Low framerate problem



Has anyone else noticed a significant framerate drop in Steam CS 1.6 compared to regular HL CS 1.5? I have a fairly powerful video card, an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro (with latest drivers), and at times my fps will go down as low as 20. In 1.5 I have a constant max framerate (in my case 85 fps) but in 1.6 it almost never stays at the max. It seems when there are more people around, it gets worse but sometimes it just doesn't seem to make any sense. It has nothing to do with weather and it happens in all maps.

Any ideas?

I haven't tried any other Steam games yet. I'll go try some DM and see if I have problems there.

My specs:

Athlon XP 1700+
512 MB DDR PC2100
Epox 8KHA+ motherboard
SB Live! 5.1 DE
ATI Radeon 9500 Pro
Windows XP Pro

Oh yeah truform will eat up your cpu alive on HL, and also deform some shapes lol it's ironic huh? I saw a normal 6sided boxed turned into a spheric shape.

Oh and don't these:

fps_max "100"
cl_weather "0"
my p3 1ghz, geforce mx 32 mb and 256 ram get around 90 fps :D
if you have developer 1 set in your config, you can get over 100fps
I will repeat... 1.5 runs smooth. Steam CS 1.6 runs poorly.

Truform is always off.

My friend has my old GF3 Ti200 and there is no difference between 1.5 and 1.6 for him.

Whatever it is, it has something to do with Steam because DoD is even worse and I did play it before Steam 1.0.
Originally posted by #1RAGE
I will repeat... 1.5 runs smooth. Steam CS 1.6 runs poorly.

Truform is always off.

My friend has my old GF3 Ti200 and there is no difference between 1.5 and 1.6 for him.

Whatever it is, it has something to do with Steam because DoD is even worse and I did play it before Steam 1.0.

You have contradicted yourself and pointed out the source of the problem in the same post, well done sire! :bounce:

You state that your friends machine sees no change from 1.5 to 1.6, this would suggest that steam is not at fault.
You then say that it is steams fault as your other steam games are just as bad.

I'd hazard a guess that it's specific to your graphics card.
BloodyL I realize that but it has to be a combination of video card/drivers AND Steam because 1.5 works fine.
Ahh, your first post suggested that you thought the blame rested entirely with Steam.

Yep, it's probably the new 32bit OpenGL engine in disagreement with the catalyst. (which suprises me as I thought ATI's were better at OpenGL.)
Have you tried Direct3D mode?
Originally posted by BloodyL
Ahh, your first post suggested that you thought the blame rested entirely with Steam.

Yep, it's probably the new 32bit OpenGL engine in disagreement with the catalyst. (which suprises me as I thought ATI's were better at OpenGL.)
Have you tried Direct3D mode?

Yep, I tried Direct3D also.

Nvidia cards run perfectly in OpenGL but the ATI users seem to have low fps... I have a Geforce4TI 4200 and it works pretty well.