M4: What effect does the silencer have?

err, silence maybe :dozey:

-ps. it affects the "rof" as far as i know..
To me, the silencer makes me less accurate and gives me abhorrent recoil... I usually have it off, except (no surprise) when I'm coming to sneak behind a guy or I'm the last guy on the map.
All you guys saying that the 'suppressor' makes the gun more accurate are wrong. It's psychological. You guys are more skilled in using the weapon with the suppressor on, so its logical that you would think that the weapon has a higher accuracy as you would be getting more frags with it.
However, the reality is, (and i know this from a number of reliable sources and experience) that the recoil of the suppresed m4 is slightly more dispersed. What does this mean? this means that you should use the suppressed m4 when

A)-at a close range to the enemy. This is because at a distance, accuracy is important, as targets movements can be predicted when aiming. At close range, targets are more unpredicable (what I mean by this is that when your enemy is close up, he's movements are more erratic and spontaneous), and so a dispersed recoil will help level out that unpredictabilty.

B)- when sleath is important. Your enemies will take longer to notice where you are shooting from with a supressor. This means the suppressor is useful for
1.camping from a range, as enemies will not know where your shooting from.
2. Sneaking up on enemies. If your flanking or are the last man left in the round, not letting your enemy know your whereabouts is important.
I was a cadet at The Citadel in South Carolina we used teh m4 carbine with a silencer and w/o. The awesome thing about Counter strike is that the weapons are very faithful to real life recoil, nozzle velocity, ballistics and General Stopping Power, the only thing missing is the constant jamming this gun has lol, but that would suck in CS;S... anyways... I've found that the silencer in both cs and real life plays a VERY improtant role in accuracy, it also removes power from the m4 because of the expansive gas issue of how the silencer works, most guns jam when a silencer is on becuase not enough gas (gun powder explotion) is being realeased through the chamber, and more into teh silencer, causing a lower recoil effect (with silencer on), without the silencer the m4 is extremely accurate, almost perfectly balanced (the perfect balance is the ak74 (yes... 74 not 47)).

So pretty much it comes down to

M4 w silencer
Pros: Stealth. the first shot is accurate, but what good is the m4 in single fire mode.
Cons: Sacrifice accuracy, and nozzle velocity.

there's my 2 smart ass cents :p
The awesome thing about Counter strike is that the weapons are very faithful to real life recoil, nozzle velocity, ballistics and General Stopping Power

I have to ask, on which planet are you able to take 2-3 shots in the chest and still bunnyhop your way to the enemy spawn? How is that in any way faithful to real life stopping power? In my world, if I were to take two shots in the chest, I'd be on the floor, dead or at least dying.

Yes, Counterstrike is in many ways a great game, but in many, maybe even most, ways it's not in any way realistic. I'd make a list, but this is hardly the thread for that.
CS isn't realistic and that's what's so fun. It's somewhat realistic, i.e. UT2004 where you take take 5 rocket launcher shots but unrealistic enough for it to be fun and enjoyable, unlike AA.

Q_onfused said:
I've heard that before and that doesn't happen to me.

Try not to run when you equip the silencer... :thumbs:

That's funny, my crosshair does the same thing...

Must be his system.
I have to ask, on which planet are you able to take 2-3 shots in the chest and still bunnyhop your way to the enemy spawn? How is that in any way faithful to real life stopping power? In my world, if I were to take two shots in the chest, I'd be on the floor, dead or at least dying.

what i meant to say that they still take into consideration the general stopping power. Its still a game... I dont think id like to play a game thats ULTIMATELy realistic.
morphina said:
what i meant to say that they still take into consideration the general stopping power. Its still a game... I dont think id like to play a game thats ULTIMATELy realistic.

Like I said earlier, calculating damage taken with any kind of real life accuracy by a bullet in a video game is close impossible with all the variables involved. Some might even say that a bullet travelling at a slower speed will do more damage because it might hit bone, change direction and start to tumble, while a high speed bullet will travel straight through, leaving a "clean" wound.

There are simply too many variables so you just have to come up with a system, a set of numbers in this case, and stick to that, which will be your version of what you believe to be realistic. Counterstrike has it's own version. Wether it's realistic or not is a matter of opinion. Improving it should be a priority to any and all developers who wants to label their game realistic.

I have played games which can be called more realistic than counterstrike, not just in terms of damage taken by hits, but in other areas too. While I like a slower paced, more teamwork oriented game based more on stealth than the run&gun-type of gameplay you see in most FPS's today, others might like a faster, more actionbased game such as Counterstrike. It's a matter of personal preference, of course.
TheSomeone said:
Did you make that up or is that straight from the code?

well thats how 1.6 was I dont they changed that

btw I got from a counter-strike guide
My advice is if you can aim then use the silencer and 3 shot burst at the head as its more accurate and 1 bullet will kill by hs even with decreased dmg. But if your not so good an aim and like to aim at body then use it without a silencer as more dmg is dun :)
..im just gonna make a jump at this...

I learned that when the gasses following a bullet out of the barrel exit the barrel you hear a bang. (Like removing a cork from a bottle). A silencer works by allowing those gasses to hold in the empty space for a while then slowly leaking out. The sound you hear is just the firing mechanism. If cs was trying to be real..the silencer would only affect the sound and the muzzle flash of the gun..

But meh..I dunno what valves doing..