Magazine coverage of HL2

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9 features headcrab zombies that have obviously had more of a chance to decay, and are apparently much more spry than regular headcrab zombies. From the positions of their bodies, it looks like they are running and leaping full out to catch you. And damn, the trees in this game are just awesome creepy.
well, i was wondering what was going on with the zombies themselves. i figured they had decayed a lot more than other zombies, and i guess this somehow makes them faster. apparently they burn well too. perhaps as the headcrab is attached for longer periods of time it establishes better nerve connections/becomes faster.
Well, I read the article and looked at the screens. I have to say I'm a little dissapointed. HL2 just doesn't have the "WOW" factor for me that it did a year ago. Maybe I've got FarCry to blame for that. Anyway, there wasn't really a whole lot of new information and the screens really don't look that spectacular.

*SIGH*...Ahh, to be back in the old days when everything was so fresh and exciting...
Why the hell did the PC Zone thread get locked? Someone need to go outside or something? I was looking forward to discussion on the new article, which I found awesome. After looking at those scans I have to wonder what Munro and company are thinking..I'm excited all over again! There was tons of new info..I especially loved how people will talk to you when you're just cruising around.
Well, I read the article and looked at the screens. I have to say I'm a little dissapointed. HL2 just doesn't have the "WOW" factor for me that it did a year ago. Maybe I've got FarCry to blame for that. Anyway, there wasn't really a whole lot of new information and the screens really don't look that spectacular.

*SIGH*...Ahh, to be back in the old days when everything was so fresh and exciting...

heheh... im sure another video would bring back the old days :)
Eternity said:
Why the hell did the PC Zone thread get locked? Someone need to go outside or something? I was looking forward to discussion on the new article, which I found awesome. After looking at those scans I have to wonder what Munro and company are thinking..I'm excited all over again! There was tons of new info..I especially loved how people will talk to you when you're just cruising around.

becuase some tool was spamming it trying to link to beta spoiler sites.....

if i remember correctly.
It seemed like that but the link he was trying to post, was not to do with beta material, i cant say of course cause it will get cut :P but it should turn up officialy on the net in a few days anyway.
Eternity said:
Why the hell did the PC Zone thread get locked? Someone need to go outside or something? I was looking forward to discussion on the new article, which I found awesome. After looking at those scans I have to wonder what Munro and company are thinking..I'm excited all over again! There was tons of new info..I especially loved how people will talk to you when you're just cruising around.
You can use this thread if you want to talk about it. :)
One thing I don't get from the PCZone article is the bit about how they want you to beat the bad guy because "you are the better scientist." Er, what? How are we going to prove that? I mean, science isn't exactly a combat sport, and I doubt we'll be titrating any liquids in HL2 or trying to get articles published in esteemed journals. Or maybe Valve thinks that throwing a saw blade through some guy's head is "science"?
has this link of the some of the screenshots in all their glory been posted yet?
*deleted by me* I just read the previous thread about posting links to screen shots. They will be everywhere sooner or later, wait a few weeks and they will be on the front page here.
"How are we going to prove that?"

Because of your knowledge of physics!

Also, it doesn't say that the beating is a result of scientific prowess. Gordon could be the better scientist at crowbaring faces. :)
wow, I just read trough the whole PC zone article. (Found the scans).

Im soooo going to buy Half-life 2. My god.
Znipper said:
wow, I just read trough the whole PC zone article. (Found the scans).

Im soooo going to buy Half-life 2. My god.

Welcome to the Buyer's Club ;)
Javert said:
Welcome to the Buyer's Club ;)

remember it is a pretty exclusive club, most people here are just hangers on and fame fiends...ahem
So... instead of just merely pretty good... it sounds like it's going to be full-on awesome, yes?
Apos said:
One thing I don't get from the PCZone article is the bit about how they want you to beat the bad guy because "you are the better scientist." Er, what? How are we going to prove that? I mean, science isn't exactly a combat sport, and I doubt we'll be titrating any liquids in HL2 or trying to get articles published in esteemed journals. Or maybe Valve thinks that throwing a saw blade through some guy's head is "science"?

I think the real thing to notice in that quote is the implication that the villain of Half-Life 2 will be a fellow scientist.

Does anyone know if PC Zone magazines are available in Australia?
Aussie peeps: PC PowerPlay and PC Games Addict will have HL2 hands-ons next issue, apparently...
Ooo nice, I love PCPowerplay, great guys. And they're reviews are accurate almost all the time. Anyway, back on topic, did PC Zone say anything about the AI?
SMT said:
I think the real thing to notice in that quote is the implication that the villain of Half-Life 2 will be a fellow scientist.


Eli Vance !?

Maybe he stabs you in the back or something!?

I know it's crazy.
Sparta said:
Ooo nice, I love PCPowerplay, great guys. And they're reviews are accurate almost all the time. Anyway, back on topic, did PC Zone say anything about the AI?

Yes. AI is supposed to be great. Combine soldiers move realistically, they seek cover while spraying cover fire etc.
Gabe explains that if the AI sees you going somewhere, it suspects there's a purpose for you to go there, and will act accordingly.
What interests me more is friendly AI, and that's supposed to be awesome too. You will co-ordinate squads in HL2, and they'll not always listen to your orders, they think for themselves. If it's too dangerous, they'll refuse to follow your orders. They'll cover you and back you up.
Sparta said:
Ooo nice, I love PCPowerplay, great guys. And they're reviews are accurate almost all the time. Anyway, back on topic, did PC Zone say anything about the AI?

"The enemies are a lot smarter and more entertaining than in Half-Life. They can think about physics and use them purposefully. This means they can move objects to get somewhere new, or try to hurt you by causing physical chain reactions with the scenery." - Gabe Newell

I'm so excited to play this game! :thumbs:
Well, just bought Zone. On with the excessive amount of reading :/
Abom, i just check 4 mag shops and they still don't have it :(

wtf is going on ?
G0rgon said:
Abom, i just check 4 mag shops and they still don't have it :(

wtf is going on ?

Went to Tescos, they didn't have it, so I just went into my local newsagents and got it there. Last one too. Phew.

I am going in few min to ASDA they might have it. Otherwise I need to make a long way to BrenCross Shopin center I might find it at HMV.
I live near Carlisle, I'll have to do some checking tommorow; should have it by then if I'm lucky, as Carlisle is Cumbria's "capital" and all! (Despite being a cesspit of depravity like half the UK).

*prepares to read*
Anyone here read the PC Gameplay? It's a Dutch/Belgian magazine. Often very objective and accurate.
They were very positive about the game, the action scenes were one big adrenaline rush and the intro was very impressive too with a very lifely city.

Some stuff:

- The weapons will be very much like in HL. The crossbow will return (and hopefully some impaling of enemies like in Painkiller). There is another pistol, presumably the gun that Alyx holds in here hands on the PC Zone cover. Probably something similar to the Colt.
They didn't say much about the alien guns because they had too much to do with the story. Weird though that leak-people say that there were like 25 guns. Maybe those were just guns for testing purposes. But Gabe said he rather has a small selection of well thought out guns than a complete arsenal. And I fully agree with that.

- The game will atleast give you 40 hours of gameplay. Gabe's dad took 60 hours to complete it.

- The network source code has been completely rewritten. The question made it seem as if the code leak was the cause of the delay after all, while Gabe denied it in PC Zone. Most likely is that the game was delayed because of it, but it wasn't responsible for the game slipping into 2004.

- They described a somewhat different intro than the PC Zone folks, different conversations with NPC's and stuff.

- The controls are exactly the same as in HL, and the 'e' Use button will be the only button used to interact with NPC's. There also won't be a squad control menu or something, their AI is good enough to make decisions for themselves. Although that doesn't mean you can't steer them a bit.

- HL2 stands to HL1 as 'The Hobbit' stands to 'The Fellowship of the Ring' a much greater adventure. Gabe said that HL2 easily outclasses HL1 in every aspect. To the question 'will there be a 'Two Towers?' he answered with a definite 'yes and it won't take us another five years'.

- Eventhough he had seen all the E3 binks, he was still amazed by the graphics and the detail.

- The combat AI of the characters was really good, they made tactical advances and gave cover fire.

- There's gibbing. At least I think there is according to the way he decribed a combine soldier being torn apart by an incoming OICW grenade. Could be he was just exaggerating. And another soldier succesfully fled from the grenade so that means they won't just stand around and get blasted to pieces.
There's a 'shellshock' effect present too, if a grenade detonates near you, you'll be 'deaf and disorientated'.

- An example of a physics puzzle: there's an open bridge which you need to get across. You can use the nearby crane to pick up your buggy and place it on the other side. But then he figured that he could just as well give the bridge a smack with the crane and lower the bridge so that you can drive across.

- HL2 will focus on gunfights where you're completely outclassed by the opponent. Like you're just carrying your handgun against combine soldiers and a helicopter gunship. Sometimes running or hitting the gas is the only option.

- Valve couldn't give a more definite date than 'summer'. It's in pre-alpha state which means the game content is fully completed and now the tweaking begins.
Finaly, I got it from ASDA.

/me LUCKY.

/me reads it first
/me scanns it
/me host it
/me send the host to 145 members. LOL :laugh:
Hey G0rgon, I work around the corner from Brent Cross :)

Incidentally, the Tescos over the road from Brent Cross has plenty of PCZ stock on the shelves if that's any help.

My subscriber copy arrived this morning.
The only thing I'll say is - why the hell don't they take screenies with Anti-Aliasing on? All those jagged lines do the screenies no justice whatsoever :(
G0rgon said:
Finaly, I got it from ASDA.

/me LUCKY.

/me reads it first
/me scanns it
/me host it
/me send the host to 145 members. LOL :laugh:

You're a little slow. We've all seen the PC Zone article, and besides.. scanning and hosting magazines is against the forum rules, even in PMs
Shuzer said:
You're a little slow. We've all seen the PC Zone article, and besides.. scanning and hosting magazines is against the forum rules, even in PMs

Pardon me Shuzer - but I could not help but notice your rank on the forum is SCANNER :)
loofy said:
Pardon me Shuzer - but I could not help but notice your rank on the forum is SCANNER :)

O NOS~ I've been found out!
*Shuzer runs and hides
PvtRyan je hebt de beste pcgame blad gelezen! prettige koninigen dag morgen!!!!

I will post the cover of the funky new pcgameplay for all to see in a a while.
OK shuzer it has been sorted now, you can check your email.

You could say its a back up link for Mrchip's Link. One is down the other is still up
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