Mafia or vice city ??

I have both of them, i like both of them, but if i had to choose, i would go with vice city. Mafia does have better graphics and is more realistic, but vice city is a lot more fun, and more open for you to explore and do side stuff.

EDIT: You are talking about the pc versions right? if you are then you should listen to what i just said, but if you are talking about the console versions, then get vice city 100% dont even think about it, i say this not becuase vice city is better on the console (i like it on the pc) but because i dont like mafia on the console.
Yeah Vice city makes you feel free, where as Mafia (although big) just makes you feel like you're in a cage and you can't really escape.

Mafia is nicer graphically though, and there is fun to be had in the cage.
Pobz said:
Yeah Vice city makes you feel free, where as Mafia (although big) just makes you feel like you're in a cage and you can't really escape.

Mafia is nicer graphically though, and there is fun to be had in the cage.

You mean Vice City makes you fell GREAT OOOOPPPPPHHHHHH!
Oooooooh yeah ohh I feel Grrrrrreat!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Played both, and they are both such great games. Its depends on what you want though. Do you want a game like Godfather (serious, dark, realistic).
Or something like... well... Beverly Hills Cop I guess? (humorous, 80's, not exactly realistic)
Personally I would vote Vice City. But both are great games.
Played GTA III? Seen "Scarface"?

If you answered yes to these questions then you pretty much dont have any reason to play Vice City.

I havent played Mafia, but Vice City dosent have much to recommend it over GTA III.
Mafia is more technologically advanced.. so you should probably buy that. :p

But VC is the better game.
Mafia tells a better story IMO, I find it a classic of videogames.
Untill I saw half-life 2 ....I thought mafia was the most realistic game EVER, graphically. The models are the most lifelike I've ever seen. Horrible animation though.
Mafia has a far better story and lasts longer, plus it has the extra's to unlock where VC just has 'Hidden packages'. Thats not to say VC isn't fun, its more modern, it has bikes and chainsaws but nothing beats Mafia and its car gastank shootage, also its more realistic, if your in a low top car or covertable and you flip it, you die because your head is on the road. Its also good to see charred corpses in exploded vehicles.

Both are good and you have made your choice, hope you have fun with it.
Mafia. Imo ( and i've played almost all good games over last years) it's the best game ever after half-life.


Actually you should get both..but mafia is alot more mature and like a movie, it's great. Vice city is very fun also.
Vice City is great, but really it's just for fun not serious gameplay, Mafia on the other hand is a magnificent game, with great graphics, sound, story and gameplay.
In fact all illusion softwares games(the makers of mafia) are great. Anyone tryed Hidden and Dangerous 2?
I prefered the original H&D, co-op was fun :)

The AI in the sequal (especially of your squad mates) was extremely frustrating :/ Many a time a carefully thought out plan would fail because one of my solidiers decided not to shoot an enemy 3 feet away, or failed to obey a 'follow me' order. Other times the enemy would behave so dumb that it seemed pointless planning strategic tactics, often proving easier to wonder in alone and kill them with one man (at least then you didn't have to worry about your team mates cocking up a simple order).

// to get back on topic - wasn't a fan of Mafia either,i'd go for Vice City :)
I still wanna play Mafia, I've heard soo much goods thing about. Will get it soon!

OT - I would say VC, since I haven't played Mafia. :)
Mafia...make sure it's for the PC though. It's an excellent game.
ductonius said:
Played GTA III? Seen "Scarface"?

If you answered yes to these questions then you pretty much dont have any reason to play Vice City.

I havent played Mafia, but Vice City dosent have much to recommend it over GTA III.

yeah, i have gtaIII, but in vice city u have more cars, motocycles, helicopter and many other stuff. Almost everything in mafia looks appealing to me, except the cars.
Mafia all the way, as long as it's for the PC. It has an awesome story, fantastic gameplay, terrific missions mood and ambiance, and a city that felt much more real to me than anything Vice City could offer (although it's a bit closed off at the start). The re were a few defining moments in mafia, but the best took place while I chased a man in a yellow hot-rod sort of car all over the winding country roads. All the while I'm take shots at this tires and trying to force him off so I could shoot him while he's still. I can see the bullets smashing into his paint job, hub-caps, the cars of others on the road, and finally, his rear tire. He went too fast around a turn with the blowout and swerved onto the grass and into a tree. I stopped the car about 10 feet away and got out expecting a clean shot at the guys head only to see that the bastard had gotten out of his car too and was aiming his pistol at me out from behind the cover of the wreak. I ran back just before the bullets started flying. Mafia has a very satisfying style of gunplay. Sitting there behind cover watching as my cars tires were shot out, the windows shattered, the individual little bullet holes poking there way through the new bodywork, I got pissed off. I turned around, took aim, and fire three shots at the guy. The first went left and hit a pedestrian car in the tire; the second connected and caused a satisfying squirt of blood along a proper scream; the third found it's mark and hit the guy square in the head. He went down, held his stomach, squirmed about for a second, and died. Given the current situation in the game (I'd spoil it by telling), it was a very satisfying conclusion. I stole the hot-rod (which wasn't totally destroyed in the chase) and drove carefully back home. It was a very memorable experience.
they are both awesome games, probably equals, ill list stuff both for and against them
gta vice city
unparellaled fun factor
all kinds of vehicles, land sea, air, also bikes
innumerable things to do and try
really huge city
ultra cool weapons
very long main game
nice storyline and cutscenes
awesome varied soundtrack

console port - way outdated graphics
unrealistic driving, no manual transmission
very simple game inherently - poor AI, game physics etc.
many missions arent as much fun as others, and sometimes you have to do them
some things are directly carried over from gta III, not much fun - ambulance missions, fire engine etc.
too few bikes
save system irritating in the beginning


even better storyline, acting, animation, much more real story.
uber realistic - weapons cars etc, city environment, police
authentic car handling with manual transmission, and even a clutch
brilliant missions, open ended and linear
great graphics for its time, far better than vice city.
nice soundtrack too
very atmospheric game.

could be more open ended
the realism sometimes gets a bit overboard sometimes (very minor gripe)
slow cars
Most people just try GTA for a bit then start shooting people and being chased by police.
But they play Mafia till the end for the reason of experiencing more of the great plot and missions.
Vice City - 8.5/10
Mafia - 6/10

It's stupid to compare the two, almost as bad as comparing VC to Driv3r. They're totally different games. Mafia is more about the shooting elements, the driving sections just bring the score down since the cars are all slow and have crap handling. Vice City is more go anywhere you want - don't even do any missions if you don't feel like it. Mafia is totally linear from what i can remember.

Plus if you get VC for the PC you can play it ONLINE with 32 other players - Sure it has its bugs, but not enough to spoil the fun.

You will play VC longer in the long run...
StardogChampion said:
Vice City - 8.5/10
Mafia - 6/10

It's stupid to compare the two, almost as bad as comparing VC to Driv3r. They're totally different games. Mafia is more about the shooting elements, the driving sections just bring the score down since the cars are all slow and have crap handling. Vice City is more go anywhere you want - don't even do any missions if you don't feel like it. Mafia is totally linear from what i can remember.

Plus if you get VC for the PC you can play it ONLINE with 32 other players - Sure it has its bugs, but not enough to spoil the fun.

You will play VC longer in the long run...

omg you just proved you don't recognize good games.

Mafia IS a better game then vice city, that's a fact lol :)

Vice city is also good, but can't beat mafia, and if you think so, you sir, are an idiot :)
Xenome said:
omg you just proved you don't recognize good games.

Mafia IS a better game then vice city, that's a fact lol :)

Vice city is also good, but can't beat mafia, and if you think so, you sir, are an idiot :)
I agree. Mafia is far superior. Vice City is a great game though.
Nope, sorry. Vice City is far better. Mafia is beyond overrated just because it looks pretty.

I could name 200 games better than Mafia... maybe only 80 or so better than VC.
StardogChampion said:
Nope, sorry. Vice City is far better. Mafia is beyond overrated just because it looks pretty.

The story my friend....
If you want alot of mindless killing and bombing about very very quickly then VC would be more you thing. :) If you want a 1st class story and a game which offers the most authentic mobster movie feel ever then go for Mafia.. though my opinion would be work harder and get them both ;)
I have played mafia but havn't played vice city, I have played GTA 3 though. I thought mafia just sucked compared to GTA 3. The story wasn't even all that good in my opinion. Sure, the game looks good but that was the only thing I liked about it.

I would much rather have Vice City over mafia.