M4, SVD and Colt1911

hrm.... there is a man in your MI6, his name is Bond, James Bond. Ask him for one of those nice lapel cameras

wouldn't worked, you need to be supervised when entering and exiting the armoury... :(, which is a pain, because other wise i could get some really good referance photo's...
yes, repeatedly... I think they've had enough of me asking :(, what I really need is to take one of the rifles, and take a hostage, or something, at the moment that looks like the only way I'll get images... :(
can you take home manuel's for them? with diagrams? that you can scna or something?
hmmmmmmm, never thought of that, i'll try next time, i get access to the armoury... :P
which should be on sat, when the range is booked :cheese:
Also, jsut as sorta of an after thought, we got to ride in a Blackhawk, C-17 Mighty Mouse, and M113 APC at this thing.
I've only riden in a Chinook, a Seaking, a gazel, and most of the trainer aircraft... always wanted to ride a blackhawk :( pitty, I live in britain :(
hehe, stone don't go getting yourself in trouble. Side thanks for posting those pics i can get some reference from them. now i need a trained monkey to sneek in HANSCOM AFB and steal some weapons
not yet, im trying to get there... I just needed some variety on my portfolio. I have a few thats interested when I get some more work done. So im a semi pro lol
How long have you been modelling for Chris?

And wicked job on those models. Stand proud ;)
Ive been modeling for about 4 years, I started in 1999

I started with 3D Studio Max in 2000 and have been with that ever since. I also draw and write stories



if you want to read the story send me a pm and il email it to you
Great job on the models...

one question tho, how many polygons are there in each model?
It must be quite a few imo.
No More Than 1500 polies..I do believe he said somewhere n this thread :cheese: