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Would love to, you know of a decent free alternative to it that is easy to set up like zone alarm is? I was just looking at Sygate personal firewall...

Not really... I have never really cared for firewalls they just seem to block everything so I just usually delete them or turn them off. When I installed Vista I left the default firewall on and it seems to be non obtrusive.
Bear in mind this isn't the final release, I'm sure they will take not of feedback from the beta and change a few things.
I was not a big fan of TFC and looked at the beta as something to do as I wait for HL2EP2. But I have fallen in love with this game, the graphics the sounds, and the way the game pointing out the pieces of my torso after I'm blown to bites, are all so well done. Playing the heavy and listening to him laugh and shout "cry some more" is wonderful makes the characters fell more alive.

Two thumbs up valve, GG.
It's very good. Every tiny detail in the game seems to be there to somehow improve gameplay and especially fun. It's as if Valve took a long hard look at multiplayer FPS and simply perfected the genre. The genre is done now and TF2 is king. At least in the genre of arcade shooters, can't see any Unreal or Quake beat this. I love the scout, a class very capable of killing and doing it in style. Pyro seems kind of pathetic though, hardly the king of close quarters combat, or perhaps everyone still just sucks with the pyro.

One downside: MOAR CTF PLX

I don't know where you're coming from with the Pryo, I was kicking some major league ass with him.
The games only just been released and the plain truth is that the vast majority of the players probably never played TFC or never played it regularly and so it will be a while before people get to know the classes, the maps and develop tactics. Based on what I've seen and what I've played I'd have to say it's awesome, and is only going to get better as people grow into it. Frankly the comic style makes it feel a hell of a lot more light hearted than DoD or CS (which on some servers are played with the sort of grim intensity of a Las Vegas CPL final at times....), and that is no bad thing (Game + People + Fun = Win). I like the nemesis/revenge feature a lot, it's quite satisfying to deliver someone their comeuppance :LOL:
Won't play it until the box hits the stores.

So what's the difference bwteen this beta and the final game? Fewer maps?