Man convicted for sex with a bike.


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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This has GOT to be the most retarded thing I have ever heard:

Robert Stewart, 51, admitted a sexually aggravated breach of the peace by conducting himself in a disorderly manner and simulating sex.

Sheriff Colin Miller also placed Stewart on the Sex Offenders Register for three years.

Mr Stewart was caught in the act with his bicycle by cleaners in his bedroom at the Aberley House Hostel in Ayr.

Gail Davidson, prosecuting, told Ayr Sheriff Court: "They knocked on the door several times and there was no reply.

"They used a master key to unlock the door and they then observed the accused wearing only a white t-shirt, naked from the waist down.

"The accused was holding the bike and moving his hips back and forth as if to simulate sex."

Both cleaners, who were "extremely shocked", told the hostel manager who called police.

He was sentenced to three years on probation. For what? Because cleaners saw him after they opened his locked door. And they were shocked by what exactly, a man fornicating with his bike? Where I come from, that's funny. Who is the victim here anyway? Did the bike feel violated? Or because the cleaners were shocked? I certainly hope not that shocking people is punishable by law. And this isn't even in the US, but in Britain for fuck's sake.

What the fuck?
I heard about this, a friend told me about it and I just couldn't stop wondering about the... "mechanics" about it. I mean, where, or how, was he... "violating" the bike?
Hey, I just realized that for once I can be the first to say this in a thread! :D Here goes:

I came.
Wow of all the weird things I've read, this story is the hardest to handle -- bar none!
I wonder if the guys' place of work gave him a suspension notice when they heard about it.
I dunno, i bet he was framed. If the cleaners hit the brakes and realized he wasnt dangerous, theres wouldnt be a problem. Its just very tired
I dunno, i bet he was framed. If the cleaners hit the brakes and realized he wasnt dangerous, theres wouldnt be a problem. Its just very tired

Look, this chain of jokes is getting tiresome. Let's just stop this repetive cycle and pedal onwards.
Look, this chain of jokes is getting tiresome. Let's just stop this repetive cycle and pedal onwards.

Ok, its time to change gears here a little. To be honest, I think the most they should of done is given him a suspension. I bet if he spoke to his lawyer earlier, this case would have hit the proverbial brakes.
I heard about this, a friend told me about it and I just couldn't stop wondering about the... "mechanics" about it. I mean, where, or how, was he... "violating" the bike?

To be honest I always figured he just stuck the pointed end of the bike seat into his anus and went at it.
This thread makes great fap material, keep at it fellas! ;)
Ok, its time to change gears here a little. To be honest, I think the most they should of done is given him a suspension. I bet if he spoke to his lawyer earlier, this case would have hit the proverbial brakes.

We're really riding this for all it's worth. I wonder if soon we'll run out of viable euphamisms or if we'll have to just resort to things like testicular cancer and having sex with a bike. By wich I mean of course we should make a punctuation and stop it.
Damn right, damn sick bastard had sex with a bicycle :frown:
We're really riding this for all it's worth. I wonder if soon we'll run out of viable euphamisms or if we'll have to just resort to things like testicular cancer and having sex with a bike. By wich I mean of course we should make a punctuation and stop it.

My testicles are constantly shifting from left to right. Sometimes I stare at them for hours and just sit there bewildered. Why the **** are they moving, and what the **** does it accomplish?
My testicles are constantly shifting from left to right. Sometimes I stare at them for hours and just sit there bewildered. Why the **** are they moving, and what the **** does it accomplish?

I am turned on.
This just in! Woman convicted of having sex with a dildo! Makes about as much sense. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've never tried having sex with a bike, but don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
You just made my day bitchin'.


Finally, someone who agrees that bikes are people too!
Swear to god I dreamt I was ****ing a bike about a year ago. It was really ****ed up.
Swear to god I dreamt a bike was ****ing me about a year ago. It was really ****ed up.
Swear to God I dreamt I was a bike ****ing these two people about a year ago. It was really ****ed up.
Swear to God I dreamt I was a bike ****ing these three people about a year ago. It was really ****ing hot.
Wait a sec he was put on the Sex Offenders Register along side pedos and rapists for that.
The sex offenders register? **** you goverment....**** you.
Wow, this thread made me lol multiple times. ftw.
Omg! I had sex with my hand! Prosectute me! :O wins again.

Ah well - here's me thinking that all cyclists are wankers.