manipulator and soda cans?

Also i bet a soda can at that speed would **** up a head crab.
Originally posted by FISKER_Q
Now this is gonna burst your noodle.

What if instead of using the manipulator to throw that radiator into the machine.
Then he took his gun and shot it, with(hopefully) the same effect. Would the cans then be psychically simulated, and then throw the combine of his feet, cause he fell on one?

I do hope you can pick up such small things. For example, you could throw a grenade in front of you, the pick it up with the manipulator and throw it much much farther away, or over high obstacles.
Originally posted by FISKER_Q
Now this is gonna burst your noodle.

What if instead of using the manipulator to throw that radiator into the machine.
Then he took his gun and shot it, with(hopefully) the same effect. Would the cans then be psychically simulated, and then throw the combine of his feet, cause he fell on one?

would you fall if a sodacan came rolling to your feet?

it's not like they're shooting out of the machine at bullet-speed, they're just pouring out...
Originally posted by Archangel
I do hope you can pick up such small things. For example, you could throw a grenade in front of you, the pick it up with the manipulator and throw it much much farther away, or over high obstacles.

Now that would be fun. :)
I agree with the throwing of your own grenades / flares etc etc.
This could add alot of options to overcome different situations.

E.G if you ran out of rockets and needed to take down a strider, greade into a wall so it bounces to your feet, then grav it and blast it at the strider. Sounds good!

also, are enemies *erm* pick-up-able, although I think this could spoil the game, at the same time you'll have to compremise alot of health to get near enough and even when he been picked up you'll still be thrashed with bullets.


before anyone one bitches about me saying 'he been picked up' I wasnt been sexist.
Sorry about posting something stupid, but ive been flamed about that kinda things way too many time.
Originally posted by Archangel
I do hope you can pick up such small things. For example, you could throw a grenade in front of you, the pick it up with the manipulator and throw it much much farther away, or over high obstacles.
Now there's an interesting propsition, if ever I heard one... Man this gun's going to be one of the most innovative tems in a computer game ever (or a spectacular let down but let's be positive, here people). Personally I want to beat people with dead headcrabs:E
Originally posted by Nathaniel
would you fall if a sodacan came rolling to your feet?

it's not like they're shooting out of the machine at bullet-speed, they're just pouring out...

No but the combine would surely not just stand still.

And you can still fall in them even though theyre just rolling quietly out. Of course at bulletspeed it probably wouldnt matter if the unit were standing still or walking.
Im not sure of this, but i know that the units follow the contour of the groung, eg will climp up a hill etc, so if the cans are solid surely they would have to step on them? or the clip through them orrrrr they might look like they are jumping up a bit, like their whole body rises over the can which would suck...any oppinions, I know slightly off topic to the post but hey it looks like its going this way anyway
I was referring to the movie, where the combine very clearly stands still.

I don't guess about the final game, since it's obviousl we don't really know anything about it. None of us do. Unless you're Gabe under another nickname :D

Speculating may be fun, but useless. 90% of all the ideas in here are pure nonsense and won't be in the game. I say just wait for the game and enjoy it. don't write posts about things so many times that in the end, you really believe everything said in here will be in the game, or you'll just end up disappointed :/
im not to sure but i think its good to write your ideas here as im sure gabe reads them and things...'hey, thats a cool idea!'

so we could actually be making a better game by speculating and conversing about things in the game we see.
Originally posted by
im not to sure but i think its good to write your ideas here as im sure gabe reads them and things...'hey, thats a cool idea!'

so we could actually be making a better game by speculating and conversing about things in the game we see.

Dude, its August, the game will have been finished for WEEKS, they will have been bug testing it since then.

The game is 99.9% finished.
oh well, maybe I was wrong. But you never know :p

Maybe they are writing down notes for future updates somewhere, they might not have time so make the tea boy do just never know :p
Originally posted by Nathaniel
I was referring to the movie, where the combine very clearly stands still.

I don't guess about the final game, since it's obviousl we don't really know anything about it. None of us do. Unless you're Gabe under another nickname :D

Speculating may be fun, but useless. 90% of all the ideas in here are pure nonsense and won't be in the game. I say just wait for the game and enjoy it. don't write posts about things so many times that in the end, you really believe everything said in here will be in the game, or you'll just end up disappointed :/

He was dead when the soda cans rolled out.

Well deciding on the big radiator getting launched into his face.
lol, might kill someone. I wonder if their going ultra realistic where you can have your fingers poking in a v shape, and go around blinding the combine.
Pretty ineffective considered the combine has a helmet :p

Nevertheless its just about coding a weapon, and maybe something to simulate a reallife situation of it.
Are you trying to say that the combine was protected from that projecticle RADIATOR by a helmet? Do you have any idea how heavy those things are?
I think he meant for poking the Combine in the eyes.
I dont know if you'll be able to pick up grenades .. with time it takes your manipulator to power up you'll most likely end up with an explosion in your face. Then again, this could be kind of fun, especially in MP - someone throws a grenade at you, you pick it up and throw it right back at them. :)
Originally posted by Gorgon
yes its called patches.

It would be pretty sad if Valve has to release a HL2 patch after 5 years of development.

edit: typo
What the manipulator had another function where you a grenade right on the manipulator, pull the pin, and then launch it.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
It would be pretty sad if Valve has to release a HL2 patch after 5 years of development.

edit: typo

Patches aren't a bad thing, they fix any bugs that they missed (and they will miss bugs, having a team of 100 in-house playtesters is never as good as having the product released and in the hands of millions of differently thinking people) and as seen in Half-Life 1, allows them to constantly update the game, engine, and mods with new features.
Omg, I just thought of something!

What if someone in Multiplayer throws a grenade at you then you pick it with the manipulator and throw it back at them (lol OwN3d)
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Omg, I just thought of something!

What if someone in Multiplayer throws a grenade at you then you pick it with the manipulator and throw it back at them (lol OwN3d)

Day Of Defeat has that feature, only without the manipulator. You pick it up yourself.
I want to be able to pick up enemies with the manip gun and shoot them at other enemies. Lmao that would rule.