Lots Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Info\Media! ***Spoilers***


I cannot wait for the game.
OH MY FREAKIN LORD. I just updated the list including two new full length trailers. These were JUST posted and will totally blow you away. This is #23 in the list.
They're not working for me. The player appears and all, but it's just loading indefinitely, without a progress bar or anything.
The first vid is a nice opening...but WOW at the new trailer.

My excitement meter is ready to blow right through my chest.
*mmmm Zelda.
Looks awesome but I am still a little worried about playing with the Wii controller...:(
Is it wrong that I had to touch myself while watching those?

Not long to go now :)
Must.......... resist.......... spoilerinos..........

Ehehe, luckily, I'm still at work and can't view them.
Whoa, that canyon in the intro just looks awesome. And the town/market! :D Eeeeee!!
Is this game still coming out for Gamecube as well?
Aye! GC and the Wii, only difference is the Wii will use the remote for the sword/bow etc.
I think I'm going to get it for the GC, as I'm not getting a Wii till god knows when and I don't want to miss out on the freshly-sqeezed Zeldary goodness.
Holy shit. :O

Looks better than ever. Can't wait.
Man. Is this what they call an erection? :O

I want to know who that tall guy in the funny hat/mask is. I mean... I know who it probably is, but I won't admit it because I don't want spoilers. :E
As much as i'm tempted to check those out, i'm not going to risk any more exposure from now untill the day Zelda arrives. I want everything to be a great suprise from start till finish :)
Awww. link doesnt look like as much of a bad ass as he did in the N64 one :P. His expression made him look like he was always pissed off, i think i liked that better hah
Don't read number 24. I read about two lines and realised it was going to tell me the entire first two or three hours of the game. So I stopped reading.
With Nintendo's NDA lifted on talk on Zelda, IGN's Head Wii Editor writes some impressions after playing 10 hours.

SPOILER FREE (at least my quotes)

Some promising bits:
I asked how long it took Nintendo's testers to complete the entire game the first time through. The answer is a whopping 70-plus hours.

While I usually take stuff like this with a grain of salt considering I usually finish games much faster than devs claim it will take me (way back they claimed God of War took their lightning-quick tester over 20 hours - it took me less than 8)...I figured I'd clock in around 30-40 tops with my first run-through of Zelda doing the main quest and a standard amount of side-quests...BUT...
Bill Trinen told me that he was working on his second play-through of the game. Knowing what to do and where to go, and skipping cut-scenes, Trinen said that he had logged about 27 hours to make it about two thirds of the way through the temples themselves - and that doesn't account for any of the side quests or time sinks like fishing, a single operation that could easily add hours upon hours to Zelda's depth.

THAT is much more assuring that this game is longggg. Me likes.

Most of the rest of his initial impressions are surrounding general Zelda stuff that we've all been hearing (It's epic, it's huge, it's kickass and the Wii version control is superior to all the press guys that have played it). He has more coming tonight apparently.

Read all 3 pages here if you wish.

Just an example of how big the world is. A couple Nintendo guys in the newest 1UP show say the Hyrule Field area in TP is about 5x bigger than the Hyrule Field area in OOT.

EDIT: Listening to the Wii-k in review where the guy that played for 10 hours is on a ghetto speaker phone.

He says the game is a lot harder than WW, some guys can even take off 1-2 full hearts off when they hit you.





He also quickly mentioned that in side-questing and alternate stuff to do he said, "There's flying dragons" I know we've seen in a trailer where a bird/dragon was holding wolf link (I think) and flying but the prospect of dragons has my interest since I've also heard you can ride other animals in the game aside from Epona.
Just gotten around to watching the trailer now. Um... how do I put this...

*squeeeeeeels like a giddy 13-year old who's had too much candy and desperately needs to pee and who just watched the Zelda:TP trailer*

Dayumn. But seriously, is anyone else loving the music as much as I am?

Cause if so, they're LYING.