M4 help :(


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
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I hate the M4 - and can't use well at all :/

Any tips would be great.

(I have no problem with the AK, though - finding it much easier to control)
1) Locate enemy
2) Place crosshair over enemy (preferably head)
3) Fire (short bursts are better)
That doesn't help at all lol - and would work for any weapon in the game.

I find it much easier to 'snipe' with the AK. Using the same techniques with the M4 doesn't yield nearly as good results - so I must be doing something wrong.

Someone told me the Colt was more about learning to control the recoil and spray - is this so? It would explain some things.
Flippancy aside, I prefer the M4 over the AK because I find it easier to control.
I prefer it over the AK, I get more kills with it.

Burst fire, that's the key to perfecting it. Only fire 2-3 shots a second, unless they are right next to you. And of course, always aim at the head.
When you're going full-auto spraying like a lunatic, you have to watch bullet impacts instead of the crosshair. That's how you adjust your aim to control the recoil. :)
I used to love the m4... but I have learned the AK was built with running around and spraying to achieve headshots in mind.. so I have adapted it instead.
Mr. Redundant said:
I used to love the m4... but I have learned the AK was built with running around and spraying to achieve headshots in mind.. so I have adapted it instead.

Are you compensating for recoil when you're spraying with the AK?

And you spray in bursts - or go full auto?
1) Locate enemy
2) Place crosshair over enemy
3) Put right hand on bible
4) Pray
5) Spray

I'm using a Bible as a mouse pad so this technique works pretty well for me.
Well, since everyone here is begin really helpful... I guess I'll have to offer some hints (I love the m4).

1) Never crouch and use the m4, the shotgun can never get "more accurate" regardless of crosshair size.

2) Also ways have the shotgun out. Never take out you're knife and run, I've been finding that fighting defensively (not rushing) and waiting for the right moment is a lot more effective.

3) Practice twitching. I've have scored numerous kills running in a seemingly deserted area of a map, only to have someone jump out at me. Since it takes a couple of hits from a rifle to die, and one one at point blank with the shotgun, hit him once and you will win 90% of the time (assuming you accidentally hit his feet 10% of the time ;)).

4) Be a rabbit. Jump like someone on speed. Shotguns suffer little accuracy penalties and therefore jump to avoid being hit a point blank.

5) Aim for the body, not the head. A couple of buckshot to the head does less damage than several buckshot to the body. Helmuts pretty much defeat head vs. shotgun, and besides, it's easier to hit someone on the chest anyway.

Remember, keep reloaded, and your easist victims are spray and prayers.
Art_Crime said:
Well, since everyone here is begin really helpful... I guess I'll have to offer some hints (I love the m4).

1) Never crouch and use the m4, the shotgun can never get "more accurate" regardless of crosshair size.

2) Also ways have the shotgun out. Never take out you're knife and run, I've been finding that fighting defensively (not rushing) and waiting for the right moment is a lot more effective.

3) Practice twitching. I've have scored numerous kills running in a seemingly deserted area of a map, only to have someone jump out at me. Since it takes a couple of hits from a rifle to die, and one one at point blank with the shotgun, hit him once and you will win 90% of the time (assuming you accidentally hit his feet 10% of the time ;)).

4) Be a rabbit. Jump like someone on speed. Shotguns suffer little accuracy penalties and therefore jump to avoid being hit a point blank.

5) Aim for the body, not the head. A couple of buckshot to the head does less damage than several buckshot to the body. Helmuts pretty much defeat head vs. shotgun, and besides, it's easier to hit someone on the chest anyway.

Remember, keep reloaded, and your easist victims are spray and prayers.

You do realise he's talking about the M4A1, as in the RIFLE? All that help is useless... :o

perrkele said:
1) Locate enemy
2) Place crosshair over enemy
3) Put right hand on bible
4) Pray
5) Spray

I'm using a Bible as a mouse pad so this technique works pretty well for me.

That gave me quite a laugh.
i find that crouching with the m4 gives you some amazingly accurate first two shots.

practice in an empty map, running crouching, and then shooting at a small target (like a leaflet on the wall in dust for example)

unload half a clip, and try to see how your accuracy is. get a real feel for where the shots are going, and you'll be much more confident in game.

I prefer the M4 over any other weapon in the game.
Spiffae said:
i find that crouching with the m4 gives you some amazingly accurate first two shots.

practice in an empty map, running crouching, and then shooting at a small target (like a leaflet on the wall in dust for example)

unload half a clip, and try to see how your accuracy is. get a real feel for where the shots are going, and you'll be much more confident in game.

I prefer the M4 over any other weapon in the game.

I find the AK does the same thing, but much better.

The only advantage the M4 seems to have us up close.

Anyways - i've given up on it now :)
-Viper- said:
You do realise he's talking about the M4A1, as in the RIFLE? All that help is useless... :o

That gave me quite a laugh.

Damn, I'm old school, you gotta call it the "colt". For anyone interested in shotties though, my adivce does help.
Art_Crime said:
Damn, I'm old school, you gotta call it the "colt". For anyone interested in shotties though, my adivce does help.

arrgh!! its mave! Finnish people say it Mave
Warbie said:
Are you compensating for recoil when you're spraying with the AK?

And you spray in bursts - or go full auto?

absouletly full auto.. I don't see any other way to play CS, other than running at your enemy screaming and spraying bullets.

when I say, "wow cs is a game of luck" the cs guys get all up in arms, and tell me I am a noob and that I only say that because I suck.... but the thing is, it IS a game of luck.. because I usually come first or second on a server now.. and I NEVER played CS.

all I do is run and spray, and I win.

when I first started playing cs:s I thought the game was all about aiming, getting behind cover etc.. so I played like that.. and I would get raped EVERY single time, I thought the recoil was at least semi realistic, but it wasn't...

simply, once you wrap your head around the fact that CS is not a realistic shooter, and realistic tactics are worthless. (aka you can try and sit behind a box stick your head out aim at someone's head and take a steady shot... miss, and then they can jump strafe run while spraying and hs you :D

seriously, if you can just get an assault rifle run and spray (not idiotically, like running towards where 3 enemies would be down a long hallway) you will do well (unfortunately, but its something to do while we wait for some Decent mp)
Pi Mu Rho said:
1) Locate enemy
2) Place crosshair over enemy (preferably head)
3) Fire (short bursts are better)

i wish more people did that
because i see a lot people just spray with the weapon
What you've got to remember is that the AK has more punch than the M4. That is to say that you can still get a one shot headkill with an AK on an opponent wearing a helmet, however the M4 will require 2 shots on the head to kill IF the opponent is wearing a helmet.

So a short burst of 2-3 shots aimed at the lower part of the head (even at neck) is the best way to snipe with the M4. It is equally effective as the AK if used correctly. Also the recoil is less on the M4 on full auto.

If I had to choose between the 2, I'd probably go with the M4 (also for some reason I always find a picked up M4 is more lethal than one I actually paid for(!), must be something to do with the stress involved in handing over a huge wad of green for a plastic gun :E ) . Tho I usually find it just depends on what frame of mind I'm in, as to whether I perform best with an AK or M4 on any given day.
well ignoring these noobs...

here's a simple way of thrashing anyone!!:

1) always try and run with the crosshairs at head height...takes practice and fiddling around but can be very useful
2) when you see an enemy, strafe alot and keep the crosshair on him at all times
3) when you strafe, you have to hit a or d (or whatever you use, ill use a and d as an example). now say you strafe right. whilst strafing right, hit 'a' to strafe left. as you hit 'a' to strafe left, fire a round at the enemy. your accuracy will be as high as shooting when standing still...trust me it works :D
4) laugh at your shocked competitor

hope this helps. works with all guns...withing reason. takes practice but it definitely works :E
Ta for the tip Pureball. When I strafe fire when caught, I tend to not do that.

Another tip: If you see someone standing still at the end of a hallway (Sometimes ducking too), assume he/she is a sniper, and find another route, or look like you are going another route but instead just double back on yourself after 10 seconds.

Another tip: If you can help it, run around with your pistol instead of your knife. A lot of you already do, but if you are caught in a fight, then you wont want to cut them would you. This can also be useful to make the person firing on you think you have only got a pistol. So strafe, and when they run out of clip, and switch to their pistol, switch to your Gun and fire on them :).
dekstar said:
Ta for the tip Pureball. When I strafe fire when caught, I tend to not do that.

Another tip: If you see someone standing still at the end of a hallway (Sometimes ducking too), assume he/she is a sniper, and find another route, or look like you are going another route but instead just double back on yourself after 10 seconds.

Another tip: If you can help it, run around with your pistol instead of your knife. A lot of you already do, but if you are caught in a fight, then you wont want to cut them would you. This can also be useful to make the person firing on you think you have only got a pistol. So strafe, and when they run out of clip, and switch to their pistol, switch to your Gun and fire on them :).

Another tactic like that is that if you have a good chunk of money, buy a Desert Eagle and and AK-47(or CT equivalent).

Run around with the eagle, and use it mostly as your primary weapon (its pretty good). When you run out of bullets (with a 7 shot clip it's inevitable) whip out your AK as they try and go for what the think is an easy kill. If you don't kill them outright, it'll completely shock them, making for an easy kill.
I feel more confident with an M4 in close quarters than at a distance, but it's the exact opposite with the AK. I can pretty much use it as a sniper rifle from large distances.
iv only read half of these posts...everything they say goes with every other gun as well. didnt find it very helpful at all so i figure i might be able to help.

use 'quick stops' when your strafing dont just release they key, use the opposite strafe to stop quicker, as soon as u hit the opposite u can hit and recieve amazingly accurate shots.

wait let me back up a sec. the main difference between the colt(m4 not m3[pump] AC) and ak is the recoil and spray patter, im sure u know but if ur knowledge is limiting on them its could pose an unknowning problem. recoil - colt at max 3 shot burst while most of the time only 2 ak shots will hit on target(aiming at high chest and head). ak tends to be more on target for the first shot while the m4 has a bit of randomness (shots can miss by mere inches in the cs and css world). but the m4 makes up for it for having quick recoil reset, as in u can fire burst faster(be warned once u lose 'control' of the recoil[recitles get too large and cone of fire enlarges] it takes a second to reset). the ak is more powerful(3 shots mostly), so i tend to use just one shot at a time while the colt can take 3-4 shots on body for a take down and i tend to 2 shot burst. recoil for ak at medium distances is great because if u aim for mid chest the second round is sent to the head from the recoil(does not work most of the time a long range unless u aim at his feet). m4 u need to be closer to have recoil send the shot up to the head, however because of the lower recoil medium/long rang is this guns favorite distance, chest shots often lead to head shots with the second round, maybe even third.

spray pattern - colt it pretty predictable, although it is harder to see in css due to shaders(atleast for me, ATi). colt has a smaller cone of fire for the duration while the ak jumps form the smallest cone of time to a rather large one that is sentrally located far above the crosshair. colt like to pull up and to the right, ak likes up and moves slightly form left to right(ever so slightly) . colt imo is more predictable while unloading a magazine.

noramlly i wont spray unless they are less that 20 meters away but there are always exceptions. i stated before that i normally take 1 2 or 3 shot burst dependin on rifle. 1-2 best for ak 2-3 best for colt, dont try 3 on very long distances, the third will most likely be a waste of ammo unless ur very experienced with the m4. i like to maim(slow down the enemy) sometimes for the headshot, other time i dont have to.

most of the time i dont crouch, crouching makes for easy headshots and overall just getting killed unless your ambushing(is it easier to hit a ball or a stick?) CONSTANTLY keep moving, use the 'quick stops' and small burst.

what a lot of people dont know is there is a physcological impact as well, silencer m4 'sounds' weaker while the unsilenced m4 sounds like its packs a punch. also dont automaticlly run away if low on health, becasue they'll know ur running and come after u harder like a shark the smells blood.

im not going to tell u everything that u need to know to go CAL-M. i just offered a few known help hints that most 'newbs' dont know(im not callin u a newb, some people have different styles).

anywho hope this helps and im pretty sure about the sprays although i can swear it varies sometimes :P
disruptioN_ said:
I think Mr. Redundant needs to find a harder server.
yeah... damnit I always forget to check the difficulty setting on public servers when I randomly join them.
perrkele said:
1) Locate enemy
2) Place crosshair over enemy
3) Put right hand on bible
4) Pray
5) Spray

I'm using a Bible as a mouse pad so this technique works pretty well for me.
Lmao, I should try that.
Just to expand on what KiNG said:

what a lot of people dont know is there is a physcological impact as well, silencer m4 'sounds' weaker while the unsilenced m4 sounds like its packs a punch.

That psychological effect works both ways. For the user, it sounds like you aren't hitting for very much. If it's unsilenced, it will, as KiNG said, sound like it packs a bigger punch, which in turn gives you a lot more confidence. Once you get comfortable with the M4 however (you never panic), I suggest hooking that silencer on. That psychological effect will occasionally work as an advantage too. Since it makes a quiet sound from a medium distance, the average enemy will think they have more time to kill you before you kill them, and they will fire less often and time their shots. Once their screen blinks red and their health is shrinking quickly, they will go from calm to panic and use full-auto (which is good for you).

Remember this is all very circumstantial. It also happens unconsciously in a split-second. In retrospect of many battles: use that silencer to your advantage.
When spraying with m4, aim at ground below enemy (around feet).This works well.
sublidieminal said:
When spraying with m4, aim at ground below enemy (around feet).This works well.

I do that with the AK, not the M4.. the m4 has a tighter cone of fire when bursted. so if you really need to spray fire at the chest.
at least that is what I have found works for me.

the thing I loathe about CS is, that we even think of doing things like "aiming at someone's feet" to get a hit.. its ridiculous.

The best way to handle recoil in a video game, that I have seen anyway.. has been in The Specialists mod for HL1.