M4A1 model


Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Well, here it is. Hope you guys like it.

One of the nicest looking ones I've seen, although the butt looks a little blocky.

Every modeller nowadays is churning out the same M4, glad to see a variety in it for once.
looks great, a little inaccurate on the lower reciever, but who am i to say, i cant model for shit...
Your work looks good to me man i know i couldnt do that,so keep up the good work.
It looks kinda weird with no ammo clip in the gun. Very nice job.
ghost's right.... the sight is useless, well ok, i understand you could throw it at an enemy. but the scope is useless for aiming ! :LOL:
This particular sight is useless, yes, but they often mount sights on the flattop... which was made for that purpose eventually... :upstare:
good model , but you need that railthingy to put the sight on.
nice work :)

also, the butt could be a little more round instead of flat like it is now :)
It looks great, except for the grip and everything behind it. The grip, and the bottom of the main body are way too blocky. The shaft/main cylinder in the butt stock is too small, and the parts in the butt stock are inaccurate.

For the red dot sight, you can model the carrying handle and place it on top of that.
Recoil said:
This particular sight is useless, yes, but they often mount sights on the flattop... which was made for that purpose eventually... :upstare:

but if the mount it on a flattop they take the front "sight" (dont know what to call it) the front trianlge of...
Looks awesome. Don't listen to the people saying you need a top rail. I personally own an AR-15 and thought about getting my dot on top of the rail. The problem is the shooter can't rest his face against the stock when he does that. However, the front triangle does need to come off if you're going to leave it a flat top.


That almost the one I have. It's a little different.

Cool. How come so many people have fully automatic weapons? :sniper: Aren't they illegal in the US? Or are you not from the US?
Samio said:
Cool. How come so many people have fully automatic weapons? :sniper: Aren't they illegal in the US? Or are you not from the US?
It's probably a semi automatic version.
No, they're not illegal. The assault weapons ban expired several months ago
Oohhh yea, I forgot. The one that Bush never reinstated right?
gg thats ****ing amazing. You gotta get some skins for that bad boy.
polycount is 7887. I'm have a low poly version that's 3720. If I could get all the details in through the skin that would be cool. After I learn skinning and how to use the sdk i'm going to try and skin this and compile it anyway.