Lots of new info coming tonight at 8

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The HL2 multiplayer will be ready at the time of HL2's release date.

My god really!? :D
OMFtghKG They're g0nn4 announse a releaze dat3!1!!!!11!!

Hehe, sorry... :)
That's good news, it's interesting to hear something about the multiplayer. Maybe we'll now get to know whether HL2 has it's own multiplayer besides CS source.
i didnt know it was confirmed that cs: source will be HL2's multiplayer. i thought those ports were to be standalone retail packs or whatever.
If there is any new news it will be announced after a few hours of mindless unfounded speculative chatter and ati advertisements. Thats a personal opinion, may or may not be mine, is certainly not halflife2.net's :)
kaf11 said:
i didnt know it was confirmed that cs: source will be HL2's multiplayer. i thought those ports were to be standalone retail packs or whatever.

It's not confirmed that it's the only part of Half-Life 2's multiplayer, no. They're incorrect (surprise, surprise) on that part.
Methinks multiplayer will be something completely new and original, as well as standard DM.
They like to hype up there shows incase they have info when they go live, usually it ends up being a dissapointment but if not, then cool
Oh yeah.....forgot it was BST. I'm not going to bother listening to it....I'll just come on here tomorrow and get the news (if there is any).
Er... given how HLRadio hyped their last 'interview', and the almost total lack of relevant information contained in that interview, I wouldn't put much faith in their 'revelations'. Just reading their little promotional blurb pisses me off. What kind of radio show doesn't announce the guests they'll be having? Either tell us someone from Valve will be on so we can listen to it, or tell us your neighbor's son Jimmy will be on so we don't have to.
uhmm, isn't Greenwich in the UK? So you have to stay up until 1am
I have to wait untill 2am T_T
Tadashi said:
uhmm, isn't Greenwich in the UK? So you have to stay up until 1am
I have to wait untill 2am T_T

Erm...yes Greenwich is in London.......but the UK is in British Summer Time at the moment....which means it is 1hr ahead of GMT.
[sl@yer] said:
Erm...yes Greenwich is in London.......but the UK is in British Summer Time at the moment....which means it is 1hr ahead of GMT.

Yes but Eastern and Pacific went forward an hour a week later, so its 1am anyway.
is it that halflife radio crap? Because the last time they said they would have en interview with valve, it was about playboy mansion and farcry.
Lobster said:
Yes but Eastern and Pacific went forward an hour a week later, so its 1am anyway.

Er...um....yeah....bingo. [slaps head in realisation....then hangs it in shame].
I hate timezones.
HLRADIO is complete crap, you will be wasting your time if you tune in. They hype up the show with complete bogus, its a joke.
tokin said:
HLRADIO is complete crap, you will be wasting your time if you tune in. They hype up the show with complete bogus, its a joke.

Yep....ah well, it may reveal some tiny piece of news amongst the crap, who knows.
Munro said:
My god really!? :D
wouldnt that imply it is not ready?

... what has Gabe been claiming to play all these months then?
/me imagines Gabe sitting in front of a blank monitor making "peeoo ping peeeeoo" sounds with his mouth while tapping buttons on the keyboard.
i would take this announcement cautiously and not get too excited because Valve didn't promise any new MP info... just like dscowboy mentioned..

have low expectations and u shouldn't be disappointed when its time for this interview.
Mr. Redundant said:
... what has Gabe been claiming to play all these months then?
/me imagines Gabe sitting in front of a blank monitor making "peeoo ping peeeeoo" sounds with his mouth while tapping buttons on the keyboard.

Lol....an amusing image that certainly is.
[sl@yer] said:
Yep....ah well, it may reveal some tiny piece of news amongst the crap, who knows.

No man, at the most...they will reword some past news..id put my life on it. Plus why in hell would HLRADIO be the first to know and/or bring the information about multiplayer first? They will talk about the source engine and talk about CS, TFC, DOD, and whatever else on source...oh and im sure the highlight of their topic will be like "Yeah, im sure HL2 will ship with DM/TDM its just likely valve will do their own thing"....its crap. I remember them posting at their site with somelthing like this "All new interivew live tonight at E3...etc..blah blah...they will be going in depth about TEAM FORTRESS 2" and guess what TF2 wasn't even mentioned one bit...hell it didnt even go live that night. Save your time ppl, dont wait around to listen to this crap.
You're probably right but we shall see (well not me...I have more productive things to be doing such as sleeping).
When Valve's ready to talk, they'll make a formal announcement. I doubt these jokers have an exclusive scoop.
more likely HLradio will fill their time cracking jokes about their imaginary gilfriends/wives.

however it is HLradio, so whatever it is Im sure it will be OUTSTANDING
**note that is reference to a recent interview, not that they have outstanding quality... because that is not the case.
Given lovely quotes like this:
When Gabe Newell exclusively told our staff that Counter-Strike Source will be the multiplayer game for Half-Life 2, people are still asking, "What is source?"

Source is Valve's latest update for Counter-Strike. "Source" is named after the Half-Life 2 Engine. Counter-Strike Source is the new upcoming Half-Life 2 multiplayer. In addition, Team Fortress Classic, and Day of Defeat will also port to source. Just imagine these games with 2004 graphics and physics (which some of you have seen from the aztec Half-Life 2 demo). Get ready, it's coming soon!
and the last interview I'm inclined to be sceptical.
(No, Source IS the HL2 engine. It's not named after it. It's not an update for CS.)

However, here's hoping they get some good info and have a great interview.
Ahnteis said:
Given lovely quotes like this:

and the last interview I'm inclined to be sceptical.
(No, Source IS the HL2 engine. It's not named after it. It's not an update for CS.)

However, here's hoping they get some good info and have a great interview.

also they claim CS:Source is THE mp aspect of HL2....
1 + clue -2 clues
=clueless _/owned2
Mr. Redundant said:
more likely HLradio will fill their time cracking jokes about their imaginary gilfriends/wives.

however it is HLradio, so whatever it is Im sure it will be OUTSTANDING
**note that is reference to a recent interview, not that they have outstanding quality... because that is not the case.

Yeah I noticed that.....he seemed to say outstanding a hell of a lot, it sounded really fake and unenthusiastic. He could do with swallowing a thesaurus or two...

Anyway....I doubt there'll be anything new/real.....but we can still hope.
heheh, well...

I dont think much "news" will come of this to be honest.

We should set up a radio station called HL2 radio and go in direct competition!!! :p

Considering how many times those guys have made grandiose claims about new/exclusive/great information, and considering how many times they've actually delivered on any of those promises, it would be wise to take any further such claims with a couple shakers of salt.

First rule of journalism: have credible sources.
When Gabe Newell exclusively told our staff that Counter-Strike Source will be the multiplayer game for Half-Life 2,

Yeah, they exclusively told everyone else at E3, too.

people are still asking, "What is source?"

Only stupid people.
they ALWAYS hype their show, and end up bringing NOTHING to the table.
I didnt acctully hear/see any quotes from valve that acctully said the words "Half-Life 2's multiplayer will be Counter-Strike source"

Personaly i think they only showed us Aztech to shut everyone up about it, thats how it came across anyway, it also gave people somthing new to talk about, i have my doubts that the ports will be the soul mp component.
No new info!

Quote from HLradio.

The live show tonight starts at 8pm EST (1am GMT). Several topics on tonight's show. We will go into more details about the HL2 multiplayer edition to the new game, and exactly what "source" is. The HL2 multiplayer will be ready at the time of HL2's release date. We'll go over some of the server requirements and what kind of gameplay to expect. Several guests on tonight's show, so don't miss it!
Lobster said:
I didnt acctully hear/see any quotes from valve that acctully said the words "Half-Life 2's multiplayer will be Counter-Strike source"

Personaly i think they only showed us Aztech to shut everyone up about it, thats how it came across anyway, it also gave people somthing new to talk about, i have my doubts that the ports will be the soul mp component.

yep been thinking the exact same thing since they showed it.
theres no way in hell thats HL2's MP component.
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