Lucid Dreaming.

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I thought about posting this in the "Yay for life." thread but this is a huge subject, so a new thread would be better.

Lucid dreaming, a dream were you know that you're dreaming and have complete controll over the state and actions of the dream.
There is also a false lucid dream, where you controll the dream but dosn't know that you're dreaming.

Well, you can do anything in a LD.
My favorite thing, all time, is flying. Without any help just pickup from the ground and go away in a world with people that are exactly like the real world. Now that I've been having LD:s reguarly almost everynight in 2 years, I'm not playing around all that much.
I'll talk alot to my subco. and learn how to improve on things like speaking in front of public and paint.
This is a great talent, and isn't that hard to learn. I had my first lucid dream the day I heard about it but it was about 2 seconds long, cause I woke up of excitment.

I recommend everyone reading this to atleast try it, cause it's fun.

A great site for starting is .
Trust me, you must learn how to do this. : )
Well, lucid dreaming is fun but astral projecting is even more fun. Dreams are alot more than what they are portrayed in todays society, that's all I can say.

If you're that prone to LD'ing, I strongly recommend you to start trying to AP in the dreams. :)

I'm working on recalling dreams right now and working towards getting LDs since it's so easy to astral project in a LD.
Dude, 'working' in your dreams is kinda ****ed up...

I'm happy with my pretty-much-dreamless sleep, I guess. :P
CrazyHarij said:
Well, lucid dreaming is fun but astral projecting is even more fun. Dreams are alot more than what they are portrayed in todays society, that's all I can say.

If you're that prone to LD'ing, I strongly recommend you to start trying to AP in the dreams. :)

I'm working on recalling dreams right now and working towards getting LDs since it's so easy to astral project in a LD.

Hm, astral project? I've read about it, but can't recall what excatly it was.
Hm, astral project? I've read about it, but can't recall what excatly it was.

Kinda hard to know how to start explaining it but basically it's like lucid dreaming except it's real and not a dream..Physical laws don't apply there, you can do all kinds of stuff, find out the meaning of life, spy on your neighbours, etc. it explains alot about religions, dreaming and the subconscious in genereal and the different "experiences" people have had when it comes to all kinds of religions.

To sum it up in one line, leaving your physical body. And no, it's not dangerous, nor mentally or physically no matter what dickheads say on various forums. If you want to know more i can show you some sites and one site that has a pretty good course on this, you get a .pdf each week for 9 weeks..

Don't think I'm all fooled up in this though, I'm still very skeptical and there are people who use this as a way of advertising and propagating for their religion and new agers who come up with stuff to scare or amaze people.
I can remember only about one random dream in any given month, and even then I've never been aware that I was dreaming.
Not had any lucid dreams but I do AP every now and then, the first few times it was freaky and on-and-off because I wasnt used to it, but now its just cool. I love the rush.
I've had a couple of brief lucid dreams, and many so called, false lucid dreams. Its really fun, but for some reason I never really "Took is up" so to speak.
I'm not big on 'paranormal' stuff like this really. Lucid dreaming isn't that bad, as it's all still in the normal dreaming process. I regard astral projection as bullshit however.

Anyway, I've been planning to read more on LD ever since we had a thread about this a looong time ago. Of course, I never got around to it, maybe I will now.
I've always wanted a LD, but I really cant get to grips with the techniques ;(...but i guess i'm be trying tonight thxs to this thread :P
WOW moppe got anything else in that fascinating head of yours??
I've actually had one of those old hag dreams f*** me it was the worst thing ever!!! It's unbelivable scary :(
Ive set my little diary up next to my bed, wish me luck :D
I usually LD in the morning before i wake up..but i dont feel like im in full control of the dream..i just know im dreaming and i can controll them a little..but i dont think i can fly and stuff like that..

i will try now tho..
Say you have a LD, and a family member walks past your room. Can they tell your having one ?, eg: do you make noises while doing so ?
simmo said:
Say you have a LD, and a family member walks past your room. Can they tell your having one ?, eg: do you make noises while doing so ?
I always talk in the sleep, or make some noise my sister says is speech, my dad says it's mubmle.
My experience is that you don't make much more noise during a LD then a normal dream.
moppe said:
My experience is that you don't make much more noise during a LD then a normal dream.

Awsome, I was just worried that ill be giving away my (hopefully) kewl LD's :D
Thinking about it...Lucid dreaming lets you live almsot twice as long :O Obviously, not all your sleep is so called REM, but still...
all you do is when u wake up from a dream, think hard about having a ld or something?
Something like that...Its more complex, although they do describe something like what you just said there.
I used to be really deep into this stuff until I started to read stories about how theese things "spirits" called kundalinis will actually like start to toy with your dreams and send wierd shocks around your body when your dreaming. If anyone could research this...
I believe kundalinis are more of a religious thing. Just be on teh look out ;p
First of all.

Don't believe in all bullshit stories you read on the internet.
Second of all.
There is no such thing as "Kundalinis", it's called Kundalini, and it's not "spirits".

It is a very fundamental power or "force" , portrayed as a snake in middle eastern mythology, which resides around your spine.

It's a part of reaching enlightenment and is supposed to reach its pinnacle if you open all your chakras and can control it. It's a great force to say the least, but in general not much more than the effects of APing or opening your chakras.

Read more about it here:
Sorry for offending you.
The kundalini is something I read about a while back, and I was just giving a small forewarning. Im not a kundalini specialist; but i will tell people to go do deeper research before getting to involved, the kundalini was really just a topic I threw up to consider.
Guess I sounded a little rough in the start, sorry, I wasn't offended at all.. I'm just eager to kill all rumours that new age dopeheads spread for instance, :p

Thanks for mentioning kundalinis since now I got a new goal, I didn't knew anything about it except as a word before I did a little research on google after you said it, hehe. :D
This is a nice FAQ with lots of details about lucid dreaming:

I havent actual had a lucid dream yet, been wanting to have one for ages, will have to read up some more on tips. Well once i think i dreamed that i was having a lucid dream, but I'm not really sure oO
nofx said:
I used to be really deep into this stuff until I started to read stories about how theese things "spirits" called kundalinis will actually like start to toy with your dreams and send wierd shocks around your body when your dreaming. If anyone could research this...
I believe kundalinis are more of a religious thing. Just be on teh look out ;p

Wierd shocks around your body? That's weird, because one of the first 'symptoms' of astral projection is an electrical shock sensation randomly all around your body - it's a side effect of the concious mind becoming seperated from the physical body - the next step is the 'wind tunnel' effect where you feel and hear the rush of strong wind past you, and the final step is the out of body experience (the hardest step to get to).

I think these 'kundalinis' things you describe are probably religious people's way of explaining the above.
lePobz said:
Wierd shocks around your body? That's weird, because one of the first 'symptoms' of astral projection is an electrical shock sensation randomly all around your body - it's a side effect of the concious mind becoming seperated from the physical body - the next step is the 'wind tunnel' effect where you feel and hear the rush of strong wind past you, and the final step is the out of body experience (the hardest step to get to).

I think these 'kundalinis' things you describe are probably religious people's way of explaining the above.

Read what I said.. if you can master the kundalini energy I doubt you'll have any trouble consciously projecting over time.
Well, ive just woken up.

After reading that site mentioned in the first post, I couldnt stop thinking about LD's.

So, at 3:00am I woke up for no reason :|, I heard that this is the perfect situation for you have have a LD. So, I prepared myself and suddenly thoughts of the "Old Hag"* flooded my, I didnt want to shat myself and tryed to stop having a LD :laugh:

What a waste of time :P

simmo said:
Well, ive just woken up.

After reading that site mentioned in the first post, I couldnt stop thinking about LD's.

So, at 3:00am I woke up for no reason :|, I heard that this is the perfect situation for you have have a LD. So, I prepared myself and suddenly thoughts of the "Old Hag"* flooded my, I didnt want to shat myself and tryed to stop having a LD :laugh:

What a waste of time :P

Try again. :D
Well, I've tried having an OBE for over a month now, but with no success :(

My healer says that maybe it's too early for me as maybe I'm too attached to the physical world with all kinds of worries and troubles, so I'm gonna postpone that to later on.

In the mean time ill try to have LD's and keep a dream diary. I'll post how it goes later on.
JunkieXL said:
Well, I've tried having an OBE for over a month now, but with no success :(

My healer says that maybe it's too early for me as maybe I'm too attached to the physical world with all kinds of worries and troubles, so I'm gonna postpone that to later on.

In the mean time ill try to have LD's and keep a dream diary. I'll post how it goes later on.

It's only too early in your mind.

Simmo, there's one thing I used in the morning yesterday when i had an Old Hag situation, worked completely and got me out of it.. I can tell you the conjuration to say if you encounter the situation again and how to do a Circle of Protection, a mind-barrier that stops entities from coming near you and especially bad ones.
simmo said:
lol :P , i'm not gonna try again unless someone tells me how to stop the Old Hag :o

There is no thing like a old hag. :)
The only thing that will stop me tonight is the fact that my FOOT IS BROKEN!
Yeah, I once had a lucid dream. The moment I became aware of myself, I started ****ing girls. What a waste.