Man Mistakenly Cuts Off Penis, Dog Eats It

At least he was old enough that he wasn't really using it anymore..

Man, thats one sick puppy
i dont see how you could do this on accident. im very VERY careful about zipping up, i dont think i would even put it anywhere NEAR a knife
f|uke said:
At least he was old enough that he wasn't really using it anymore..

Man, thats one sick puppy[/B]

heheheh pun intended right?
I don't know much about Romania, but this a national tradition here in Canada, right down to denying that you knew exactly what you were doing :naughty:.
You're only meant to choke the chicken, not cut it off!

Gotta be fake, the chicken was keeping him awake? Was he running around holding his dick trying to chase it like a dog chases its tail?

If its real the guy who did it is a 'tard.