lost weapons


Apr 23, 2004
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i found theses in the texture folder....
looks like valve had quite a fuw weapons that thay left out...


  • weapons.jpg
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Ummm where?

oh there it is nvm

I knew about those weapons anyway from the "beta" as it is called
Most of the cut weapons were needless rifle/grenade/crowbar variants.

There were one or two nifty ideas in there though, but there's always the expansion(s) for them.
Old news. Lot more weapons then that were cut. Some will make it in expansions some will never be in a game. Mod makings will be able to use all tho. So its all good.
Can i see some pics of all these weapons they cut out, please?
Here are some renders. I dont know how reliable these are.
Ive got a strong feeling Alyx's gun will somehow make it into Gordon's hands in aftermath.
PeaceToKurt said:
Here are some renders. I dont know how reliable these are.
Yeah. Most of those weapons are ones that were supposed to be in the game, but never made it.
Hm... Ive seen screenshots of some of the guns like the mp5k and OICW but never seen or even heard that the other ones where in there. Ive heard of the flair gun, cremator head and the iceaxe though. But those 1st person renders of the scrapted guns were pretty cool.
Those renders render the exclusion of such weapons unforgivable.
Except the guard gun.
those guns were cool looking, shame they got cut. I'm sure they had their reasons. But still... A molotov is just awesome, and the others were just plain badass
Woulda been fun to have an AK47 or similar assault rifle, if they actually gave it the accuracy of the real thing.

Did anyone else almost fall out of their chair at the thought of Gordon running out of ammo for all the other guns and havving to throw a creamator head at the Combine as a weapon?

Come on, anyone?


Nuts to that, i just wanted a sniper rifle. But called something cool. And doing something cool. And with a chance to use the cursed thing.


Bah to the crossbow. Bah! i say. It's an awesome weapon, but... it's a bit dippy, and sorta slow. Oh well, I'm sure Valve had their reasons to give me a weird superheated stressed thingymagig.
I want that Guard Gun... reminds me of the old HL1 Alien Gun... That was Yum
makes me sad that the Ak and the OICW didnt make it to the final game
thethingexe said:
woah triple post... sorri... BUT LOOK!!!


Screen 2. A F***ING GUARD GUN!!!

Seen them a hundred times before. Too much beta talk = closed.
where did you find that sprite with the weapons on it? wheres it at?
Can someone post the AlyxGun render? It's the pic of it with three forms: Pistol, machine gun and sniper rifle. I would love to have that in Aftermath. And it would certainly make an excuse for not having a sniper in the main game.
The game has been out for half a year already and the beta has been out for years. Ban me if you must but I think that rule should no longer apply seeing what time we are in.
Those guns were all in the leaked alpha, although most of the ones they dropped were pretty useless in the actual gameplay.
sorry to post this again, but i still would like to know where the weapon sprite were found :\
Probably hiding away in one of the source gcf files.
In the name of the game God Carmak, these weapons must be in a mod for HL2! ALL OF THEM!
ComradeBadger said:
Please don't post renders from the leaked build.

er, news flash, HL2 has been released. i wanted to see what those guns looked like. guess ill have to go to the 2nd best community just to see them now. long!
Kitfox said:
oh man a headcrab gun would be so awesome.
Only if it would be like a potato gun. lol

That makes me wonder...what would a gun shooting gallery game (like those at Fairs or Amusement park) be like on source. Just wait til those Combine step behind the counter. :devil:
i dont get why they cut that stuff out. is that sniper the one that the combine use with the blue laser? cus that would be awesome.