Man shot in London: not a terrorist

kirovman said:
Also this is the kind of thing the terrorists are gleefully happy about...they've succeeded in making our police force like a bunch of headless chickens who shoot at randoms.

We tell the terrorists that they will not win, that we will not change our way of life, then something like this happens. The terrorists will be awfully happy about this blunder, and may be inspired into do more attacks, since they will believe the police don't know their elbows from their arse.

I don't think this is true at all. This action is what it is(a horrible shame), but it can be clearly seen by anyone now that police in London are taking no chances with terrorists. I imagine that any would-be terrorist that was considering attemptimg another attack like this will now think twice or three times about doing so. It is a show of force that is necessary in these times. Osama bin laden might laugh at this, but your average-british-citizen-come-wannabe-terrorist will not and will re-consider his/her plan(s) and future. This demonstrates that even while they research the route for their next attck this might happen to them, so best to drop it altogether, lest they ruin it for their other terrorist friends too by dying or giving up valuable info on their other plots.

After witnessing firsthand the events of 9/11 from 17 blocks up in NYC, if something like this happened a few days afterward in an airport or subway, I would feel much safer to be frank. And if I lived in London mere weeks after the horrible attacks of July 7, I would feel safer as well.
i'm reminded from a quote from Minority Report: "Everybody runs."

we all learned some valuable lessons from this: fur is evil. Don't be non-white. Running is bad for your health. Tardiness can kill.

Poor guy, but he lost.

On a serious note, there should be an investigation. If he was suspicious, they should have picked him up along the f*cking three miles they trailed him. He died from their mistake, simple as that.

Mental Note: Take a taxi.
I like how the fact that the guy was on an out-of-date student visa is now making all the news broadcasts on its own, as if it somehow mattered. I don't really know the mentality behind emphasising this piece of news. Are they trying to say "well, shady character anyway, staying here illegally so it's good that he's dead"? You can scoff, but they've ensured that not many people in this country are going to moon around in sympathy for this guy, because we all know what your average Daily Mail or Sun reader is like.

Also this is the kind of thing the terrorists are gleefully happy about...they've succeeded in making our police force like a bunch of headless chickens who shoot at randoms.

We tell the terrorists that they will not win, that we will not change our way of life, then something like this happens. The terrorists will be awfully happy about this blunder, and may be inspired into do more attacks, since they will believe the police don't know their elbows from their arse.

Yeah, I definitely agree, it was part of the point I was trying to make before. Let's face it, how many suicide bombers are going to be deterred by the prospect of being shot? :rolleyes: It just inflates the chance of phoney martyrdom.

Ian Blair has already warned that more people might be shot like this (the implication being innocent people). That is the only real change this had made - an erosion of our freedoms in terms of our own police force being more likely to shoot us.
Laivasse said:
Yeah, I definitely agree, it was part of the point I was trying to make before. Let's face it, how many suicide bombers are going to be deterred by the prospect of being shot? :rolleyes: It just inflates the chance of phoney martyrdom.

Well, it could be more than you think. Did you ever think that being slain by friends of the Great Satan(read: The Entire Civilized World) might hamper their plans to die in a glorious tribute to Allah? Surely a bomber would want to take out as many people as possible, but if it means that he/she might get hunted, pinned, and shot before he/she gets his/her chance to make a great number of infidels his/her bitches in the afterlife(according to them), they might re-think. And as I implied with my previous post, they most certainly don't want to be the one to get shot and have their forensic evidence trail lead to the capture of a bigger fish--their poor familes might be killed or (worse) not paid for his/her services. It looks like life is just getting riskier for everyone. :|
Laivasse said:
I like how the fact that the guy was on an out-of-date student visa is now making all the news broadcasts on its own, as if it somehow mattered.

I like to think that's in the news merely because it might give a further insight into why he ran, not because it implies he's some sort of evil criminal. He clearly didn't realise his situation- so while the police undoubtedly declared their identities, it can't have been clear to him that they'd taken him for a bomber and had every intention of shooting him dead should he continue to flee/resist arrest.
In slightly related news, I saw on the news the other night that Tube drivers are looking for assurances of their safety...from police. Apparently after one of the failed bombings, a driver emerged from his cab only to be chased by plain clothes police and have a gun pushed to his head. Still too shaken to return to work, apparently.

This type of movie-star, gun-happy shit does not belong in my country.
Laivasse said:
This type of movie-star, gun-happy shit does not belong in my country.

It doesn't belong in any country, but that doesn't change the fact that it is still there.

As Morpheus states in the Matrix, "What happened, happened and couldn't have happened any other way."

This is just the way of it, as was 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, London and everything up to this very moment. To change the future, you need to change the present. Beyond that, look at the past as pages from a book:already written and unalterable. The rest of the book is blank. What you are doing right now--your present course in life--is being written in the book. If you want the future to be a UK without "this type of movie-star, gun-happy shit," I ask you, "What are you prepared to do in order to make that future a page in history?"

Not a challenge, mind you, just a little insight to inspire those that might need a little mental push in these troubled times to guide them towards a happier, more peaceful world. We are all in this together. :cheers:
VictimOfScience said:
It doesn't belong in any country, but that doesn't change the fact that it is still there.

As Morpheus states in the Matrix, "What happened, happened and couldn't have happened any other way."

This is just the way of it, as was 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, London and everything up to this very moment. To change the future, you need to change the present. Beyond that, look at the past as pages from a book:already written and unalterable. The rest of the book is blank. What you are doing right now--your present course in life--is being written in the book. If you want the future to be a UK without "this type of movie-star, gun-happy shit," I ask you, "What are you prepared to do in order to make that future a page in history?"

Not a challenge, mind you, just a little insight to inspire those that might need a little mental push in these troubled times to guide them towards a happier, more peaceful world. We are all in this together. :cheers:

Well put, I never thought I would see a matrix quote in this forum, or in a post that actually makes sense.
Raziaar said:
Wait. I missed the part where Bush was mentioned.



My eyes are just watering... God damn, that was funny. :E

Going back though:

It's his fault damnit. You don't run from people shouting "Stop, Police." where there had been suicide bombers only days before. Plain and simple, I can't believe you people even attemption to blame the cops for this. And what people are saying about him thinking it was the Mafia? Bullshit. How can you jump to that conclusion? Hell, America is full of crazy people with guns, but if I saw twenty normally dressed people with guns running at me yelling "Stop, Police." I SURE AS SHIT would stop. I know, I know "You weren't there, you weren't in his shoes." Well I'll tell you what, if I was in his shoes, I'd sure as shit be alive right now.

Laivasse said:
In slightly related news, I saw on the news the other night that Tube drivers are looking for assurances of their safety...from police. Apparently after one of the failed bombings, a driver emerged from his cab only to be chased by plain clothes police and have a gun pushed to his head. Still too shaken to return to work, apparently.

You see? He's alive! Why? Because he didn't suddenly think he was in an action movie. Because if he was, then those officers would obviously have been Mafia members.