Making HL2 better


Jul 16, 2004
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As someone said in another topic, "i hate playing against a bunch of clones", i think valve should make each alien different shades and also deform them, like in an alien way, or maybe have one that's lost a leg :D i dont mean completely diff each time just like 4/5 diff types of antlion etc.. then it's sorta new again :) (well i suppose if u have 5 diff deformaties, and 3 diff colours that gives you 15 diff types of each without doing too much work ! :))

I mean headcrabs are all the same but there's that new poison headcrab that's green and bigger, stuff like that's cool :)

Another idea is being able to actually THROW your weapon at aliens, like in a desperate battle when you run out of ammo you just throw your shotgun at the alien and it gets stuck in it and walks around wiv a shottie lodged in its rib cage :D and what about (for mod more so..) having a "G" drop button that's time sensitive, as in, if you tap the G quickly then you throw really hard, but if u hold for a while, you silently place it at your feet. (I'm thinking noise that it makes).

A play on that idea;

An extra key or like a button that does two things where when you hold it, you get guns out slower and reload slower but MUCH quieter. How many times you had to reload in CS and given your position away because you've reloaded!?
i don't see it being too hard to do, im sure there's a variable in the new source that determins the animation time in the game, and some mod could edit the volume in relation to how slow you reload :)

Just ideas of course, what you think of em?
I don't like any of those kthxsorrybye.. I think Valve knows what they/it/are doing..
chriso20 said:
As someone said in another topic, "i hate playing against a bunch of clones", i think valve should make each alien different shades and also deform them, like in an alien way, or maybe have one that's lost a leg :D i dont mean completely diff each time just like 4/5 diff types of antlion etc.. then it's sorta new again :) (well i suppose if u have 5 diff deformaties, and 3 diff colours that gives you 15 diff types of each without doing too much work ! :))

I mean headcrabs are all the same but there's that new poison headcrab that's green and bigger, stuff like that's cool :)

Another idea is being able to actually THROW your weapon at aliens, like in a desperate battle when you run out of ammo you just throw your shotgun at the alien and it gets stuck in it and walks around wiv a shottie lodged in its rib cage :D and what about (for mod more so..) having a "G" drop button that's time sensitive, as in, if you tap the G quickly then you throw really hard, but if u hold for a while, you silently place it at your feet. (I'm thinking noise that it makes).
Those are pretty good ideas... but the ones above are the only ones i like... Also, you cant get any better than HL2 already is :D
Those could be some good ideas for a stealth mod specially , we've seen thing like those in Metal Gear Solid 2. Though the keyboard isn't really that sensitive so I ignore if it can be done. But maybe it can be implemented by having different buttons for reloading, instead if you used a joystick a la playstation 2 this could be done. But I only see a limited use for this.
You can already drop weapons in HL2, I don't think they will hurt enemies, but they getting stuck in them is a pretty crappy idea :) (don't take it personally)
However, I like the idea of the slow but quietly reloading of guns in CS. That's not a bad idea.
Im pretty sure that they will make not all the aliens diffrent but some of them.
How many times you had to reload in CS and given your position away because you've reloaded!?

Ummm never. If you've fired shots emptying your clip than the enemy probably heard that and not you reloading.
I love that slow reload idea.. Maybe if you tap reload its a fast loud reload, and if you hold it for 1 or so seconds its slow. (yet it wouldnt start untill you released the key.. which might annoy people.. alot. Maybe if you held some (silent modifier key) (think of how walk work and crouch work, heck maybe it could be walk or crouch).

(easily added btw. Not hard at all)
there ya go! you only walk when ur stealthing it! same wiv crouch to an extent so there! one idea that could be done *celebrates*
chriso20 said:
there ya go! you only walk when ur stealthing it! same wiv crouch to an extent so there! one idea that could be done *celebrates*
I usually walk around when there is a non-fighting part, just for atmosphere.
Six Three said:
I don't like any of those kthxsorrybye.. I think Valve knows what they/it/are doing..

I think you summed it up pretty nicly. :)
what about soldier hieght? all of the character models seem to be the same height. those suggestions you had would add a little variety but if the gameplay really grabs you, and you completly forget about these little inconsistencies, then valve has done their job.
The civilians are different height I believe....

Oh and here is just some food for thought, I'll put in spoilers so I don't ruin anybody's mind with thoughts

What if the combine are machine made eh? Like in the movie I, Robot... They all look exactly identical.....
This thread started off bad and got a bit worse. Tut tut. I do like the slow reload idea though, as that is actually a very good idea but totally inappropriate to Half-life 2 and probably Counter-Strike.
It wouldn't be a good idea for CS:S to have a "slow reload". I mean all hail the campers. I would like a slow drop weapon. But to DROP IT SLOWLY you should hold it, to drop it you just hit the key. Your original thinking was wrong. It should be easier to simply throw it then to gently ease it down.

Oh, the rest of the ideas pretty much made me puke :P

Dead-Inside said:
Your original thinking was wrong. It should be easier to simply throw it then to gently ease it down.

I said it the right (your way round :S).

I think the slow reload thing is the best idea though :D

Also this is completely stolen from MGS2 but what about throwing magazine clips in a silent stalker sorta mod :P i mean the magazine could be a sepperate "weapon" that you throw like a 'nade, just dont blow up.
Yea... Usually I have a tendensy to throw my empty clips into the air ahead of me and then hear how it comes crashing down, great man, just great...
Right im guessing that was sarchasm lol

In MGS2 you throw your MT mags to make a sound elsewhere, to distract guards.
If you dont like this idea then so what? its best to get them out in the open