Lots of new info coming tonight at 8

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God I love listening to this radio station, you can hear a bunch of people with radio voices that DO NOT KNOW JACKSQUAT ABOUT GAMES/COMPUTERS/CONSOLES. Someone just mixed up and said Xbox 3 and another one was totally confused on what the phantom console was. Really stupid that they are gonna do a phantom console interview and they don't even know who makes it.
man, quit ****ing complaining, we have acknoledged you guys don't like it.
not to mention the site never said they were talking about new info
I thought one of you would have picked up on that by now.
Wesisapie said:
same to you hiln.

Why spam? Just listen to the radio crap or don't, but quit bitching about it here.
its a forum dude, people voice their opinions that can differ from yours. if you want to listen to hlradio in peace, close your browser.
in reply to hiln:

You're spamming too! Perhaps if people see that they are just talking crap about bahamas, then people will not make the mistake of listening to it.
Who gives a damn about neutering the damn dog? These guys are morons. And this isn't site bashing, it's moron bashing.
hiln said:
Why spam? Just listen to the radio crap or don't, but quit bitching about it here.

We can bitch about what we want, because the people that run it themselves are jackasses. :rolleyes:
You guys ever been on this HL Radio? They do this bullcrap for a while, then maybe 5 minuets if that on actuall HL 2 releated stuff.
this is site bashing, they represent the site. calling them morons is pretty much doing that.
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