Magazine coverage of HL2

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I just checked the shops in here London, they all said its coming tomorrow. DAM :(

So somebody pm please.
You know I think munro and co might have to consider giveing us some extra bandwidth soon. I can't imagine anything that will be capable of coping with what we delt with last time.....
When you stretch out a screenie to the resolution required to be full spread on a magazine page, it can't help but look jagged and washed out. Still, we've seen the game in action, and we know what it'll look like when it's in motion.

Some key tech points:
-you will have a command system with which to better control allies, but you don't have to use it if you don't want, as they will try anticipate you anyway
-vehicle physics and physics in general best ever, physics sound like they are hugely integrated into the gameplay
-system specs will likely be raised to 1Ghz with maybe a Dx7 card (sounds like they might drop the lower end Dx6 systems).
-the leak massively demoralized Valve (which we kind of expected it too, it's all sort of sad)
-reviewer was totally wowed by how the combine move and act to take you down, syas characters move and look like real human beings
Lobster said:
Anyway guys like i said before, It looks like there may be a prequal expansion about alyx's life leading up to Hl2.

Or backstory could mean an opposing force/blueshift style story running alongside the main one from a different perspective, im glad to hear the games gonna be at least as long as the original, to many short games these days.
ive suspected that for a while. it sounds like a very cool expansion. it would be nice to find out what happens b/w the 2 games. oh, i need to go see these scans, ill be off for a while admiring them.
Other info: release date announcement at E3 is what they are hoping for
That's at least some more detail on what sort of content you'll get with the subscription option.
And these are definately Dx8 screens, so this isn't even the best it can look, it's more the way the average computer can run it.
Hey, the buggy IS in there! See if you can find it. Unfortunately, the pic wont resolve the question of what the hood now looks like. :)
Heheh, I saw the buggy too. That nice flame gun thing is in the way though. But I aint complaining. That too looks awesome!!!

God damn this is gona be fun!
The squad following HUD display - there is only one figure there so perhaps more figures appear as more people join your squad?

Ooooo i'm all excited now :D
Mr. Redundant said:
thanks again guys

oh and I would like to point something out:
in PC Zone, they have no pics of the Buggy, and when describing it they say it has a machine gun mounted now instead of the TAU cannon, further leading me to believe that those 3 pics from pcAction were of leaked material.

There is a shot with the buggy somewhere with what looks like a farmhouse. I'll look again.


2morrow there will be a second link with the scanns. As soon as the UK get it.

50 diffrent enymy type ???????? OMG
Is there a new flying thingy visible? Look at 11 and 7, there both have some oddly shaped ship. It may be the gunship from an odd angle, but I don't think so.
Ooo boy, I'm all hyped up again, like a kid in a candy store. :naughty:
Rossell said:
There is a shot with the buggy somewhere with what looks like a farmhouse. I'll look again.

Only the rear end of the buggy, though :(
PvtRyan said:
Is there a new flying thingy visible? Look at 11 and 7, there both have some oddly shaped ship. It may be the gunship from an odd angle, but I don't think so.
Ooo boy, I'm all hyped up again, like a kid in a candy store. :naughty:
I think they are scanners. If you zoom in you can see the red eye.
7, is definatly the gunship but I don't know about 11. I doubt there are 3 different flying ship enemy things. I mean we allready have the heli and gunship... I dunno though.... maybe its that thing from the orrignal. :O
This is Hot This is Hot.

the question is this the uptodate version or its the last year E3 ver ?
Its bound to be up to date of course. Allthough its probably on directX 8 mode by the looks of it. Meaning on my PC it will look even nicer. :D lol
marksmanHL2 :) said:
7, is definatly the gunship but I don't know about 11. I doubt there are 3 different flying ship enemy things. I mean we allready have the heli and gunship... I dunno though.... maybe its that thing from the orrignal. :O

The one in 11 definitely looks like a scanner (to me)
I'm assuming you're talking about the smaller one that's hard to see, and not the helicopter
Yeah, lol, I am. :P

Heheh, all looks cool. Info is especially interesting in some cases. But I think most of all I am impressed by the vibe I get from the reviewer that this is exactly what everyone hopes it is. :)
Regarding those odd scans that surfaced earlier --
They almost look like they took some stuff from other screens (and the combine with the stun stick thing, looks like it was taken from that concept art from that German mag), and superimposed it into barricade E3 video
It just all looks.. out of place
What I really expect from Valve is creativity. That's the promise they showing in HL1: they introduced all sorts of different neat, interactive elements, and then they creatively combined them into awesome sequences. It sounds like HL2 should fulfill that promise in many ways, and that's what I care about more than anything else.
the sea bed colour is now GREEN...?

why its green ?
G0rgon said:
the sea bed colour is now GREEN...?

why its green ?

The saturation on those scans was way off
There are corrected ones mirroed there, albiet not very well corrected ones (I quickly did it in PS and chimp hosted them)

Anyhow, we've pretty much determined those screens (atleast the buggy one) are from the stolen build
I'v uploaded some shots Shuzer gave me, I'm going offline now, I hope the my page doesn't go down and if you see anyone linking to it in public give them a slap.
lol offcourse

by 2morrow there will be 2 links in case offff..........
mrchimp said:
I'v uploaded some shots Shuzer gave me, I'm going offline now, I hope the my page doesn't go down and if you see anyone linking to it in public give them a slap.

PC Zone is watching... YOU!

Where are the scans??? i just looked the whole way through this and didnt find one link to them :hmph:
And you wont. Publically posting links to scans is not permitted, nor is publically requesting that someone PM them to you. It's not hard to think about where and how to find them, just don't get publically involved in it.
One is not allowed to post any links to any material that has been scanned from a magazine. It is against the policy of forums.

One can send a private message to another user who has a link to a site which contains the scanned images.

so i got no chance of seeing these then. i jus
t rushed down to my local sainsburys and they didnt have a copy of it :O
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:

so i got no chance of seeing these then. i jus
t rushed down to my local sainsburys and they didnt have a copy of it :O

You'll be able to buy it tomorrow. :cheers:
You could pm someone who has the link. Don't do it publically though.
Nah its fine ill just buy a copy tommrow morning like zx7rp3 suggested. for now sleep is required.
night guys. :cheers:
PvtRyan said:
Is there a new flying thingy visible? Look at 11 and 7, there both have some oddly shaped ship. It may be the gunship from an odd angle, but I don't think so.
Ooo boy, I'm all hyped up again, like a kid in a candy store. :naughty:

the one on page 11 next to the strider is a scanner, and the one on page 7 is just the gunship but from a diffrent angle
wow, i just saw the scans and read the article and i must say im impressed. im with the others when i say that the best news is that the "feel" of HL1 is there, if not better. that part with father grigory sounds incredible.
11's a scanner

7's a gunship thats like.... pulling upwards trying to do a loop....

9's just...... OMFG.
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