Mafia II - Spike TV trailer

Looks ****ing sexy.

Why not just make a thread called "Spike TV trailers"? By my count you've missed like 6 of them, that's 6 more threads if you're planning on making one for each...
I'm not releasing anymore spike tv trailers, none of the other games interest me.
as long as the story is as good as the first one and they don't completely mess up the game-play I'm sold.
Haha, great trailer. Looks great.
Nice though I'd rather it was Spring 2009 rather than Fall 2009...
Is this actually ingame/inengine? Didn't feel like it to me..
Illusion Softworks is 2K Czech.

One word sums the trailer up:

I can't wait to play this game. I wonder if it'll come out before Episode 3..