Making tutorial site...


Sep 19, 2004
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Im making a tutorial site for cs source (HL2 later) . What kind of tutorials do you guys need?
FragileX said:
Im making a tutorial site for cs source (HL2 later) . What kind of tutorials do you guys need?

hmmmm. contact me on MSN ([email protected]) if you wish to talk with me about my games development website. Maybe you might want to join us.
How about a detailed entity tutorial, and a tutorial on cameras, and different types of lights and lighting (light_env, env_sun, and env_sprite). Maybe also getting AI badguys to work as well, and perhaps stairs and cables. Oh, and mounted machine guns, a lot of people are having trouble with those too. Also, doing textures (applying them and importing them from photoshop) would also be useful. And, doing models in XSI Exp and importing them into hammer for use. Finally, more advanced stuff like minor code modifications (like creating your own entities).

IchI, that's what you should do in your next several videos=)
only problem is that im making map tutorial to cs source. Will start on HL2 later..
making your own weapons like mounted 50. calibers and them importing them into hammer would be awsome. :thumbs:
env_cubemap ...

I would love nothing more then a tutorial on the best way to place those entities. They really seem to add alot of feel to a map, and I think they are really crucial.
Well as Im a newbie mapper and Im entering the HL2DM contest, things Id like to see;

How to make a vent properly
How to make stairs scale properly (nodraw clip on it too)
How to perfect physics (so they start on the ground)
Entities are the main thing I'd want help on. What I'd find useful is just a basic list of models and the entity type they should be. Like a matress is a ragdoll entity for instance.
I recommend doing one on ladders, the NEW way of doing ladders.

I will try to make as many tuts i can but first i will make tuts to cs : source. But if you really really want help on HL2 maps send a mail to [email protected] with your problem and i will try to make a tut on it and send you the .bsp if its wanted :)

Think im goint to make tutorials for HL2 tomorrow..
Make one on how to create an SP map, spawning monsters creating scripted sequences and so on.
Give us more info on the site if you can. Maybe I could make and contribute some simple tutorials.
I have started working on a HL2 dm map that will have lots of lots of stuff in it. And all the things i can manage to put in the map like ladders, entity model, scripted secuence i and so one i will make tutorials on.. I think thats a nice way of doing it..
Can I thank you on your tutorials. I have both of them you have done ( please tell me if there is more).
I pesonally would love to see a tutorial on importing models, not characters, but items made in Max etc.
This may have to wait until the devs extract thier index finger from their respective orifice but it would be helpfull nontheless:)

Keep up the excellent work, you doing the community a great service, and a UK lad too, and from Yorkshire by the sound of it !

I should say that my thanks where directed at Ichi for his excellent tutorial.
Im making a easy tutorial on how to make ladders in HLDM now.. HLDM mapping is fun :)