Make A Slogan!!


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a Secret Octopus Ink Drinker.

Happiness is a Cigar Called L S D.

America's Most Trusted L S D.

Break Me Off a Piece of That L S D.

Promise Her Anything, But Give Her Black Tar Heroin.

Come See the Softer Side of Satan.

You'll Never Put A Better Bit Of Sponge On Your Knife.

Don't Get Mad, Get Goopy.

Now with 50% more Ball Sac!

I Wish They All Could Be Ball Sac Girls.

Get Busy with the Mustard.

The Pant Leg Of A New Generation.

These are just some of the great slogans you can make on this site.
Go Do it!! Post your best!!!!
My slogan is dedecated to bo selecta the tv series.

Bo Selecta is so Bracing

Monsieur, with this Bo Selecta you are really spoiling us

Tonight, Let It Be Bo Selecta

The Bo Selecta Effect

Made To Make Your Bo Selecta Water

You Can Be Sure of Bo Selecta

Gee, Your Bo Selecta Smells Terrific

Only The Crumbliest Flakiest Bo Selecta

Whatever You're Into, Get Into Bo Selecta
It's a New **** That Every Day.
Four out of Five Dentists Recommend Shizzy.
The Biggest Spasm Pennies Can Buy.
Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Letters. (OOOOOHHHH YEEEAAH! :laugh:)

Ed. This is too fun!

Just Like Hell Used To Make.
You've Always Got Time For Munro.
Say It With Cocaine.
Gonna Be a While? Grab a Pant Leg.

You're JonTheCanuck, Right Away. - yes... yes i am

Now with 50% more Dentures! <--- lol i like that one

Because Sexual Can't Drive. - hahaha wtf does that mean

The Crabs For All Ages. -mmmm sounds gooooood

It's Different in a Dandruff. - i've never been in a dandruff before
LOL! Here's what it gave me:

[size=+2]"Where's The Half-Life 2?"[/size]

... first try, too.
Dehydrated Baby Keeps Going and Going.

I found that very funny if taken the right way ;P
Here are some slogans (and my commentary) generated for "The Penis Mightier" (from one of SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy sketches):

"The Penis Mightier - The Appetizer!"
/me says "Only if I'm on the receiving end..."

"Don't Forget The The Penis Mightier, Mum."
/me shudders.

"Gee, Your Penis Mightier Smells Terrific."
/me wonders why someone was sniffing his Penis Mightier.

"I am Stuck on The Penis Mightier, 'Cause The Penis Mightier's Stuck on Me."
/me says "That reminds me of the guy that got his penis caught in the pool pump."

"The Penis Mightier With The Hole."
/me is confused. He says, "That sounds like Engrish porn."

"Moving at the Speed of The Penis Mightier."
/me says "Is that about this speed?" while moving his hand up and down in the air.

"Bring Out The The Penis Mightier."
/me hopes a woman is saying that.
You'll Wonder Where the Yellow Went, When You Brush Your Teeth with a Disfigured Penis.
(my teeth have gotten ten shades whiter in two weeks)

Dead Rabbit: The Other White Meat.

All You Need is a Crack Salesman and a Dream. (the secret to success....)

Gives A Meal Dead Rabbit-Appeal

Mama Mia, That'sa One Spicy Nipple! (damn hot-sauce...)

Cleans Your Floor Without Weapons Of Mass Destruction (finally)

Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Gabe Newell from the Oven. (what the hell?!?)

Behold the Power of Gabe Newell And Half-Life 2.

Sweet as the Moment When the Left Ear Went "Pop" (yeah that's a pretty sweet moment then)

Ok, some are pretty dirty, but still :)
Let's get political.

The next presidential election will most likely be between "The Incredible, Edible George Bush." and "The John Kerry That Refreshes."

More George Bush:
1) "The Bush That Eats Like A Meal."
2) "Loves the Bush You Hate."
3) "When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Bush."
4) "Life Should Taste As Good As Bush."
5) "Bush. It's What's For Dinner."
6) "Half the Bush, All the Taste."
7) "Is It Live, Or Is It Bush?" (I'm not sure if that is a compliment or an insult)
8) "It's Not TV. It's Bush." (same as above)
9) "Don't Get Mad, Get Bush."
10) "I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Bush."
11) "The Cream of Bush."
12) "A Day Without Bush is Like a Day Without Sunshine."
13) "I Saw Bush and I Thought of You."

More John Kerry:
1) "With A Name Like Kerry, It Has To Be Good."
2) "Don't Live a Little, Live a Kerry."
3) "Big Chocolate Kerry."
4) "Smart. Beautiful. Kerry."
5) "Sharing the Kerry of your Life."
6) "Wouldn't You Rather Be Kerry?"
7) "Shake the Bottle, Wake the Kerry."
8) "Kerry - It Looks Good on You."
9) "Good To The Last Kerry."
10) "Crunch All You Want. We'll Make Kerry." (What?)
11) "This Is The Age Of The Kerry."
12) "Kerry Just Feels Right."
13) "Feel The Raw Naked Kerry Of The Road."
OMG LMAO @ "Half the Bush, all the taste!" and "I can't believe I ate the whole Bush" OMG there are too many!

"The cream of Bush" - I mean come on this stuff just speaks for itself
"life should taste as good as Bush" hahahaa!!!!!
Ok here are mine: (kind of disturbing)

"I Liked The Suicide Bombers So Much, I Bought The Company!"

"It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Penis." LMAO

"Australians Wouldn't Give A Penis For Anything Else."

"Ring Around the Penis Gets Your Whole Wash Clean."

"Gonna Be a While? Grab a Penis." (think i'll pass lol)

"I Like the Penis in You. "
Good work boys..... do more!!!!

Reach Out and Touch The F Word.

Strong and Beautiful, Just Like The F Word.

Think Once, Think Twice, Think Dude.

Hands That Do Dishes Can Be Soft As Your Poop. :)

Out Of The Strong Came Forth Poop.

Make Room for the Hot Lava.

I'm Only Here For The Hot Lava.

How Do You Eat Your Hot Lava?

Get the Door - It's Hot Lava.

Look For The Red Toe Label.

You Too Can Have A Stanky Like Mine.

Daddy or Stank?

Poppin' Fresh Stank.

Cuts Rockin' Time in Half.

Designed for Rockin', Engineered to Last.

The Loudest Noise Comes From The Electric Butt Sauce.

Get Butt Sauce or Get Out.

Which Twin has the Butt Sauce?

Have You Had Your Donkey Punch Today?

Ho Ho Ho, Green Donkey Punch.

Nazi-Lickin' Good.

Nobody Better Lay a Finger on my Bubble-Gum Banjo.

Don't Say Brown, Say "Rectal Wind". (this one's my favorite...first try too! )

I Saw Brown Beaver Blotches and I Thought of You.

Top Breeders Recommend My Raisins.

Welcome To Shifty Sh!t Shingles Country.

Now you do it!!! Better!!!!
Lipsmackin' Thirstquenchin' Acetastin' Motivatin' Goodbuzzin' Cooltalkin' Highwalkin' Fastlivin' Evergivin' Coolfizzin' Apple Pie.

Cat - The Appetizer!

Only a Fool Breaks the Armadillo.

When You've Got Fluffy Bunny, Flaunt It.

The Forsaken Socks Of Paradise.

Snap into a Fuzzy!

'.. Ooo I Feel Great!' Tested, Mother Approved.

Taste the Weebl.
Here are slogans generated from 15 terms...

"A Finger of Nuts is Just Enough to Give Your Kids a Treat."
/me thinks he has stumbled on Michael Jackson's motto.
"Let The Nuts Take The Strain."
/me says, "Like that asian guy that hangs weights from them? I don't think so!"
"Shake the Bottle, Wake the Nuts."
/me thinks that is the first time he has heard masturbation described that way.
"Is Balls In You?"
/me says, "That is neither grammatically nor physically correct."
"Devon Knows How They Make Balls So Creamy."
/me doesn't want to touch this one with a 20 foot pole.
"Obey Your Balls."
/me does, indeed.
"Marvin the Mountie Always Gets His Homosexuals."
/me thinks, "With a name like 'Marvin the Mountie' I'm sure that's true."
"Only Homosexuals Can Prevent Forest Fires."
/me says, "I guess they rub their sticks together too much."
"Now with 50% more Homosexuals!"
/me says, "Oh, that's easy! It's the primetime lineup on 'Bravo' ever since 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy'"
"Moms Like You Choose Jesus."
/me asks, "I'm a conservative, child-bearing female? When did this happen?"
"For Mash, Get Jesus."
/me guesses that Jesus had more to do with the Korean war than he had originally thought.
"Dude, You're Getting a Jesus!"
/me thinks those were the words of Mary's 4th visitor... the not-so-wise man.
[size=+1]Pete Rose:[/size]
"The Pete Rose Effect."
/me asks, "Is that the documentary about corruption in sports?"
"Don't Be Vague. Ask for Pete Rose."
/me thought he avoided admitting to gambling on sports for years.
"The Pete Rose Of A New Generation."
/me asks, "Who is that? Kobe Bryant?"
"Biting the Hand that Feeds Bestiality."
/me wonders how it makes such appropriate slogans...
"It's Not All Bestiality, Bestiality, Bestiality, you know."
/me says, "Yeah, there's BDSM, autoerotic asphyxiation, and all those other fun things, too!"
"A Tough Bestiality to Follow."
/me thinks that is having sex with a porcupine.
"I'm a Secret Sperm Drinker."
"Making Sperm Taste Better."
/me accidentally hit the refresh button... and the next one was great, too!
"Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Sperm."
/me says, "Come on... all the other kids are doing it."
"Sperm Is Job 1."
/me agrees. Sperm production is the primary function of his body.
[size=+1]Body Odor:[/size]
"Watch Out, There's a Body Odor About."
"Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Body Odor."
/me says, "So that's what that smell is!"
"Daddy or Body Odor?"
/me ponders, "Could they not be one in the same?"
"Can You Tell Body Odor From Butter?"
/me says, "Not if it's thick enough."
"See the USA in Your Condoms."
/me says, "I mean, I knew I was big... but I didn't think I was that big!"
"Condoms. It's Everywhere You Wanna Be."
/me says, "On a penis? I don't think so."
"Gotta Lotta Condoms."
/me says, "Yes... I do... how did you know?"
"I Can't Believe It's Not Fellatio."
/me says, "How can you not know when you are having oral sex?"
"Get Fellatio or Get Out."
/me says, "Well, if you insist..."
"The Fellatio Sign Means Happy Motoring."
/me definately agrees with that.
"Fungus - Australian for Beer."
/me finally realizes why he never liked Australian beer.
"There's More Than One Way To Eat A Fungus."
/me says, "You can eat it raw, cook it, or make special 'tea' with it."
"Have a Fungus and Smile."
/me thinks that is a common saying among drug addicts.
"Gee, Your Crack Smells Terrific."
/me says that, in dog language, roughly translates to "Woof."
"Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Crack."
/me always wondered how models stay so thin...
"How Do You Eat Your Crack?"
/me thinks you need a lot of Yoga training for that.
"Kids Will Do Anything For Vagina."
/me is nearly disgusted by how true that is.
"If You Really Want To Know, Look In The Vagina."
/me wonders if the question was "Honey, where did you leave the cell phone?"
"Give the Dog a Vagina."
/me is appalled that people even consider sex change operations for canines.
"Step Into The Vagina."
/me says, "Now that's loose..."
"Because I'm Worth Breasts."
/me thinks that is a pro-augmentation argument from her spouse.
"Hand-Built by Breasts."
/me thinks that is an oxymoron.
"More Breasts Please."
/me seconds that...
"Nothing Sucks Like A Breast."
/me says, "Yeah, bottles just aren't the same..."
"Come See the Softer Side of Nerds."
/me asks, "Softer side? Aren't they soft enough as they are?"
"Pride of the Nerds For Over a Hundred Years."
/me says, "Yes, that's right... pocket protectors."
"There's no Wrong Way to Eat a Nerd."
/me says, "Unless she isn't willing..."
Enough with the rude ones please.

Honstely the first one i tried...

"Got Doom 3?"

Hmmm, is this us do you think?

The server's currently getting heavy traffic;
bear with us, or visit a sponsor and come back later:-

Anyway heres another i tried

" Is Good For You."
CybrMan, thats got me breaking out laughing. U seem to have a talent for naming those things, u should keep them up lol.
OCybrManO said:
"The Penis Mightier - The Appetizer!"
/me says "Only if I'm on the receiving end..." joke? me confused about what the hell is going on here...
Give That Man A Hemroid.

Marvin the Mountie Always Gets His Hemroid.

Gotta Lotta Hemroid.

The Best Hemroid A Man Can Get.

The Good Hemroid Kids Go For.

Gonna Be a While? Grab a Hemroid.

Give the Dog a Hemroid.

Can You Tell Hemroid From Butter?

How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Center of a Hemroid?
Mr. Badger:

Mr. Badger Tested, Mother Approved.
Strong and Beautiful, Just Like Mr. Badger.
Come See the Softer Side of Mr. Badger.
The Biggest Mr. Badger Pennies Can Buy.
The World's Local Mr. Badger.
A Different Kind Of Company. A Different Kind Of Mr. Badger.
If You Like A Lot Of Mr. Badger On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.
We're with the Mr. Badger.
Splash Mr. Badger All Over.
P-P-P-Pick Up A Mr. Badger.
Clunk Click, Every Mr. Badger.
It's Good To Talk Mr. Badger.
See the Mr. Badger, Feel the Shine.
More Mr. Badger Please.
I'm a Secret Mr. Badger Drinker.
I Was a Mr. Badger Weakling.
Simple Impartial Mr. Badger.
Tough on Dirt, Gentle on Mr. Badger.
Mr. Badger Wanted.
See the USA in Your Mr. Badger.
Get Mr. Badger or Get Out.
Yo Quiero Mr. Badger.
You're Never Alone with a Mr. Badger.
Nothing Acts Faster Than Mr. Badger.
The Best Mr. Badger Under One Roof.
Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Mr. Badger from the Oven. <- haha
Mr. Badger Makes Everything Better.

ok, enough for now.
You're Never Alone with a Vibrator.
(hah! first try too)

Little. Yellow. Different. Evil Baby Murderers.

We Don't Make Dehydrated Baby. We Make Dehydrated Baby Better.

Wouldn't You Rather Be Dehydrated Baby?

Kills All Known Dehydrated Babies - Dead.

Oh Hungry? Oh Dehydrated Babies.

Better Ingredients, Better Half-Life 2.
(let's just hope...)
Leggo my Half Life 2!

Come Fly The Friendly Half Life 2.

I'm Only Here For The Half Life 2.

Devon Knows How They Make Half Life 2 So Creamy.

To Our Members, We're the Fourth Emergency Half Life 2.

We Bring The Good Half Life 2 To Life.

All You Need is a Half Life 2 and a Dream.

Strong and Beautiful, Just Like Half Life 2.

Two Hours of Half Life 2 in Just Two Calories.

Stimulation for Body and Half Life 2.

Which Twin has the Half Life 2?

Don't Be Vague. Ask for Half Life 2.

Half the Half Life 2, All the Taste.

Ding-Dong! Half Life 2 Calling!
mchammer75040 said: joke? me confused about what the hell is going on here...
That's not the way I intended it to sound. Appetizer -> food -> goes in the mouth -> oral sex. I would only want oral sex if I am the one being fellated. I wouldn't want to be doing the fellating. :(
Strong and Beautiful, Just Like Homosexuals.

Ding-Dong! Homosexuals Calling!

Beware of Expensive Homosexuals.

The Homosexuals of Champions.

Homosexuals Just Feels Right.

Tough on Dirt, Gentle on Homosexuals.

Bridge That Gap with Homosexuals.
Well if Glade Plug Ins bought out Tampax, they could use thier slogan for both products...

"Plug it in, plug it in.."
"The Ninja That Smiles Back."

"Nothing Comes Between Me And My Ninja."

"Prolongs Active Ninja."

"Leaves Your Ninja Minty And Mediciney."

"Now With 50% More Ninja!"

"Break Me Off a Piece of That Flaming Homo."

"You Too Can Have a Flaming Homo Like Mine."

"If You've Got The Time, We've Got The Flaming Homo."

"Got a Burning Child? You're In Luck.

"This Is Not Your Father's Burning Child."

"Ribbed For Her Burning Child."

"Time For a Sharp Liberal."

"It's a Lot Less Liberal Than a Hover."

"Liberal Not Included."

"I'm Not Gonna Pay a Lot For This Painful Death."

"Give That Man a Painful Death."

"You Can't Top a Painful Death."