makers of Matrix sued


Jun 9, 2004
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....and she won :O

Stewart, a New Yorker who has resided in Salt Lake City for the past five years, will recover damages from the films, The Matrix I, II and III, as well as The Terminator and its sequels. She will soon receive one of the biggest payoffs in the history of Hollywood, as the gross receipts of both films and their sequels total over 2.5 billion dollars.

Stewart filed her case in 1999, after viewing the Matrix, which she felt had been based on her manuscript, "The Third Eye," copyrighted in 1981. In the mid-eighties Stewart had submitted her manuscript to an ad placed by the Wachowski Brothers, requesting new sci-fi works.
You know one of the Wachowski brothers, Larry I think, got a sex change?

Interesting fact indeed, mmhmm.
Wow thats retarded. No one should get the money they made. Just dumb to sue people for random shit. Pissed off. This is just like that guy sueing because of the 3d display on moniters. Sues most gameing companys wow retardes. pissed/
Raziel-Jcd said:
Wow thats retarded. No one should get the money they made. Just dumb to sue people for random shit. Pissed off. This is just like that guy sueing because of the 3d display on moniters. Sues most gameing companys wow retardes. pissed/

Well the Wachowski brothers took her script, cut 30 minutes of material out of it in an effort to avoid copyright infringement, and passed it off as their own. That's not a case of "The Matrix is sort of, kind of like my script which I wrote in 1975 and no ever used", the brothers posted an ad in the paper for scripts, got hers, took it, used it, and never gave her any credit or cash from the films.
she's just made herself and her lawyer very very rich, but from the looks of it, she deserves it, the W brothers ripped her script off without giving her any notice.

I was sure the wachowskis didn't write the first matrix, given the crap that was 2 and 3.
well tbh, although if they DID steal some of her script, i am sure that she would have never made any money out of it. after all- if you actually watch the first film, it is a masterpeice. It is very unlikely that she would have been able to transform her work into the amazing film we see today, but the W brothers did, so they deserve lots of money. the fact they stole the script is wrong, and therefore they should gove her some money but... 2.5 BILLION? come on!! i doubt she deserves that. if she didnt want to make a movie of her work, then she shouldnt get paid for NOT doing so.

tbh if i was in her position, i would sue not for MONEY, but to have ALL matrix products carry a title "based on the book by..." if you see what i mean. this is much fairer, as i didnt MAKE the money, so i dont deserve it.
Suicide42 said:
well tbh, although if they DID steal some of her script, i am sure that she would have never made any money out of it. after all- if you actually watch the first film, it is a masterpeice. It is very unlikely that she would have been able to transform her work into the amazing film we see today, but the W brothers did, so they deserve lots of money. the fact they stole the script is wrong, and therefore they should gove her some money but... 2.5 BILLION? come on!! i doubt she deserves that. if she didnt want to make a movie of her work, then she shouldnt get paid for NOT doing so.

The Matrix franchise has made at least 5 times that amount collectively. Considering she was the one who wrote it, and was cheated out of writing credits (and thus any royalties she might have gained, which would have netted her a few million), plus damages, I can't see how she doesn't deserve it.
KagePrototype said:
The Matrix franchise has made at least 5 times that amount collectively. Considering she was the one who wrote it, and was cheated out of writing credits (and thus any royalties she might have gained, which would have netted her a few million), plus damages, I can't see how she doesn't deserve it.

over 10 billion? wow, thats a lot of money for one franchise to make... but i still think that 20% is too much, i mean even 1% would allow her to live the rest of her life in luxury? what can someone POSSIBLY do with that much moeny? buy an island?
Suicide42 said:
over 10 billion? wow, thats a lot of money for one franchise to make... but i still think that 20% is too much, i mean even 1% would allow her to live the rest of her life in luxury? what can someone POSSIBLY do with that much moeny? buy an island?

I would. ;) I guess that's just what the math churned out.
I would like to see a copy of her story before I pass judgement.
...and there is the explaination as to why the first Matrix was so good, but the rest sucked. :D

But I'm with LAYP, people sorta kinda do this thing all the time for cash. Does someone have a better link? wasn't the story that made the first matrix so good, it was everything but the story that made it good.
Foxtrot said: wasn't the story that made the first matrix so good, it was everything but the story that made it good.

what? that doesnt make sense! no-one watches the movie just to see people dodge bullets!!! you want philosophy and an interesting story. well, for me anyway, the story meant everything.
Suicide42 said:
what? that doesnt make sense! no-one watches the movie just to see people dodge bullets!!! you want philosophy and an interesting story. well, for me anyway, the story meant everything.
I thought it was the camera angles, the quotes, the special effects, the action, the guns, the bullets!! and even the clothes, oh and the imagery.
Wonderful. Now can I sue them for having to sit through the Matrix Reloaded?

BTW, where do the Terminator films come into this? It mentions them in the articles but doesn't say why...

Edit: Oh and everyone knows that what made the original Matrix great was that actor they got to play Neo. You know. The wooden one.
Ok guys, first of all, how many of you have ever heard of the website that article is on? Ok.

How many of you have heard about this ever, before clicking that link?

How many of you now think that would have been on at LEAST 1, yes 1 major magazine, newspaper, or television news broadcast?

Now how many of you believe the story on that website?

Biggest reward in hollywood? 2.5 billion dollars? Excuse me, that would have been splattered across tv's magazines and newspapers, "watchowskis masterpiece actually not watchowskis masterpiece" would have been everywhere. I highly doubt that story, if someone has a link to a major believable news source to prove me wrong please post it here and I will concede. Otherwise I trust the news on that website as much as I trust the news is real on
kupoartist said:
BTW, where do the Terminator films come into this? It mentions them in the articles but doesn't say why...
I'm guessing it's because of the similar storyline, once again. The whole concept of Terminator (machines taking over the world and destorying humankind) is very much like the concept for the Matrix movies. But, the specifics of the stories are very different. Hmmm . . . she can't claim credit for BOTH stories . . .
god i wish she was my grandmother.

i think its what the W brothers get for taking ideas that werent theirs, if only they had done the right things and included her name and then allowed themselves to build on it, everything would be fine, but they knowingly STOLE its. so fuk em, give the woman her 2.5 billion.
I just love america....
The one country in which you can get rich soooo easy :).
Get a laywer.
Hope you win.
ok did any of you read my post? Because people are still believing this nosense
MilkMan12 said:
Ok guys, first of all, how many of you have ever heard of the website that article is on? Ok.

How many of you have heard about this ever, before clicking that link?

How many of you now think that would have been on at LEAST 1, yes 1 major magazine, newspaper, or television news broadcast?

Now how many of you believe the story on that website?

Biggest reward in hollywood? 2.5 billion dollars? Excuse me, that would have been splattered across tv's magazines and newspapers, "watchowskis masterpiece actually not watchowskis masterpiece" would have been everywhere. I highly doubt that story, if someone has a link to a major believable news source to prove me wrong please post it here and I will concede. Otherwise I trust the news on that website as much as I trust the news is real on

Well, this woman says that it wasn't publicised because Warner-Time owns a good 95% of western media. The article also says she's in talks with CBS for a possible exclusive story.
KagePrototype said:
Well, this woman says that it wasn't publicised because Warner-Time owns a good 95% of western media. The article also says she's in talks with CBS for a possible exclusive story.
Suicide42 said:
well tbh, although if they DID steal some of her script, i am sure that she would have never made any money out of it. after all- if you actually watch the first film, it is a masterpeice. It is very unlikely that she would have been able to transform her work into the amazing film we see today, but the W brothers did, so they deserve lots of money. the fact they stole the script is wrong, and therefore they should gove her some money but... 2.5 BILLION? come on!! i doubt she deserves that. if she didnt want to make a movie of her work, then she shouldnt get paid for NOT doing so.

tbh if i was in her position, i would sue not for MONEY, but to have ALL matrix products carry a title "based on the book by..." if you see what i mean. this is much fairer, as i didnt MAKE the money, so i dont deserve it.

Exactly she doesnt deserve that that money NO WHERE NEAR that much. Its just ridiculous.

MilkMan12 said:
Ok guys, first of all, how many of you have ever heard of the website that article is on? Ok.

How many of you have heard about this ever, before clicking that link?

How many of you now think that would have been on at LEAST 1, yes 1 major magazine, newspaper, or television news broadcast?

Now how many of you believe the story on that website?

Biggest reward in hollywood? 2.5 billion dollars? Excuse me, that would have been splattered across tv's magazines and newspapers, "watchowskis masterpiece actually not watchowskis masterpiece" would have been everywhere. I highly doubt that story, if someone has a link to a major believable news source to prove me wrong please post it here and I will concede. Otherwise I trust the news on that website as much as I trust the news is real on

Thats a good point.
Dont know what to think
hmmm... i never really thought of that milkman12... i agree, this is way too suspicious. there is ALWAYS someone who contacts the media about this...

plus, the terminator movies have a story that is NOTHING LIKE the matrix. how the hell could a book be almost exactly the same as the matrix story AND almost exactly the same as the terminator story? it would have to involve time travel, machines, a big war, everyone getting strapped up to machines and being put into a computer program... either the book doesnt exist, it very loosely touches on these things, or the book is just plain crap.
ok so im right, damn u guys (most of u) are too gullible. Story is fake dont believe everything u hear, and a link to a website on the internet is just like hearing in the aspect that both are probably not real.
MilkMan12 said:
ok so im right, damn u guys (most of u) are too gullible. Story is fake dont believe everything u hear, and a link to a website on the internet is just like hearing in the aspect that both are probably not real.

Or maybe you're just too sceptical? ;) If it makes my case any better, I remember reading about this case last year (from a matrix fansite, can't remember the source), though I didn't think much of it at the time. Like I said, Time_Warner DOES own the majority of western mieda, which is a pretty plausible reason as to why this hasn't been so widely publicised. The article also mentions that she plans to give CBS an exclusive, and that she also has other plans for taking the story to mainstream media.

A few other links:

A good amount of information on the case is presented (with links to other sites) at owned and run by Scott Williams, President/C.E.O. of SPITBOXERS Incorporated (2004) Salt Lake City, Utah. Scott is in close contact with Sophia. From his site you will be lead to links of pictures and documentation of the entire case. Sophia, at the moment, is making her case known through radio broadcasts and underground outlets such as Da Ghetto Tymz. Scott Williams has said that he and Sophia have tried reaching out to BET, Ebony, Essence, but none of them had returned Scott's calls (as reported in an email on December 9th). You can hear the most extensive interview (to date) as Sophia Stewart appears as a guest on Kemet Nu Dimensions ( to explain her charges of copyright infringement and racketeering against the film makers of the Matrix. Go to: to find out more about this interview. Or a 16 minute interview on WBAI-NY at The Wachowski Brothers behavior was always suspect when it came to the conclusions of the essence and meaning to their movie conundrums. With Joel Silver helping them, his words were always that the movies were whatever the audience wanted them to be, mean, and conclude. In the behind the scenes Matrix: Revisited, when questioned about the background of information used to influence the first movie, both of the Wachowski Brothers become very uneasy when explaining their influences and inspirations to their script.
only time will tell, if its true, she wins, false she loses, plus it dont matter how big Warner/AOL is, Warner don’t own everything, they have competitors, big news like this sells BIG, their competitors will be lapping this up if this was true, entertainment magazines, entertainment TV shows, but nothing, not even on the news! She would get paid mega money if she sold her story, so why aint they knocking down her door for her story? maybe they are frightened of libel? But she has big evidence, so why is she holding back? its been a year and I only heard just now.

Only time will tell.
She'll be rich but that's all that's going to happen.
I'd put a little more stock behind her accusations if she didn't use the attention people are giving her for bitter accusations at everyone but herself.
KagePrototype said:
Or maybe you're just too sceptical? ;) If it makes my case any better, I remember reading about this case last year (from a matrix fansite, can't remember the source), though I didn't think much of it at the time. Like I said, Time_Warner DOES own the majority of western mieda, which is a pretty plausible reason as to why this hasn't been so widely publicised. The article also mentions that she plans to give CBS an exclusive, and that she also has other plans for taking the story to mainstream media.

A few other links:

you guys still believing this bs? Do you live in los angeles? I do ok? Trust me it would have been everywhere. And still you do not give me credible sources that this is true. Once again, Oh please what the hell website is that? Search google for alien takeover I bet you will find plenty of sights on that too. Once again not credible. Oh and now a matrix fan site? Even on a half life 2 fansite we get fake accusations of everything you can think of, just because someone posted here that half life 2 is a government conspiracy does not mean its true.

Oh and you first link, i wont even waste my finger power to bash that one. Cmon guys, do you really believe this bullshit? Dont forget court cases are in public records, this would be known everywhere. I mean cmon guys, the president runs america, so how could watergate happen? How could the media expose bill clintons affair? Guys just because time warner owns some stuff does not mean it would not be splattered across everywhere. If it were true, wouldnt they want to make up for their outragously high bogus loss of 2.5 billion by making money on selling this matrix story?

once again absolutely no proof that this is true, and more proof that it isnt true.