
They're sort of getting bombed at the moment. Plus, he speaks with a total British accent in real life. And the male Korean guy hadn't spoken Korean since high-school, he speaks English.
StardogChampion said:
They're sort of getting bombed at the moment. Plus, he speaks with a total British accent in real life. And the male Korean guy hadn't spoken Korean since high-school, he speaks English.

Hey I'm sure there are plenty of young americans with a middle-eastern background that could do a better job than this guy. Over There, for example, has one playing a US soldier. As for the Korean guy, well it sounds good that's all that matters. The "iraqi" guy does not have a middle eastern accent that's my beef plus I don't like his character. In fact I pretty much hate everyone on the island except for Hurley (dude where's the boar at?) and Locke.
Gunner said:
You know what pisses me off? the iraqi guy is played by an indian. No, not native american, indian as in Ghandi. They could find two actors to play and speak korean but they couldn't find a single arab guy to play this part?
I think he's great. He looks arab and that's the whole point.
Gunner said:
Over There, for example, has one playing a US soldier.
you lost all credibility when you mentioned Over There... that show is some of the worst drivel on, and yes, I watched an episode, and it was painful

You can't tell me the guy who plays Sawyer isn;t spot-on, and Matthew Fox is damn good as Jack, quite a leap from Party of Five
Icarusintel said:
you lost all credibility when you mentioned Over There... that show is some of the worst drivel on, and yes, I watched an episode, and it was painful

You can't tell me the guy who plays Sawyer isn;t spot-on, and Matthew Fox is damn good as Jack, quite a leap from Party of Five

Doesn't matter if you like that show or not, my point was that they got someone with a middle eastern background to play the role, his arabic is not perfect but his accent is correct considering he's an arab-american. And I wasn't dissing the actors in Lost, I just criticized Naveen Andrews' character. Oh yeah and I forgot about Sawyer, his character is pretty cool too along with Locke.
Gunner said:
Doesn't matter if you like that show or not, my point was that they got someone with a middle eastern background to play the role, his arabic is not perfect but his accent is correct considering he's an arab-american. And I wasn't dissing the actors in Lost, I just criticized Naveen Andrews' character. Oh yeah and I forgot about Sawyer, his character is pretty cool too along with Locke.
who knows, maybe they looked at several people of middle eastern descent and they just weren't what they were looking for, it all comes down to the casting director, really
Can't wait to start downloading the second season!

Shows I'm going to be watching the second they come out for torrents:
Prison Break
Something else I can't think of right now... D:
Damn I missed one last week. I'm going to have to catch up again on Wednesday.
I've got episodes 1 to 3 of Prison Break, that's shaping up to be pretty good too
Icarusintel said:
who knows, maybe they looked at several people of middle eastern descent and they just weren't what they were looking for, it all comes down to the casting director, really

Yeah, on the DVD, they mentioned that LOST was perhaps the last pilot to start filming. Therefore many of the actors were already taken for other series, and JJ. Abrams and the gang had less to choose from.
MrMan said:
I've got episodes 1 to 3 of Prison Break, that's shaping up to be pretty good too
Oh yeah it is. The actors are pretty damn mint as well.
Garfield_ said:
When is the second Season coming ?

Starts tomorrow in America I think.

For us Brits, we have to wait patiently.
The premiere of the second season started last week IIRC.

My reception is bad though. Until I get some decent cable up here, I'm hunting for downloads.
Absinthe said:
The premiere of the second season started last week IIRC.

My reception is bad though. Until I get some decent cable up here, I'm hunting for downloads.
premier is tomorrow... i await anxiously :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hmm... I could have sworn I made out a new episode on that fuzzy little screen.

Oh well.
Nice. The moment I finish series 1 and watch all the extras, season 2 starts. How awesome is that?

Very awesome.
Absinthe said:
Hmm... I could have sworn I made out a new episode on that fuzzy little screen.

Oh well.
nope, just checked abc.com and it definitely says the premier is tomorrow
Yeah....I was kinda disappointed, saw a preview on ABC with the next episode..was pissed when

Saw Kate going down into the hole with a rope, and the white light engulfing her, and she was screaming.
CyberPitz said:
Yeah....I was kinda disappointed, saw a preview on ABC with the next episode..was pissed when

Saw Kate going down into the hole with a rope, and the white light engulfing her, and she was screaming.
well, but it still didn;t really show anything, and there's certainly more to it
So it's tonight, eh? Hmm... wonder how long it takes to set up cable...

Scratch that, actually. More important question: How long does it take me to get off my procrastinating ass and do something.
Absinthe said:
So it's tonight, eh? Hmm... wonder how long it takes to set up cable...

Scratch that, actually. More important question: How long does it take me to get off my procrastinating ass and do something.
go invite yourself over to a friend's house and mooch off of their cable and watch it

because if you wait for yourself to do something you're gonna miss the entire second season
Shens said:
Well, that was surprising.
seriously, didn;t see that coming, really, quite a development... and these cliffhanger endings are really starting to get to me
Sad part is, I saw that Aussi*right?* guy being the one down there. They kind of led up to it a little early. Granted, not alot happened that episode. They went back to camp, went down the hole, end....but that makes you want to see the next episode even more! WOOO! Can't wait for next week.
CyberPitz said:
Sad part is, I saw that Aussi*right?* guy being the one down there. They kind of led up to it a little early. Granted, not alot happened that episode. They went back to camp, went down the hole, end....but that makes you want to see the next episode even more! WOOO! Can't wait for next week.
that's true...
I wonder if we're gonna find out about the sickness in the next episode, since the Aussie guy was inside the hatch, but it seemed to be saying that the island was quarantined, not what was in the hatch...
There are reasons other than sickness to set up a quarantine.
This doesn't make any sense, why is Desmond down there? does this mean he was following Jack around before all of this even happened, was the crash planned? And what did Walter say? This is confusing arrrrrg.
Direwolf said:
There are reasons other than sickness to set up a quarantine.
But the french woman specifically said her crew got sick... my bet is it's some kind of engineered virus
Did anyone notice in the music montage in the beginning that Desmond shot himself in the arm with some sort of medicine? That, in conjunction with the Quarintine label on the inside of the hatch, since it couldn't be seen from the outside, and Rouseau's claims that people were infected could mean that the island itself is quarentined and Desmond was down there for safety reasons and was innoculating himself from whatever the disease is.

A few other things to note. The strong magnet that pulled the key around Jack's neck which probably is the same source that was screwing up the compass in an earlier episode. That magnet of course would utterly destroy all of the computer equipment down there, but that's besides the point.

What's the magnet for? Does it have anything to do with time travel? How does Desmond get supplies? Is there another entrance into the hatch for supplies? Is Desmond one of the others? How did his race around the world bring him to that island?

I think an important key will be if Desmond remembers meeting Jack. If not, that might suggest some sort of play with time and different time tangents for different people. The equipment looks like it was from the sixties or seventies. Did Desmond go down there when the equipment was new or long after it was new? How could he have met Jack if he was down there when the stuff was new?

It'll be interesting to see how this stuff resolves itself.
I'm almost certain that Desmond was tracking him before the crash. Theres definitly some meaning to that.

And Desmond must also be getting supplies, since he's got access to the fresh fruit that they showed him eating. And, lastly, all the stuff down there can't date past the seventies, from the exercise bike to the phonograph. Someone's been there maintaining all of it, even if it wasn't him the whole time.
Direwolf said:
I'm almost certain that Desmond was tracking him before the crash. Theres definitly some meaning to that.

And Desmond must also be getting supplies, since he's got access to the fresh fruit that they showed him eating. And, lastly, all the stuff down there can't date past the seventies, from the exercise bike to the phonograph. Someone's been there maintaining all of it, even if it wasn't him the whole time.

I think all of the survivors did meet Desmond some time in their life before the crash. Maybe he seeked them up and checked if they were worty or something. If they weren't, he just made sure they didn't end up in the plane.
I highly doubt that Desmond is some grand mastermind behind the island that profiled everybody before they got on the plane. If he engineered anything, I'm betting it was to a small extent.
The numbers have been in circulation on airwaves for many years. From that, we can reasonably deduce that the island has as well. Long before Jack met Desmond, at least. He probably knows a few crucial things about the island, but not any bigger picture.


We also need Sawyer. Ain't quite the same without that smart-mouthed hick.

ADDED: Oh yeah, and I think Jack needs a kick in the head. He's in a dangerous situation with somebody being held at gunpoint and he wants to get into a ****ing argument with Locke right then? Sheesh.
Absinthe said:
I highly doubt that Desmond is some grand mastermind behind the island that profiled everybody before they got on the plane. If he engineered anything, I'm betting it was to a small extent.
The numbers have been in circulation on airwaves for many years. From that, we can reasonably deduce that the island has as well. Long before Jack met Desmond, at least. He probably knows a few crucial things about the island, but not any bigger picture.


We also need Sawyer. Ain't quite the same without that smart-mouthed hick.

ADDED: Oh yeah, and I think Jack needs a kick in the head. He's in a dangerous situation with somebody being held at gunpoint and he wants to get into a ****ing argument with Locke right then? Sheesh.
Jack doesn't care if Locke gets killed or not. I'm kinda glad he's asking for answers rather than just throwing down the gun. And yeah, that was a really bad cliffhanger...

That Desmond guy is either Scottish or Irish. Here's hoping he's Scottish :smoking:

EDIT: He is scottish: Henry Ian Cusick is his name, woot. He is a "recurring" character, not a main one... interesting.
StardogChampion said:
Jack doesn't care if Locke gets killed or not. I'm kinda glad he's asking for answers rather than just throwing down the gun.

He might not like Locke, but I'm sure he'd have issues if he was killed. And I don't see where Jack thought he was heading. Come on, is this really a time for a rhetorical upbraiding about destiny?

Also, I find it's kind of ridiculous that every post is now in spoiler tags. Can't we just do away with them and let people assume that a topic about Lost is going to have spoilers in it?
yeah I lied...sue me..if you thought I was serious, go to hell