LOTR Racist?

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haha there was actually a similar article like that written in my school newspaper.
thenerdguy said:

it's not crap...LOTR has a bit of 1940s politics in it...saruman is a lot like Hitler, and the good guys are in the west...

i don't know if he was being deliberately racist towards those peoples, but it's not just people reading into it too much.
It's called Geography. People from the south have darker skin. People look for racism whereever they can find it.
Yeah, Fox is like the Planet Half-Life of news.

Ah whatever, political correctness in this country is taken to extreme. Is there ever will be balance? I mean come on, I was watching the news, and many school don’t allow to display Santa Claus or call Christmas a Christmas, but Winter Holidays. Oh my god, I feel sorry for white Christian poor people, because they have no rights in this damn country what so ever. Welfare? Ha, forget it, if you not minority or immigrant, you won’t get it. I bet in 10 years, KKK will be popular again, because quite frankly there is so much shit majority can take from minority screaming every damn second.

AND YES, I am immigrant and I am MIXED.
Feath said:
It's called Geography. People from the south have darker skin. People look for racism whereever they can find it.

wow...that's not true at all...south = dark? what? ...no

while you can't accuse tolkien of being a racist, you can say that he was writing with a bit of truth to his fantasy world. the "men of the west" are really like the english, and they were going to war with middle-eastern-ish people...just like real life.

where fox is being biased and stupid is when they quote someone saying stuff like "think of how asians feel when they see ROTK...all the bad guys are asians!"

what about the East = bad theme...mordor is in the east. what's bad about germany and russia today? are people that live east of america now somehow offended because the bad guys live in the east? no...

i haven't seen one article from a dark-skinned person who is offended by LOTR and its white heroes....so who cares? tolkien wasn't racist, but people who point out things like this aren't complete retards...they're just making the wrong conclusions about what he wrote.
theres always somebody wanting to try and blaim something for being racist. I see this all the time, its ridiculous. Its racist to say u like daytime better just because night time is dark! Thats an insult to black people!
What a complete load of bollox :/

Tolkien has always stressed that LOTR wasn't an analogy for anything. It's just a story - an excellently realised and crafted story - that is meant to be taken at face value, nothing else.

//What is wrong with ppl today?? I remember a few years back when the producer of the Milky Bar adverts was accused of being racist for only choosing white, blond and blue eyed children to play the Milky Bar Kid.

Prejudice is everywhere if you look for it - and the writer of this turd of an article (and many others) are looking for it.
If this minority crap keeps up i am going to personally hunt all these whiners down and make them listen to a tape where all they have whined about in the past is recorded... worse than little kids i swear... "mommy Bush, johnnie called me black instead of african-american. He said i looked black and he looked white, omg make it untrue!" Seriously, if you cannot bear the fact that you ARE ACTUALLY BLACK and that some people are ACTUALLY WHITE i don't think it's the other person's problem but your own... I don't see other people whining about being called "white" or "crackers" (Wtf i will call you a ****** if you call me a cracker, you get what you give) so why the heck are these people allowed to go on undermining the majorities?

I'm South American and you don't see me whining about being called a "mexican". It's them being ignorant, not me.
lol...fox news is almost always conservatively biased...this discussion has been had and has been proven many times over on these forums...

that doesn't mean that ALL the people working for fox news are out to twist the facts, but their commentary and choice of what is fit for news is mostly conservative.
I don't know about FN but Tolkien was a little racist. Not that he was different, black people were still considered inferior in many countries in those days.And he fought in the English side of the WW1 in and he might hv fought against some of them there.

But he also had Geography in mind - peoples of the Deserts were black and of plains were white

After all black is the Universal colour of evil is Black. I mean not that everyone that is black is evil but that a Lord of Evil always lives in Dark places. And why? Because...
Well it's lk that for 2000 years and will probably remain until the end of civilization.
After all black is the Universal colour of evil is Black. I mean not that everyone that is black is evil but that a Lord of Evil always lives in Dark places. And why? Because...

...because dark places are scarier than bright places?

You're reading far to much into this.
No that is a subproduct of Black being the color of Evil.
Black is Dark
yeah...the only problem is that tolkien's work was published 20 years before civil rights legislation in america...i.e. a long ass time before political corectness and all the BS people use to hide their prejudices. 60 years ago, nobody would've said "omg, tolkien hated black people and arabs!"
The Uruk-hai Look Like Native Americans?!!?!?
Damn, If I Ever See A Human Being That Looks Like An Uruk-hai, I Am Running.
Jhahn2k4 said:
The Uruk-hai Look Like Native Americans?!!?!?
Damn, If I Ever See A Human Being That Looks Like An Uruk-hai, I Am Running.

same here... or scalping/lynching them... jk :x :burp: :rolleyes:

the books a smidge racist.... nobody cared before so I think they should shut up and because it was a part of humanities past..... like it or not. I dont support racism but so phucking what if the movie is
Tolkien was not rascist! The easterlings were men brought up on the lies of the forces of evil stretching right back to the first dark lord, Morgoth. They were not evil in any form! I know tolkien disliked allegory but try to think back to Nazi germany and a nation for several years brought up on the lies of Adolf Hitler.

Also not that in the film the Wild men sent by saruman were all white?
Jhahn2k4 said:
The Uruk-hai Look Like Native Americans?!!?!?
Damn, If I Ever See A Human Being That Looks Like An Uruk-hai, I Am Running.

nobody said the uruks *look* like native americans, but they're shown painting their faces and their shields and stuff...that's the similarity they were pointing out. judge for yourself if you think it's derogotory to native americans...i know i don't think it is...but bleh.
Of course Tolkein wasn't a rascist. I've read the books quite a few times and have never found a hint of predujice .... anyone who says otherwise can suck my plumbs :)

Political correctness gone mad /o\
I believe also that in the two towers there is a moment where Sam stops and picks up a journal dropped by one of the fallen dead enemies, and he wonders if the man was really evil at heart or just fed lies by evil people (it's something along those lines). That scene made it into the EE of TTT (although it was changed a bit).

Black is evil simply because black things have always been the symbol for evil or scary things. Dark places are naturally scarier than light places, and having characters called the dark lord, and things called the black ships and the black hand conjur up thoughts of dark places and scary things. Black is scarier than white. Dark places are scarier than bright places, that's all there is to that.
thenerdguy said:
LOTR Racist?[/URL]
Of course it is. Everything is based upon our prejudices. When Tolkien wrote the novels he could have chosen to make all the good people black and all the bad people white. Hobbits could have looked middle-eastern and asian, and the bad guys good ol' white folks. HE CHOOSE to do the reverse because he was a good ol' white boy. It is suprising that he gave women the roles he did considering the time period he wrote in. And Jackson didn't cast a single white person in any positive role. So either the entire world didn't have a single talented black actor or he felt mixing races would be bad.
besides... middle earth didnt have anything but whities...... its middle earth
This could go on for years...oh, wait. It has.
As Malcom X argued, the concept of 'black has become ingrained in our consiousness as something bad. A 'black day', 'blacklisted', 'black magic', and so on. Does this make it offensive to call an afro-american or any other dark-skinned person 'black'? Apparently, it's offensive to say coloured. I don't think anyone would be impressed if I said 'brown people'. Is the only way to ensure political correctness to say 'afro-american' or 'of african descent'? Racism should be judged on actions and attitudes! Not on the words we use!
Black meaning evil and white meaning good should not be associated with problems of colour. LOTR may have been unintentially (slightly) racist. But as Tolkein always said, it has no subtext, except good vs evil. It's stupid to accuse LOTR as malicious racism. I've lost my thread here, but you get my general attitude towards the issue.
Maskirovka said:
nobody said the uruks *look* like native americans, but they're shown painting their faces and their shields and stuff...that's the similarity they were pointing out. judge for yourself if you think it's derogotory to native americans...i know i don't think it is...but bleh.

And of course Native Americans were the only people who ever painted themselves for war. Silly people eh? (the people claiming LotR is racist that is)
mrBadger said:

And of course Native Americans were the only people who ever painted themselves for war. Silly people eh? (the people claiming LotR is racist that is)

exactly...it's only because there's a conquered people who did something specific...and now you're depicting those things they did in a movie! you're racist and you hate native americans! /sarcasm

nobody cries racism when a movie is made with human sacrifices in it...cause no minorities in america ever did that...it's dumb...people think black people, indians, and mexicans need defending from everyone else...
Sheesh! Come on people! Some people jus take this too seriously and look for something to rant about.

Badger: Please reopen the Stalker thread. I promise to be good. Close it when it gets to the bad parts. Please reconsider.
ray_MAN said:
Badger: Please reopen the Stalker thread. I promise to be good. Close it when it gets to the bad parts. Please reconsider.

Sorry man, the thread was closed due to people talking on how to run it, and people requesting it.
I just wanted to know how big the file was. No one requested it. No one said," Where the hell can I get it, bish?!"
Maskirovka said:
nobody said the uruks *look* like native americans, but they're shown painting their faces and their shields and stuff...that's the similarity they were pointing out. judge for yourself if you think it's derogotory to native americans...i know i don't think it is...but bleh.

Didnt the scottish do this too? And the afericans? and the brazillians? and allmost every other country at one time.
thenerdguy said:
Didnt the scottish do this too? And the afericans? and the brazillians? and allmost every other country at one time.
Thats what I said ;)

Yeah but im half cherokee. (Big deal) (and yeah i played cowboys and indians when i was a kid)
I never played Cowboys and Indians...I played Commandos and Jerries.
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