man valve says within 6 weeks


Aug 24, 2004
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valve said in that thing within 6 weeks if they are correct that is somewhere in october then if you think about it
cschaef13 said:
valve said in that thing within 6 weeks if they are correct that is somewhere in october then if you think about it

it will put its release around gta: sa and I'll probably have some kind of a seizure and go into a coma.
cschaef13 said:
valve said in that thing within 6 weeks if they are correct that is somewhere in october then if you think about it

Valve has said no such thing.
Look at the news post on the front page if you don't know where the 6 weeks estimate came from.
The estimate never came from valve. That was some thinking done from the summer/fall announcment by Chris_D.
last official word i heard was "mid to late september" no?
last thing Valve said in terms of release dates... was summer
and September is the cut-off
but I wouldnt be surprised to see it delayed again... and again and again :)
Mr. Redundant said:
last thing Valve said in terms of release dates... was summer
and September is the cut-off
but I wouldnt be surprised to see it delayed again... and again and again :)

I could have sworn lombardi started claiming fall now. I could be wrong though.
if they wait 'till alyx hits menopause, they'll have alot less to worry about on that end of story-line - so i'm thinking they'll delay the release another 20-30 years just to be on the safe side...
Lombardi: Hey guys whats the next season after summer?
Some guy: Um... fall?
Lombardi: Oh yea, So HL2 will be out in the fall

Now its fall....

Lombardi: Hey guys whats after fall?
Some guy: Um... Winter?
Lombardi: Thats right, HL2 will be out this winter.
man valve is a little paradoy of Robinson Crusoe isn't it? I haven't read it but that's close isn't it?

Anyways... Lets not worry about estimates, Chris D is not disagreeing with Valve really, didn't they suggest summer lead all the way up to the later side of September.
A few retailers are changing their dates to nov now.
A source for eb games that got the doom3 release to the week
has also confirmed a nov release now as well.
(swinging sushi on futuremark forums - apparently valve etc tell different people in the retail trade different dates depending on their importance)
Tredoslop said:
Man (is in oh man!), Valve says within six weeks.

*sigh* No they did not. Here, I'll make it easier for you to comprehend....

THE ESTIMATE OF 6 WEEKS WAS NEVER MADE BY VALVE. It was an estimate made by Chris_D of, so please, read things before you go on rambling about things that have already been mentioned.

As for the retailers, they don't know any more about the release date then they do. Frankly, its impossible to even set an estimate simply because the game has yet to go Gold. Once that happens, it will be much easier to judge when we can expect the game.

In the meantime, I suggest you take a break from waiting for Half Life 2 to come out, and occupy yourself with something else (like going outside, replaying Half Life 1, meeting people)...
MrBongo said:
*sigh* No they did not. Here, I'll make it easier for you to comprehend....

THE ESTIMATE OF 6 WEEKS WAS NEVER MADE BY VALVE. It was an estimate made by Chris_D of, so please, read things before you go on rambling about things that have already been mentioned.

As for the retailers, they don't know any more about the release date then they do. Frankly, its impossible to even set an estimate simply because the game has yet to go Gold. Once that happens, it will be much easier to judge when we can expect the game.

In the meantime, I suggest you take a break from waiting for Half Life 2 to come out, and occupy yourself with something else (like going outside, replaying Half Life 1, meeting people)...

I think he was just clarifying what the original poster said for Rupertvdb and monkeydust, not actually expressing his views.
dude i got the original point, my point is the estimate is not conflicting with Valve's previous statements as people seem to think the six week thing was never made by Valve but the Summer thing was which is a shorter time, i'm still playing off that for a few weeks.
Ok now I am getting annoyed. Release the damn game already!

ok i did make a mistake it was a speculation of chris_d i thought it was valve oops
My prophecy will be forefilled.

I've been saying October-November for about 4 months now.
h@y gUyZ valv3! SAid hl2 is guna b out 2morow!#!!# i em zo exzited!
I dont mind October my birthday October 20,2004 :)
I think it will go gold within the next 10 days and then released a few weeks after that.

September 30th!! :eek:
Whoa... just to avoid any confusion about what I said...

The official word we've had from Valve a while back (in July) was Summer/Fall 2004. That gives us anywhere between now and ~23rd September for it to make summer, and any time up until 2005 to make it within Fall/Autumn.

My guesstimate came from the basis that as far as we know (though unconfirmed) the game is now in release candidate stage which as far as I know takes no more than a month. If you take that time frame into consideration from when Valve should have submitted release candidate 1 to Vivendi and how long from going gold takes to release I've estimated six weeks.

It possibly could be sooner than that, but also later than that, but as I said in my original post, it's a waiting game and we'll have to see.
arrrghhh..... the start of september is the start of "fall" or spring where i live, none of this namby pamby equinox garbage. they were just extending their own date via loophole.
isnt funny how last year there was an offhanded comment by gabe in an interview about the sept 30th release date...
saying it would be delayed a couple extra weeks if need be.
and we all thought "haha yeah, but its gonna make it, no way they need another month or two"

a year later

gabe makes another offhanded comment concerning the new release date, saying that they would delay it until 2005 if need be.

we all assume it's just to make some sort of point.

its nearing 2005 and things look EXACTLY like they did last year... perhaps we are being naive?
oh noes :D
The game looked so close to release a year ago (or so I thought), and now with the preloading having already begun - how could it feasibly need another 5-6 months of development. In either case, this game better be damn near bug free upon release.
Take a look at these two posts, Greg Coomer came here a little over a month ago and we asked a few questions and got a few answers:


They were testing well over a month ago, testing means NO new content. So for the few people that still believe HL2 will be delayed until late fall or early winter just remember that that would mean alot of testing.

The only way I could see it somehow being delayed for that long would be if Vivendi screwed up and pulled a Condition Zero where the game went gold but didn't ship until a couple of months later. In which case it wouldn't even be Valve's fault.
Chris_D said:
Whoa... just to avoid any confusion about what I said...

The official word we've had from Valve a while back (in July) was Summer/Fall 2004. That gives us anywhere between now and ~23rd September for it to make summer, and any time up until 2005 to make it within Fall/Autumn.

My guesstimate came from the basis that as far as we know (though unconfirmed) the game is now in release candidate stage which as far as I know takes no more than a month. If you take that time frame into consideration from when Valve should have submitted release candidate 1 to Vivendi and how long from going gold takes to release I've estimated six weeks.

It possibly could be sooner than that, but also later than that, but as I said in my original post, it's a waiting game and we'll have to see.

Chris, i do have to admit your a great news writer, you have the perfect flow in almost every comment/statement you make. What is your REAL job?
My magic 8-ball says it will be out when it's ready.
tokin said:
Chris, i do have to admit your a great news writer, you have the perfect flow in almost every comment/statement you make. What is your REAL job?
Thanks man, that means a lot to me :)

My real job is generally sales and marketing at the moment, nothing to do with writing, but it does generally mean I need to say the right thing at the right time ;)