M4A1 updates


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
This is what i been workin on-


New scope, new scope mount, new double clip, and modified supressor

That is amazing work. Just needs the fire selection switch and some text in the right places to be perfect.
looks very cool... but... why mounting that scope upon the carrying handle when you can take the handle off (M4A1's able to do so) and mount it there...? ;)
looks nice, polgon count? wireframe etc...
Exceptionally good, i like how you have modeled inside the magazine.
whoa, that looks so noice, smooth and professional :thumbs:
Is this for a normal map? The polycount looks really high.
Awesome job though! :thumbs:
@ link: it has a rate-of-fire selector but its on the other side

@ recoil: i just want to add as many mods to the rifle as possible, thats my goal, i already have other scopes mounted on the regular mount, now this.
Oh god that is beautiful in my eyes.
What metod do you use, box modelling?

Feel free to check my UMP thread here in the Models section, I could need some tips.

Keep up the good work
KrAyZiE said:
@ link: it has a rate-of-fire selector but its on the other side

@ recoil: i just want to add as many mods to the rifle as possible, thats my goal, i already have other scopes mounted on the regular mount, now this.

u forgot to answer me :O u suck lol j/k
sorry but i was really busy lol, well anyways im still busy
looks great!

though i wouldn't want to have to lug around that supressor..... ;)
bipod looks nice, although it's not the standard harris bipod. but you're an aritst, so oyu have liscence :p
SidewinderX143 said:
bipod looks nice, although it's not the standard harris bipod. but you're an aritst, so oyu have liscence :p

lol that's exactly why I'll never model real world weapons
'I will be very impressed if it is below 4000.'

its high poly, cant you guys see that from the pictures anyway ?
random.hero said:
'I will be very impressed if it is below 4000.'

its high poly, cant you guys see that from the pictures anyway ?

No, it looks high polygon, that doesn't mean it is. That is why i said "i will be very impressed if it is below 4000".
Hmmm.... still no wireframe of polygon count... what a joke....
IchI said:
Hmmm.... still no wireframe of polygon count... what a joke....

You really aren't the most supportive of people in the world :(.
Just give the guys the Wire and the count god damn it. What's so hard about that?!
it takes literally 5 SECONDS TO GET THE POLY COUNT! stop posting crap no one cares about and tell us the poly count!
Heh...everybody loves your model KrAyZiE. :)
ukfilmer said:
it takes literally 5 SECONDS TO GET THE POLY COUNT! stop posting crap no one cares about and tell us the poly count!

looks like you care a little bit. what im trying to say basically is shut the **** up.
guys... chill out a bit on the poly count...posting in this forums doesn't obligate you to answer every demand of the other users....
this would be a lot nicer if we could start seeing a texture instead of the flat black, albeit the flat black makes pretty renders...
How do you get the poly count of a model? BTW your model is awesome. GJ
wow..... the suspense..


and thats for the very very first one
that wasn't hard was it :p i'm surprised it's that low poly, good job dude.
Krayzie, is that the same M4a1 that you posted a few weeks back, the one with all m203, m203 sights, etc, etc all strewn about alongside it?
It looks like you were in Editable Poly when you took that screenshot :dork:
I wish people like you would right tutorials. I mean, thats an awesome model. /sigh