Make that Special moment that much more enjoyable

Oct 6, 2003
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I have it all planed out, im moving my computer upstairs to a home Theater, :), Im gonna crank up the surround sound so loud my ear drums bleed, and im not gonna move for 10 HOURS!!!!! muahha, tell me your ways of making the day you install your halfife2 the best memory of ur teenage lives :)
I'm going to invite a buddy over, buy lots of beer and snacks, crank the surround and we are going to take turns playing all friggan night long, it's always awesome that way.
When i read this thread title the only thing it reminded me of was the Diamond stores commercials "Give her something that will last a lifetime" lol
aeroripper said:
When i read this thread title the only thing it reminded me of was the Diamond stores commercials "Give her something that will last a lifetime" lol


Well Im not a teen Im 23 but Im gonna be hooking it up to my home theatre as well and probably wont have a social life for a good week!
Give me the collectors edition tin box to win my heart. <3
Lmao, thanks for the Humourious posts lmao, I love the bit about the Diamonds are forever, becuz they are and if u let Halflife2 into your hearts it will last forever too, *tear drop*
I also think everyone here who plays Halflife2 should play it on the hardest setting available, This way you know you made it last as long as possible, Even tho you died a bit more on the way
Machine, i don't think your computer is gonna be good enough to run HL2

i'd consider upgrading
I just hope HL2 comes out on a friday so I don't have to worry about homework or any of that crap
year sarcasm on that computer joke, he has an incredible computer with a sexy monitor u sexy sexy man, damn spoiled person unless u worked and bought it :)
RFarmer said:
I'm going to invite a buddy over, buy lots of beer and snacks, crank the surround and we are going to take turns playing all friggan night long, it's always awesome that way.

Yeah - but are you planning on playing any HL2 or just playing with your buddy...;)
damn i know what u mean, i start college on the 31, its gonna be one hell of a juggling act, School, halflife2, gym, umm anything else :p
I gonna get a tube up my ass on on my thingie that lead to the toilet so I dont gotta get up, get comfy in my new desk I'm getting on my birthday which might be before HL2 comes, open a coke and kick some combine ass all night!
Oh u mean what they give you at the ICU, Intensive Care Unit. If you cant walk you just Lay and piss and shit without having to move, sounds great :) i congradulate you to being the lazyiest man alive
play through SP on the hardest difficulty, beat it

get high (very very very high) then beat it again... hopefuly coop
Lmao, so your saying ur not getting high the first time u run that baby, dude, i have the perfect way to enjoy halflife2, Get so high that your blown away the first time u play it, Then u wake up so burnt u forgot that experience and u play it sobar and u can relive that enjoyment twice, WOW im a ****ing genious
back on topic guys, what precoutionary steps are you going to take to make halflife2 an uninterupted marvolous event
D@Linkwent said:
Lmao, so your saying ur not getting high the first time u run that baby, dude, i have the perfect way to enjoy halflife2, Get so high that your blown away the first time u play it, Then u wake up so burnt u forgot that experience and u play it sobar and u can relive that enjoyment twice, WOW im a ****ing genious
that seriously is a good idea, I didnt even think of it that way.
D@Linkwent said:
year sarcasm on that computer joke, he has an incredible computer with a sexy monitor u sexy sexy man, damn spoiled person unless u worked and bought it :)

Nope, worked for this baby. :cheers:
I insert the hl2 cd 1 into my dvd rom drive. It starts installing onto my 1.8ghz p4, radeon 9600xt 768mb ram 2.1 suround sound system. I watch the pretty pics like in doom 3. It finishes installing, i get some water and Trader Joes chocolate, double click on the desktop icon, aand take a picture of the splash screen using print screen. I play hl2.
Input my HL2 CD into my mother's frying pan. Get Ub3r l33t p|553d that it got fuXX0r3d up3d
haha nice, and good job working to buy that nice setup, its defintiatlly gonna pay off for Halflife2, but i think that 23" apple display is overboard, i would love to see a pic of ur setup if u can, but damn good job.
I'm going to make an entire profile for HL2, with only Steam and Mozilla as icons, run msconfig, disable all the junk apps that steal memory, and run hl2 with priority on high. :bounce:
Im chaning rooms, I will play HL2 at night with headphones so no one can bother me.
Tight keep em coming, i know u guys can have some Creative ideas, maybe have candles all around ur room and make a shrine to Halflife2, maybe Pray to halflife2 gods b4 u play the game that this will be the best game ever.
I plan to move all the crap off my desk and to the other side of my room (so II have plenty of space). I will then clean my desk and my computer (wipe the keyboard & mouse etc). I will already have defragged and made space for HL2, so I will load it up, read the manual, and play it all the way with headphones.
RFarmer said:
.... we are going to take turns playing all friggan night long, .....

yeah right. you are not going to give up the computer once you sit down. :)
I might have the problem of packing when the game is released, I'm moveing soon. Or maybe I have already moved to my new location with my girl when the game is released.... I hope you don't have to be connected in order to start the game (if you have preloaded it before) cause I'm looking at a month without internet... =(
Let me get this straight, you're going to play with your buddy... each sharing turns at Half-life 2, so that you are only playing half the time? I'd rather play with nobody and get to play 100% of the time.