Makes me hate AvP movie even more!!!!

Let's see. Alien was great. I was about 12 when I saw this on VHS. Aliens was also great, although sequels are inherently unoriginal, since they are a sequel.

Predator was great. Again, this movie came out a long time ago.

AvP was the stupidest ****ing movie, and my roommate kept going on about it "watch this part" "watch this!" "look look Watch this!" "Check this out!" "look what happens now" every 2 minutes. I couldn't even pay attention to it was so stupid. I would have preferred to watch anything else.

AVP ruined all respect I had for Predator, and somewhat for Aliens as well. You don't ****ing mix them like that. It's like mixing milk and orange juice. Both good by themselves, you mix them and you have created something horrible.

It seemed movies were so much better years ago. Now everything is so commercial, it's sickening. Go into burger King to get your AvP dolls! WTF this is supposed to be an adult movie! No, now it's PG-13, you ****ing sell-outs. Go commercial with a Kids-meal you ****-tards.

AvP was a complete suck-fest. What kind of story is that man? What kind of scripting? Fire everyone, and let the original Aces write the story.
Tha fcc is ****ing everything!

^^ See! I can't even write ****