major pc problems.. advice/help please!



Major problems, help/advice appreciated.

System Specs:
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (running at stock) (temps: around 40 degrees at all times)
768mb Twinmoss PC2700
MSI 746FX Motherboard (running latest drivers for AGP/IDE, there are no specific motherboard drivers?)
ATI Radeon 9700(non pro) (Sapphire) (Running 3.8 cats)
Windows XP

I have the following problems:
1. Serious PC slow down
2. Max Payne 2 doesn't work (after restarting PC)
3. Steam doesn't work (no surprise there!)

Lets start with the most annoying problem. I am suffering from major slow down on my PC, CPU usage runs through the roof, and I think I have found the culprit here:
When I get a system slowdown, this is what Process explorer gives me. Now i'm not an IT expert, but 'hardware interrupts' sounds.. harsh.
Here is another example, when PCCillian detects a virus and cleans, I get:
As you can see, the performance bars go way up the scale, again, i'm no expert, but i don't think this is right.
On one massive slow down I recieved this message:
I've never seen this before.

The slowdowns in performance can be seen in applications, and even media playback (mp3's sound like they're going major slowmo!).

Now before I formatted I never had these problems, and I keep getting the slow downs on performance once I start installing more than 1/2 applications. I have tried SP1 for XP, and all the other updates (and I mean all..). This current time round, I didn't install any of the updates, but the symptoms are the same.

Every time I format, I leave my second HDD with all my backup data on it, and format my first HDD which has XP then installed on it, along with all my applications and games etc. After the previous (3..) attempts at sorting my system through fresh installs, this time I installed anti-virus (only after the last format) (pccillain) and firewall (after every format)(zonealarm) programs before connecting to the internet (NTL Broadband if that makes any difference, I just left the cat5 out..).

I'm not sure if this problem is related, but I cannot seem to turn on 'fast write' in smartgart. I have seen problems with 4in1 drivers not being installed, but seeing as my mobo is an SiS chip.. this isn't relevant.
Here is what smartgart says:

I can't quite think of anything else to add to this problem.. lol.

Once I formatted, I had to install max payne 2.. I just had to
I now have the problem (when my pc works at all) that the game doesn't want to play.. the dialog to set graphic details doesn't even appear.
On putting in the CD I get this..
Instead of the MP2 dialog where you can choose to play..readme..links..uninstall etc.
To sort this problem, I have tried all of the following:

My final problem is the fact Valve's "steaming" pile of c**p software won't work. I get floating point on exception errors everytime I install it (after format only, before I formatted, it was working fine , I only formatted because my HDD was full of useless rubbish)

I hope someone will come and save the day for me, i'm starting to pull my hair out. I hope I have given enough detail!

I hope i'm right in posting this here as I am feeling it is hardware related..

Thanks in advance
Well Interupt is part of IRQ.
Interupt Request. They allow your system to choose whos talking to the CPU. Which PCI slot/agp/usb/serial/mouse/keyboard etc.
What drivers are you installing?
I would check your bios for settings. More specific...IRQ settings.

I believe there only should be 16 IRQs...83? ouch.
try reformat, with ur backup drive, just not connected into computer? just to see how that goes.. make sure, if u have other computers, u dont have them connected, so the whole virus issue, is completely out of the question.
that does seem like some trojan/virus, thats just running something all the time, drawing everything else down.
Since your anti virus goes off my guess is you have a virus, especially when its in a program files directory. Are you installing and programs of your back up hard disk? Like said, disconnect your computer from any network and disconnect the back up drive. Then get all the drivers fresh from the internet and see how it goes. If you don't get any slow downs connect your back up HD and move over only documents, pictures, movies, etc..., however, do not move over any executable files that could contain a virus. I would also scan the back up HD for viruses before you move anything.
Good Luck,
I'd try resetting your CMOS/BIOS settings, as this sounds like there might some problem between Windows and some IRQ settings.

On most motherboards this is quite easy - turn the computer off completely, unplug the computer prom the mains, open the computer, locate a battery and take it out. Leave it out for an hour to be safe, put it back in, plug everything else back in, and see if its running any better.

If that doesn't work, formatting always works for me ;).

EDIT: Heres some info on the Virus you reported:

Just speed reading through what you've typed, and whats on the symantec site, looks like this virus might be the source of all/some of your problems.
Originally posted by oD1Nz
I'd try resetting your CMOS/BIOS settings, as this sounds like there might some problem between Windows and some IRQ settings.

On most motherboards this is quite easy - turn the computer off completely, unplug the computer prom the mains, open the computer, locate a battery and take it out. Leave it out for an hour to be safe, put it back in, plug everything else back in, and see if its running any better.

If that doesn't work, formatting always works for me ;).

EDIT: Heres some info on the Virus you reported:

Just speed reading through what you've typed, and whats on the symantec site, looks like this virus might be the source of all/some of your problems.

Why take out the battery? He can POST can't he and if you take out the battery, thirty seconds would be long enough to reset it. If you were thinking resetting the bios you could have told him to set it on default. Put your bios on default if you know how to configure it back again, it might solve your IRQ problem...

Might be a virus in your backupfiles on your second hdd. Run an online virusscan like this one

It's either a IRQ problem or a virus. You can rule out the virus by the virusscan..
Originally posted by =)PoLo(=
Why take out the battery? He can POST can't he and if you take out the battery, thirty seconds would be long enough to reset it. If you were thinking resetting the bios you could have told him to set it on default.

Hmm... yeah.

I've been working with older machines, which don't always seem to reset properly when you just set the BIOS to default, and always take a long time to discharge. Taking the battery out for 30 minutes (yes, 30 minutes) seemed to reset them though.

And anyway, I don't know what type of motherboard he has, meaning I don't know what button he should push on startup, or anything to do with the layout of his BIOS. I thought instructing him to take out the battery would be the easiest, and would definitely get the job done - the BIOS can be quite confusing to people who aren't used to messing around with it.

Also, I kinda like Panda Softwares Online virus scanner also - try both, if you like: