Man shot on London Underground


Jul 2, 2003
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Armed officers have shot and killed a guy after attempting to wrestle him to the ground as he boarded a train in Stockwell station. 5 shots from a semi-automatic pistol were fired. According to an eyewitness.

Also, a Mosque has been surrounded in East London.
Does this indicate that a third terrorist attack is on its way today?
The_Monkey said:
Does this indicate that a third terrorist attack is on its way today?

It sounds like a follow up to the manhunt started yesterday, looks like the police are hot on the heels of the attempted bombers.
Well the sooner these animals are away from the face of the planet the better.
Suicide bombers are still people. Individuals are too complicated to be named 'good' or 'evil' - those labels are reserved for their actions, of which the consequences are all too clear.

Having said that, **** him and the horse he rode in on.
hey remember that guy that died after having sex with a horse (his colon was broken). That seems a much better way to handle these idiots. Although you have to have a horse in arm's reach, actually :|
I guess the policeman was a bit pissed, shooting him 5 times.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
hey remember that guy that died after having sex with a horse (his colon was broken). That seems a much better way to handle these idiots. Although you have to have a horse in arm's reach, actually :|

OMG suicide bomber! Call up the ass-raping horse unit!
stinger.aim92 said:
I guess the policeman was a bit pissed, shooting him 5 times.

Well sounds like this is the kind of thing they are trained for, they recognised him as a threat to public safety so they had to shoot to kill. They rarely shoot people so it must have been big.
stinger.aim92 said:
I guess the policeman was a bit pissed, shooting him 5 times.
I'm thinking he might have tackled him and the guy was reaching for a detonator or something or even if he just had a bomb, or they thought he did, in which case it probably was just pure adrenaline to stop him
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm thinking he might have tackled him and the guy was reaching for a detonator or something or even if he just had a bomb, or they thought he did, in which case it probably was just pure adrenaline to stop him

Yeah, that's what I thought - guy must have been packing some explosives for five policemen to bundle him and own him like that:|
That poor dude who witnessed it. :|

Didn't see any explosives on him, either, but he was wearing a padded jacket.. says he looked pretty out of place in the hot weather
I'd rather witness a suicide bomber being shot than a suicide bomber pulling the cord...

But it's a very tricky situation, how certain were the policemen that the guy was actually a bomber, or just a nervous guy with the wrong clothes and perhaps a bit a bit of weed in his pockets.
jondyfun said:
That poor dude who witnessed it. :|

Didn't see any explosives on him, either, but he was wearing a padded jacket.. says he looked pretty out of place in the hot weather
I'd pay to witness suicide bombers be shot, or even do it myself, if it meant that they would be.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'd pay to witness suicide bombers be shot, or even do it myself, if it meant that they would be.

Yes, but not everyone is as inhuman as you are on that subject, Rakurai.
Althought shooting them means we can't question them :|

We could have interrogated him for a lot of information, if he wasn't such an immediate threat.

What happened to that police taser technology, is it still in trials?
kirovman said:
What happened to that police taser technology, is it still in trials?

I'm pretty sure armed police carry tasers as well, but they've yet to be cleared for standard 'on-the-beat' cops.
jondyfun said:
I'm pretty sure armed police carry tasers as well, but they've yet to be cleared for standard 'on-the-beat' cops.

If the bomb on a bomber is electronically based, would a tazer set it off?
If he was running on a train and not stopping they probably, and rightly, thought he was gonna try and detonate a bomb he was carrying so they had to shoot him.

Hope he rots in hell.
Oh god, don't try and get this "excessive force" off the ground if it's against someone who wants to kill as many people as possible before his trip to 72 virgin express.
jondyfun said:
Yes, but not everyone is as inhuman as you are on that subject, Rakurai.
It's not inhuman. But like you said, it's too bad more people wouldn't do that. There'd be a lot less injustices in the world.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's not inhuman. But like you said, it's too bad more people wouldn't do that. There'd be a lot less injustices in the world.

I'd cap some if I could.
Pesmerga said:
Oh god, don't try and get this "excessive force" off the ground if it's against someone who wants to kill as many people as possible before his trip to 72 virgin express.

Of course it's not excessive, it was an immediate threat and needed to be eliminated.

Just saying, if possible, it's better to have someone to interrogate than a corpse.
kirovman said:
Of course it's not excessive, it was an immediate threat and needed to be eliminated.
That's not actually been confirmed yet, has it?
Zerimski said:
That's not actually been confirmed yet, has it?

No not really, but that seems to be the general speculation, since this kind of thing doesn't happen very often and the guy was making a getaway.

It might well turn out to be excessive if the circumstances turn out that way.

I'm going to stay tuned.
Of course , if it turns out that there were no explosives , then tomorrows headline should read "Police murder asian man on Stockwell tube".

But I think that we all know that isnt going to happen , explosives or not.
An eyewitness has said he was "wearing a bomb-belt with wires coming out", but obviously I'm waiting for the official statement.
An eyewitness has said he was "wearing a bomb-belt with wires coming out",

Care to give us a link to that quote Zerminski?
Ive not heard that mentioned anywhere.
SAJ said:
Care to give us a link to that quote Zerminski?
Ive not heard that mentioned anywhere.

Check the front page BBC link again, they're updating the story as it develops.
SAJ said:
Care to give us a link to that quote Zerminski?
Ive not heard that mentioned anywhere.

It was in the article that was linked to in the original post :|