way mr world revolves around me, not double posting is a [general] rule. You wanna defy the admins like that, then by all means, go get banned.

right, not double posting IS a general rule, but why do you feel it's your duty to point out the obvious? I'm fully aware that I double posted unintentionally because my computer was being weird at the time.

and i believe you said something like "i did not insult or attack at all," so i guess saying things like "I hate twats like you; narcisistic, immature, and close minded;Immature bastards ; ****wads" isn't insulting at all. but i don't really care, i just want to play the Lost Coast! so again, let's drop it.

and to the people talking in here in general: whats with this bashing of where people live? that's just kind of strange.
johnstone said:
You can shout and moan till the cows come home, but the basic fact is that you have 'day' and 'night' pictures of your PC posted for the world too see.

Oh and you called him a twat - just like I did too you so you can insult that chap but you can't take it back.....awww poor wee soul.

Oh and I'm from Scotland so yes I would rather be in Hawaii now and again, but If I had to meet you then I might show you a night and day picture I took of my toaster to see what you think.

Explains why you're acting so drunk.

Anyway, Gabriel, have you tried clocking down your ram? You noted earlier that you overclocked your CPU, so that makes me think perhaps you [may have] also OCed your ram.


PSSSST... Nice toaster.