Lost Coast: Holy Sh*t

*heart attack* never saw so cool hdr and graphics.....to baad it need strong pc ..i got 1500Mhz :(. :sleep:
*warning! Geek post to follow*

Someone needs to tell Valve that using linear filtering, not point, for the bright pass texture makes it look a helluva lot better.
Close call

Downloading now - glad I caught the old link before I was very far into it! :thumbs: I just got an Intel D925 board with Corsair 800MHz ram and P4 3.4 CPU that should hopefully handle this. It's PCI-e and I've been eyeballing the BFG 512MB 6800, but for $1000 I went with an ATI x800 xl for $300 to get me by in the meantime. I don't want to drop snaps like that into a video card unless it's a real ball of fire.

...by the way, I purchased the basic retail box of HL2 at the store and I'd like to play HL1 Source. Can I purchase an upgrade on Steam? It appeared as though I'd have to buy the entire bundle over again and then upgrade.
It's really not worth getting too excited about, it's just a very short rolling demo. If you're planning to waste 2.5 hours downloading it on your modem, ask a mate with broadband to get it for you instead. It's good, but really not pant wettingly good.
Plus for most people it will not look as good, so there will be more people complaining about how shitty the game runs rather than how well the surroundings look. And, for me, at least, HL was never really all about graphics (that's Unreal); it was the gameplay and the crowbar.
The Hulk said:
Monkey - I'm not the one who posted the wrong link - look who I quoted!

Yes, I know. Dunno why I said that 'you' should edit the post though. Will you accept my humblest apologizes?
Yeah, I can't wait until we actually get HDR and the forums erupt into complaints about how it doesn't run on their machine and "why would Valve release something that runs like shiat on my computer", etc. Cuz you know it's gonna happen.

/me is not expecting anything above 10 fps
thanks for the 3dgamers link (been using 3dgamers since FP went commercial, heh) my average Dl from them is about 310kbs.
Fileshack: Told me it would download at 200kbps, is actually downloading at 30kbps. Not happy.
Eh. It looks like they're just spending more time putting detail into lvls. Some of the new objects look nice but not terribly special.
Noobulon said:
That's nothing... I downloaded the old vid, then downloaded the new vid and found the file was corrupted.
fix the file with bittorrent.
The_Monkey said:
Yes, I know. Dunno why I said that 'you' should edit the post though. Will you accept my humblest apologizes?

Hehe, sure :cheers:
No problem - just didn't want to appear to be an idiot - I can do that on my own!

did anyone notice how pretty much every single surface in the church had normal mapping on it? i can;t wait to see this, just another awesome thing i can use to show off how good my hardware is and impress people about how far computer games have come
thanks for the mirror!! all the other links in this thread have been busy as hell!

gee,I wonder why? ;)
So are we gonna discuss the vid or bitch about download speeds?

Is it just me or did the water look even better than in the regular game?
cant find any reason why the minm specs 3.2GHZ =\
i mean it looks amazing , but i think it will run on mid comp
damn that was pretty!

I think this is the kind of shit we should get in the weekly updates,at least a link or the heads up that its available...
T.H.C.138 said:
damn that was pretty!

I think this is the kind of shit we should get in the weekly updates,at least a link or the heads up that its available...

It was alright, but it doesn't look 'no-holds-barred' to me. Some of the geometry was blocky. And finding out they hadn't implemented render-to-texture on the specular maps instead of cubemaps really pisses me off, as it's not even that cpu intensive.
...that makes the engine look so incredible. but whats very cool is that im still impressed by hl2 without hdr, and this just makes it that much better. good job valve.
I dont know why everyone is complaining about the mimimum CPU spec. For example I have heard some people saying oh I have a P4 3.6Ghz with a radeon 9500 I am fine. Well listen Normal mapping specular lighting and HDR are a lot more GPU then CPU intensive. I could be completely wrong but I seriously doubt a 3Ghz CPU will fail to run this level. Your athlon 64 2800+ is a lot better with a decent videocard then any of the 3.8Ghz P4s with some Radeon 9200. From my performance I can't run any current HDR games above 1024x768 with my 6600GT and trust me I am not CPU limited. So unless valve dumps all the HDR on the CPU save up for a new X850/6800Ultra and I agree with jondyfun those scenes dont look much better then far cry or splinter cell with HDR for being 'no-holds-barred'
7½ hours and still no post in the front page! What's going on?
The_Monkey said:
7½ hours and still no post in the front page! What's going on?

They don't want to post it?...
The_Monkey said:
They are stupid?...

they need more active news posters maybe? Maybe they dont realize the video is new. Calling them stupid isin't necisary :p there is a chance they just dont think its front page worthy :(
AHAH! sorry about the link folks...when i was on 3dgamers i saw that a lost coast video was released on the main page and clicked the link which took me to the downloads page...and then i just read coast and was too excited to read more into it and downloaded the old coast video myself...

i'll edit the old post to save confusion if i still can edit an old post
babyheadcrab said:
they need more active news posters maybe? Maybe they dont realize the video is new. Calling them stupid isin't necisary :p there is a chance they just dont think its front page worthy :(

But a screenshot of a model to a third-hand mod that no one has heard about is?
getting 110kb/s on a cali host, 20 mins left, i'll get a shower and then it should be finished, hosts are pretty full at the mo btw.
dam it was the wrong link posted in news, got the right 1 now and am getting 88kb/s...
It just hit me, we probably get lost coast´s resources to use with our own maps! maybe? pls?
that was nice, sorta saw the 2nd bit already though in the g4tech tv demo or wateva its called, the 1st bit was beautiful :D , need it now.
For 170 megs I was expecting a longer video. Oh well.

Looks pretty, though.