Magazine coverage of HL2

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AWSOME guys u work fast :O good good stuff, love that concept promotional art.
OMG.. did I just shit myself.. I guess I did *sniff sniff* this concept piece looks badass.. gordon looks badass and more handsome to!
I'm starting to get giddy, send me the other scans quickly...
wow, lol, that's awesome (concept) art
mrchimp is teh win for hosting ;) :) :thumbs:
thats only the first of 10, i hope the guys scanning the rest
So is there new info in the mag, or is it rehashed stuff?

(I mean the mag that MrChimp is hosting as of very recently...not those over-saturated ones)
I am sure there will be already know stuff and new stuff mixed to make a nice article..
plus the gameplay impressions and we dont know what they played do we?
It will most likely be the same as the pcgames preview but in english.but we can all read it for ourselves, which is a good thing.
If it's scanned just as good as the previous scans, it's actually even readable this time :bounce:
w00t!!!! Nice concept art!! Is the rest of the scans coming to *the* url too?
Where do you get them btw from? From a friend or something?
ooh, after looking at the first PC Zone scan of the cover I see they mention Team Fortress 2. Would it trouble anyone who gets the mag to let us in on what they say about it? I MUST know :)
TeamFortress 2 confirmed: and for real this time!
Wait, so THIS is actually the long awaited PCZone UK with the new screens that was supposed to come out on the 29th of april? Nice!
seems like, yeah. 29th of April is the rough date I guess: mags can't time exactly when they come out, because they arrive from shipping at all different times.
someone tells me that the mag is available at Kings Cross station, London. :)
Third one up :)

Alyx shows a badass handgun.

OMG, that intro sounds SO good, damnit! Now I'm excited, gimme more!
Yeah i understand that.. OMG i can't wait for the others scans. I press F5 every 7 seconds on *the* url :D
I would like to read their actual impressions of what they played, if possible. Could someone type a summary of what they say about the levels they got to play?
Let's be clear about this before anyone rushes out to buy or look at the scans. This article does somewhat spoil the first part of the game, basically playing through the start of the game and describing all the little details. So be warned, if you dare.
Ah man, so far so good.. :)

Oh and, zx7rp3 is the man :) Without him, this wouldn't be happening
they know more about you then you do .. sounds like harry potter ;P
IGN's quote was bogus: it was what Lombardi had said months and months ago: it wan't recent. This is recent info (or so the cover implies).

Also, it's clear that the mag got to play levels we haven't seen, contradicting our fears that it would just be the e3 content all over again.
Heavenly resolution mates! The url = the url with the scans :p
WOW this is great, whoever scanned these thank you very much thats all I can say. You to mrchimp you guys kick ass
Wow, really beautiful scans zx7rp3, high quality!
I feel sorta spoiled, it's wrong, BUT IT FEELS SO RIGHT!

And the stuff about not only being in City-17 sounds very interesting.

According to screen 5, there's squad co-ordination!
yeah, the scans are really good looking and high resolution
I can't wait to pick the PC Gamer up with all this info, but this sure is nice :)
I've scanned over the entire article now. Great stuff.....
Picking up saw-blades (I guess they mean the circular saw blades) with the manipulator and launching them into jumping zombies so they gib all over the place (twitich bodies, bodies on fire)!! coooool.
zx7rp3 said:
No love for me? THANKS!!!!!
the three times I said thanks to you and Chimp I mistakenly refered to you as Xd
my appologies

thanks big time bro. (just your name is a little odd to remember)
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