Mandatory games for the cube


The Freeman
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
I figured since I've never had a Gamecube I should probably get around to playing all the games I missed out on in that generation on my Wii. SUGGESTIONS?
Second Sight - a brilliant single-player sci-fi time-travel psychic supersoldier action game from Free Radical. Brilliant physics based combat.

Killer7 - A very off-the-wall game from Suda51. Very arty, nigh on unplayable, incredibly confusing. But oh so fantastic.

Star Wars: Rogue Leader - The best Star Wars flight sim ever made.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - I'm sure this is on your list already.

Pikmin 2 - Skip the first one, the second one is fantastic. A brilliant Real Time Strategy game made for consoles. All clever people are waiting with baited breath for the 3rd one on the Wii or maybe the 3DS?'

This is just a handful. There are loads more brilliant games. Most criminally under-rated console in the history of ever.
Oh so you make fun of me for liking Gamecube Metroids better and you don't even ****ing have one? Nice.
The original Super Monkey Ball is possibly my favourite GC game. Avoid the sequels - they suck. As Reg said, Metroid Prime is a must, although if you have a Wii you're better off with the trilogy. The same for Resident Evil 4 - get the Wii version if you haven't played it already.

On top of some of the games already mentioned, definitely check out Viewtiful Joe, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil remake, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (GC has best version), Wave Race and F-Zero.
My sole reason for purchasing a gamecube back in the day was so I could re-own every single Resident Evil once more. The Metroid Prime series was a close second.
I just got a Gamecube myself this past Thursday so this list also helps me. I have Resident Evil 4, Pikmin, and Metroid Prime. Also I need to go digging for my Wavebird so I can sit back and play. I hate being like 4 feet in front of the screen when I play
As Reg said, Metroid Prime is a must

That was Dek. I don't like Prime. :|

I can't believe I left Sunshine off my list though. I love that game. Really want to see the return of the Fludd one day.
Metroid Prime series
Pikmin Series (the second was indeed better, but you should start out with the first regardless)
LoZ Windwaker & Twilight Princess
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros. Melee (definitely the best in the series)
Mario Kart Double Dash (again, best in the series)
James Bond 007: Nightfire
Resident Evil 4...

The PC version is much better than the GC one, as long as you have a decent controller to play it with like an xbox one. It has all the extra content like assignment Ada, and you can use patches to greatly improve the graphics and mods to add a lot of cool stuff.
Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Rogue Leader, TimeSplitters 2 are just some I remember.
You're going to have to change your signature quote after posting that!

When I was young, I played plenty of Mario Kart 64 with my cousins. I still play Mario Kart DS with my friends connected by wifi (usually with the maximum amount of people) on almost every bus ride to a Regatta for Crew. I play Mario Kart Wii online and offline with family and friends. But the best memory I have with this series was staying up late for hours with my sister to beat Double Dash so we could get the gold car. Mario Kart has always been in my life and Double Dash is by far my favorite.

Also, a fortune cookie told me today that I "combine good taste with a quick mind" so your argument is invalid.
My favorite games for the Gamecube were Mario Sunshine, Paper Mario, the Metroid Prime games, and Sonic Mega Collection for all the Genesis titles.
You should definitely find Zelda: Collector's Edition if you can, and if you have friends that are into it (and have GBAs), you should play either TLoZ Four Swords Adventures or FF: Crystal Chronicles because those are experiences that are unique to the gamecube.

Finally, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem was a good game, but it's graphics are pretty dated. Still, it was good enough to be famous for its sanity meter. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year door is also pretty good.
Originally Posted by Reginald
Star Wars: Rogue Leader - The best Star Wars flight sim ever made.

I only said that to cause arguments. But it is true to be honest. Stop clinging to nostalgia.

You have committed a grave sin this day.
Animal Crossing is a perfect example of a Japanese game that sounds like it has a wacky and boring concept, but turns out to be incredibly addictive and fun.

Apparently they're making a new one for the 3DS, will have to get that one.
Metroid Prime, Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 4 have Wii versions. Why do people keep suggesting them? :P

I definitely recommend Wind Waker (it's my only Gamecube game as of yet, but I plan on getting more). By the way, you need to buy a Gamecube memory card. You can't store the save games on the Wii. I had to wait several days to play Wind Waker after not realising this.
i would kill for my gamecube to be here right so i could play wind waker. it's my summer game.
Animal Crossing is a perfect example of a Japanese game that sounds like it has a wacky and boring concept, but turns out to be incredibly addictive and fun.

Apparently they're making a new one for the 3DS, will have to get that one.

I hear nothing but great things about it, but I've never played it. I only saw the screenshots of the 3DS version, and it looked like it was Sims for children or something. What do you do?
I'm not really sure how to describe the game, you play in a forest(in a sense) and you can do all sorts of stuff, make new friends in the game, expand your house, get furniture, go fishing etc.

So yes, I guess in a sense you could call it a 'lifesim' like The Sims, although the "ingame time" is tied to the real time, calendar wise too, so you see snow in the game world when it's winter in real-life etc.

Certain fish, bugs and so forth can only be caught during certain seasons and so forth.

I guess in a sense one could say that Animal Crossing is all about collecting, finding all the various furniture, fish, bugs, fossils and so forth.
Imagine The Sims, but more in the visual/interactive style of Harvest Moon.
Hmm. There's a ton of Mario games on the console that are really good. I enjoyed Kirby Air Ride, but I was a little fag back then.

I loved Luigi's Mansion. Can't really think of any more, I know I only had like 10 games.
Oh so you make fun of me for liking Gamecube Metroids better and you don't even ****ing have one? Nice.

I've played all three, via the trilogy. And yeah, the controls are so much better. Also, that's not even what I said.

Oh, and thanks to everyone. Unless you suggested Double Dash or Sunshine, in which case you may choose your form of execution now.
I've played all three, via the trilogy. And yeah, the controls are so much better. Also, that's not even what I said.

Oh, and thanks to everyone. Unless you suggested Double Dash or Sunshine, in which case you may choose your form of execution now.

Get outtttt
I saw a bunch of GC games online for like $2 a piece, I'll need to search but its nice knowing I can get a ton of hits for less than $40