Manchester United takeover

For the people here who still think Premiereship football is, and has been for the past 15 years, about sport, are a little nieve. Football is just big business and the players are nothing but yobby businessman.

All these moaning Manchester United fans should get a life and realise that they are just supporting a business, that just happened to have been taken over by a guy that actually sees that football is nothing but a business.
Razor said:
For the people here who still think Premiereship football is, and has been for the past 15 years, about sport, are a little nieve. Football is just big business and the players are nothing but yobby businessman.

All these moaning Manchester United fans should get a life and realise that they are just supporting a business, that just happened to have been taken over by a guy that actually sees that football is nothing but a business.

You're right in that pretty much all major sports are nothing but big businesses these days, but it's still important to keep the average fan's perception focused on the sport aspect of it. Once you start having the fans see it as nothing but a business instead of a game then you're losing what drives the whole system in the first place. The whole nature of the business relies on that competitive "sport" sense of connection you get as a fan. Lose that and you can forget about making money off of them.

Part of being an owner of a major organization like Manchestor United, isn't just about making money like any other big business. It's also about maintaining a strong connection with your fan base so that it's apparent that you have the best interests of your fans in mind. So far, with rumors of selling off Old Trafford and hicking up ticket prices, Glazer's interests have shown little respect for the fan base that he thrives off of. Glazer's number one priority should be gaining his fans respect, especially when coming in as a foreign investor from a country that generally shows little interest or respect for the sport.