Love… love never changes


May 24, 2003
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I sell shoes for living. You know, some people sell cars, others real estate, but I run back and forth, to get a size 9 DeerStags Times Black for some random Indian guy. Do I love my job? No, I don’t, I hate it actually. I am at this place for a year now, a whole ****ing year running back and forth for size 9 DeerStags Times Black shoes. A whole ****ing year smelling people foot, because it’s too ****ing hard to wash your ****ing socks. I mean, if you go shopping for shoes, why the **** not to wash your ****ing socks? It’s a mystery, but then again, most of out customers are Indians, and they always smelled like shit. I guess it’s part of a religion, to smell like shit, so you don’t go to hell, or whatever their religion promises them. Do I hate Indians? Yes I do, that’s why… Actually forget it, this story is not about holy crusades against Indians, this story is about me smelling… I mean selling shoes.

I stand in front of the cash register, when there is nothing to do. I just zoom out, I have low attention span, like most people of my generation. Some people think, if I work in a ****ing store, I am part of customer service. I am not, I am selling shoes, I don’t know where women panties are, I don’t know how to get to the bathroom. Stop ****ing asking me these questions and go to actual customer service across to the left, and no, I don’t give a ****, I still get the lowest wage. Why do I still work there? Two reasons, really. First one is the most important, I need to pay my rent for my apartment. Well it’s not actually my apartment, I live there with my whore-loving girlfriend, about her later on. Second reason, my co-worker is nice looking Asian lady, from god knows what country. I can’t tell the difference, they all look alike to me. She is cute though, has a nice pair of buttocks and well, a real reason why I didn’t went ballistic yet. Well, today she called in sick, and… You know, I sell shoes for a whole year, but I still have no idea what’s the difference between real leather and some shitty look a like. I can’t tell you what shoes cream is best used with what shoes. If people ask, I call Bobby the Gay Manager. He is a manager of our department and he is gay.

So one time there was an annoying kid, who asked for some athletic shoe in white color, I brought it in black.

“Newb!” that’s the only thing he said to me. Jesus, CS players exist in real world too? I was tired, I didn’t care anymore.
“Shut up, ******,” I said back. Nah, not nice thing to say about your customers. Too bad his fat mother was around.
“What did you say to my son? That’s it, GET THE MANEGER HERE IN A SECOND OR I WILL SUE YOUR STORE,” fat mother screamed at me. I hate fat people. I took the phone, called Bobby the gay manager and awaited a storm, which soon would come upon my unprotected ass. It did come, Boddy the gay manager was a fast runner, he always ran in those HIV parades or what ever they were.

“How can I help you?” asked Bobby politely, in his happy-gay voice.
“That dickhead just called my son a ******!” fat woman was angry. I hate fat people.
“What?” Boddy the gay manager turned to me. I don’t really hate gat people.
“I guess…” I said nothing else.
“What the heck did you said to the customer?” Bobby the gay manager spoke in his normal, male-like voice. I don’t really know if he was angry or couldn’t even understand what I just said to him.
“Eh… I don’t remember anymore, “ I lied.
“He called my son a ******!” fat lady screamed again, god how I hate fat people.
“Ah…” Bobby the gay manager didn’t know what to say to me or to that fat lady.
“Yeah, I think I will take my lunch brake,” with these words I took off, to my car. I knew I would be fired one way or another, so why bother even arguing with my manager or that fat woman. That was the last day I sold any shoes.

Now, what kind of car am I driving? It’s Ford Taurus, the one that looks like ass, all green, straight from 1994. Interesting car, too bad you can’t pick up any chick with that. I would pick up that Asian co-worker, but alas I don’t work there anymore. You know what’s the maximum speed that car can reach? 85 miles per hour, plus I got a spoiler on the back and two stickers, so it adds up to about 160 mph.

When you come home early from work, there is tendency to catch your girlfriend cheating. Well, it worked actually, I caught her, cheating with some sexy Latino man. If I wasn’t so tired of everything, I would probably take baseball bat out of closet, beat that guy to death, and then strangle my girlfriend. Too bad I didn’t care much.

“Oh shit…” she saw me standing there.
“Oh man, it doesn’t look the way it looks…” said sexy Latino man, he was bit nervous.
“Well… how is it going?” I asked, seemed funny enough to ask it.
“Good.. it’s going really good,” sexy Latino man whispered. He was prepared for a shit storm.
“I bet it’s going deep too…” my lame joke wasn’t understood. For some reason I felt that my girlfriend wasn’t satisfied with my reaction.
“That’s ****ing it? You going just stand there? What, I mean nothing to you? You don’t love me anymore? Why the **** you act this way! I thought we had a strong bound! ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS!” my girl screamed, running naked downstairs. There we go, it’s my fault again, I am an asshole, I should have cheated on her instead.
“Uh…” sexy Latino man had no idea what was happening.
“So, how long do you guys…. You know,” I sat at the chair near my computer. I was too tired to run after my whore-loving girlfriend.
“It’s my fast time actually…” sexy Latino man said.
“Well, you will get used to that, eventually,” I said.
“To what, cheating?”
“No, to have crazy ass girlfriends running around. You know, once she wanted me to lick her armpits,” I, for some reason, wanted to share that particular experience.
“That’s just nasty,” sexy Latino man even managed to crack a smile.
“It is nasty, but you know, at the time I was in love, so it justified that. So what’s your name?”
“That’s a nice name you know.” For some reason I got tired of sitting in the chair, I took my baseball bat, beat Antonio to death and after that I strangled my naked girlfriend. You know, after this selling shoes didn’t seem so bad.
Here is a question, beating people with a baseball bat is better than selling shoes?
A most interesting read.
Pray that never happens again.
You know Mr. Reak, everytime you tell one of these stories god kills a wait...

That was a perfect dose of random insanity, thank you :)
Good Story! But what really happend at the end. After you got tired of sitting in the chair.
You know I have this text file on my desktop where I paste interesting things I read online. That's the best thing I've put in it.
Heh... I used to work at the movie theatre. I dealt with a hundreds of people non stop for 11 hours everyday. New years day I came in feeling like shit but I was like 15 minutes early for some reason so I was chillin in the break room thinking how much this job sucked. I was thirsty so I went out to get a drink and a manager started yelling at me because it was busy and I wasn't doin anything. I just kinda blew her off, not even bothering to say I wasn't on the clock.

So I'm chillin in this shit hole they call a break room. It was the smallest room I've ever been in and not only that it smelled like paint from when they painted it white a week before. The floor was only HALF tiled and the rest was cement with sticky shit on it. It had only two fold out chairs and one of em was broken and the table was covered in month old dry coke. The place made me sick.

Then some of my co-workers I work with come in bitchin about something stupid, nothing new. No one I worked with ever did anything, they were lazy good for nothings. One of them came up and asked me if I could take another co-worker's shift that was later that night and I said sure why not I have nothin better to do. So I think that dude just stayed at home that night.

It was time for me to clock on and go to work. I still felt like shit and I felt even worse since I had been in that break room for like 15 minutes. I start walking towards my register, which was way down the hall. I see people in a line coming around the corner and I thought to myself oh no. As I rounded the corner I could see the registers with 6 lines of people going hundreds of feet down the hallway. All I could think was, "What the **** are all these people doing at the movies in the morning?"

I sigh and got on my register and instantly over 100 people got in my line. I dealt with the first guy, I got his food and he was on his way. The next person however was gonna piss me off. He came up to me lookin all angry because of something. He came up and complained about something but I didn't listen. He began to order what seemed to be 100 things and I didn't even bother listening. I just picked up some random shit and threw it on the counter. The person working next to me was like, "What are you doing?"

By the third customer I was totally out of it. I looked down my line and I couldn't see the end because it rounded the corner that was a few hundred feet away. I turned to the manager, who was fidgeting with one of the machines next to me, and said, "**** this, I'm out." I walked out from behind the counter, the customer in my line looking confused.
I went to the break room and got my cup and I wanted one last free drink before I left. I went to the other concession stand that was one the other side of the theatre. To my amazement it was empty. The 8 people behind the counter were just talkin. I got my drink and decided I felt like pissin some people off.

I went down to the busy concession stand and stood there with my drink leaning againt the wall watchin all my former co-workers work. By then I had changed shirts in the break room so I wasn't in uniform. They all looked at me angrily as they dealt with the customers one by one. Once I finishd that drink I wanted more so I went and got more from the other stand.

I got bored and went home and got some sleep since I didn't sleep the night before. When I woke up my friends wanted to go see The Last Samurai. We headed up there and the manager at Guest Services didn't know I had quit so I got all 8 of us free tickets. I had this free drink deal so I went to the concession stand that wasn't busy in the morning and the same people were still at their registers since they give you insane work hours at that theatre. I walked up to one of my friend James at his register and the first thing he said to me was, "**** this, I'm out? That's classic." I laughed and said get me some free stuff and he did.

The new floor manager came up to me laughing after that. He was like, "That was hilarious what you did today." I guess he had been watching me the whole time. Anyway I was in a good mood because I didn't work in that shit hole anymore and I was gettin a free movie.
Wow Pressure, when I worked at Regal that was exactly how everything went, the story of my life until I got fed up and quit. Even our breakroom was the same as the one you described......weird :)
So like... you didn't really kill that sexy latino dude right? :|
Moto-x_Pat said:
So like... you didn't really kill that sexy latino dude right? :|

No… no, no, how could I? We had awesome threesome sex.
Well, Mr Reak, im sorry to hear that. But you gotta look on the bright side of things. At least now you can go out and meet someone new, have even better times with them and fall in love all over again.
thank you for that, reak
I really love your stories dude, they inspire me to vent :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :|
*pill time* *pill time* (fat bitch rings the bells and whistles)

Calm down people, take your pills, also don't forget to take two red ones and one of those blue ones on your way to sleep. This was a story and truly a great story, thank you Mr.Reak I hope this story isn't related to your life though.
Well where there's smoke, there's always fire, so Mr. Reak, hope things turn out better for you soon. Otherwise, great imagination, you should write short stories
I'd read em :D

Awesome stuff, had me fooled for awhile, could just picture it happening.
For those who had a hard time with the lower quality picture representation, I was able to obtain a higher quality photo of what actually occured.

For those who are wondering, those lines behind the bat are fast motion indicating swoosh lines.
Ok im still confused, I think i shall ignore what mr Reak saying in the future but smile and nod and confuse myself further. But to conclude this post im glad i havent got a job ahhh
no money ? :O !
Im 16, I dont need money. Or rather I dont need much money. Anyway If your going to have a job at least have a job you enjoy.
Good for you :p, Im just saying I dont need one at the moment since I can manage about 3 or 4 quid a week easy. In fact some weeks I dont spend anything
alright mr.reak, what movie did you watch, what commercial inspired you, which one of your friends told you.........where do you come up with this stuff??
hahah Nice Mr. Reak, classic.
I want to quit my job also, my manager is this indian dude who is never around. And my assistant manager is this fat chick who likes to do nothing also and make the regular employees do all the work.

She will sit down with food and just stay there for like an hour and not do anything. Even if there is like a huge line of people, she will just ignore them. But Hell, if we try that she has a fit.

Ah well, I hate my job, can I join the group?
Nice story Al Bundy.... errr... I mean MrReak :thumbs: